Does anyone else hate washing their hair?

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29 Aug 2018, 12:22 pm

I hate washing.


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06 Sep 2018, 1:54 pm

I don't hate washing my hair but I hate DRYING my hair. If I never had to do that I would be gold. So because of that I put off washing my hair as long as I can.

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10 Sep 2018, 4:07 pm

I hate washing my hair so much that in my junior year of high school I cut it all off just to not deal with it. My mom was completely devistated, but I told her it's just hair? Not like it changes my health? So I kept it short for a while and it was really easy to keep and maintain. However, I started growing it out alittle more, so it's like shoulder length now.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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20 Sep 2018, 5:46 am

I hate showering in general, but at the same time I don't like feeling dirty... When I don't have anywhere to be or anyone to meet for a week or even longer I will probably not shower until then (nowadays I'm trying to shower twice a week though, which I rarely follow through with since I hate showering). I love it afterwards when I'm dry and clean and smell good and I love to feel my hair when it's newly washed, but before it feels like a big, boring chore. I envy those who can shower everyday or at least every other day. I had a small period where I tried to at least wash my body everyday, but I gave up eventually.


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24 Sep 2018, 3:11 am

I love how soft and smooth my hair is after its been washed, but actually washing it, for me is a absolute nightmare. I'm not comfortable when getting my hair wet but the worst part for me is applying the shampoo. I hate the feel of the shampoo on my hands and can only rub it in to my hair for a few seconds before dunking my hands back in the water to get rid of the shampoo :cry: Afterward brushing my hair can be pretty hard as well. I have brunette and long hair that goes down past my shoulders and unfortunately my hair needs washing regularly or it goes really greasy and feels and looks horrible.

But I am definitely not a fan of hair washes.

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25 Sep 2018, 7:45 am

In addition to my aversion to water in general, I have long, dreadlocked hair. The act of washing it isn't that bad, but having heavy wet hair on my head SUCKS SO BAD. I tie it up and wrap it up so it doesn't drip, but it's still HEAVY WET HAIR ON MY HEAD. It's so uncomfortable.

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27 Oct 2018, 1:20 pm

I have a hard time washing and taking care of my hair because it's very thick, plus any tasks that require multiple steps cause me to be very worn out. I have settled on having an undercut and keeping my hair about shoulder length so it stays manageable. I enjoy rubbing and tugging the short undercut hair and it stops me from scratching at my hairline which was causing some hairloss. I can't stand the feeling of hair around my face! When my hair gets to be unmanageable I start to feel physically ill whether it's from the sensory aspect or the anxiety of having to take care of it I'm not sure. Maybe even both!


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07 Nov 2018, 9:27 am

I hate washing my hair as I have a big problem with the feel of water splashing on my face, arms and neck, plus I tend to forget to do it anyway even when I add it to my calendar.

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10 Jul 2019, 6:58 pm

I generally dislike taking showers at all- I have to force myself to wash myself at least every other day, or else I get too dirty.

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12 Jul 2019, 7:27 am

I have to wash my hair every two-three days as it makes my scalp itchy and irritated. I have long hair, which I like the look of but it's a pain practicality wise. If its raining or windy out, my hair is annoying. Most of the time I leave it to dry and brushing it is my equivalent of styling. Dry shampoo is a saviour sometimes too, though that can be irritating as it makes me want to scratch my scalp.

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07 Aug 2019, 7:14 am

I'm OK with washing hair and showers. I usually do it every two days or every three days. I don't feel particularly good or bad about it. It's just a routine. My kids are the same way. They were irregular about showers, until I told them to put it on their calendars. Now they take showers very regularly and have the satisfaction of checking it off their calendars. I guess it helps they don't have sensory issue with water or soap. The one thing that sucks is the three of us all have long, thick hair. they can takes 5 - 8 hours to dry. We never use hair dryers. So going to bed with damp hair is just part of our lives.

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07 Aug 2019, 9:28 am

I love my hair being clean and fresh and hate getting it wet. I wash my hair about every three days.

My hair is well past my hips, about three - four inches past my hips. I enjoy it being long and wear it down almost always, except for at work when is needed to be up. Even in a regular high ponytail, it still sits at my hips.

It is time consuming to dry. I use a hair dryer.
Despite having such long hair, I am not good at styling it - I can't do french braids or anything like that. I do however cut my fringe myself (bangs) and I have it trimmed every few months for split ends.

Having wet hair is heavy and uncomfortable. It's the sensation. I also don't like having water on my face. I hate putting my face underwater - gives me extreme anxiety. I remember a huge hoo-ha when I was about five years old and refused to retrieve a rubber ring from the bottom of a shallow pool - flat out refused to do it or even try. It was such a big deal. All the other children did it. I remember sitting with my mother and the instructor later and feeling like I was in trouble. :| Obviously they didn't understand. I was only diagnosed last year out of my own suspicion.


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20 Oct 2019, 1:15 am

Uhh, I am at war with my hair...basically I have greasy hair, dry scalp and reoccuring dandruff but yeah good luck treating that at once. I mean I got some stuff that really helps the dandruff but it contributes to making my hair greasy, then I have some shampoo that helps the greasiness but kind of dries my hair out too much, so then I have another one to help moisturize my hair and strengthen it so it doesn't break from dryness. So currently I am alternating between those three shampoos.

I did find a bar shampoo on amazon with Shikakai I guess it is some ingredient that has been used in india and asia for hair since ancient times and from what I read up it can be helpful for the issues I experience so I may order that shampoo bar and see if it works. I mean if this shampoo bar works then I won't have to deal with rinsing out all those shampoo bottles for recycling. I don't so much hate washing my hair though, I just cannot seem to find anything I am satisfied with to wash my hair with.

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20 Oct 2019, 2:08 pm

I hate washing my hair (and my self in general). The water is always too hot and makes me feel like i'm enclosed in heat and it's so hard to find the perfect temperature. My hair is really thick, so washing my hair requires extra effort if I want to penetrate below the surface layer. I hate feeling my hair on the back of my neck and my back and then having to dry myself off after. It's just a really annoying chore for me, so if I can avoid it I will. I've had times where I've gone far too long without washing.


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01 Nov 2019, 2:41 pm

Joe90 wrote:
I know it feels nice when your hair is washed and dried and looking/smelling nice. But if I had my way I'll only wash my hair when I wanted, which would probably be about twice a month. Sure, greasy hair makes me feel dirty, but it's OK if I tie it back.

My mother gets on to me about not washing my hair, especially if I haven't been doing anything all day. She's like "you've had all day!" I hate it when people say that. Sometimes I really, really don't feel like washing my hair, and I put it off 'til the next day. I just don't like my hair being wet, and it takes so long to dry because it's thick.

I feel I have to wash my hair for social approval. I don't really want to go to work looking like a skank. Plus I tend to get stares from strangers in public when my hair doesn't look it's best, and I hate being stared at. So I only wash my hair to keep my dignity.

Anyone else feel the same about washing their hair?

Completely agrees with this . Am plenty tired by the time of the day, when one might wish too wash their hair. :(

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02 Nov 2019, 11:06 am

I hate the wash my hair, I hate to bathe and I hate to shower. I hate washing my body! I know it has to be done so I do it, I had always hoped I’d outgrow that feeling because I love swimming but no it feels as if the older I get the more will power it takes to do what must be done.