A thread to celebrate not having heterosexual problems! :D

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06 Sep 2021, 11:43 am


Just thought I'd make a thread to celebrate the fact that I almost Never have to deal with the BS that comes along with relationships with the opposite sex.


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06 Sep 2021, 11:58 am

I tried all that when I suspected it was expected, but knew in my heart it wasn't likely to work. I'm fortunate to have someone who understands me with all my strangeness. Guys understand each other better, while the opposite sex could be tough for even Einstein to understand!

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06 Sep 2021, 1:34 pm

Have not had to worrying about these dynamics cause i no longer seek out relationships .
am quite satisfied trying to be my own best friend. But just in case , i do keep a married couple as
closer friends and a married but seperated male . Whom i have common interests with.
And these relationships have been quite stable for many years .
zSo can relate to not having to deal with the same issues as normal hetero relationships .... :D

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08 Sep 2021, 5:44 am

Never have I had to worry, as a gay woman, about falling pregnant or getting STIs from lovers (likelihood significantly reduced between female sexual partners, but no, not impossible). I think that’s a pretty big bonus.


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11 Sep 2021, 8:40 pm

I've never fully understood the concept of not understanding the opposite sex and gender. Perhaps I might feel differently if I weren't gay, maybe men would generally be a mystery to me in that circumstance. I know that there is plenty of merchandise and jokes out there about not understanding the opposite sex and having a - I guess you could say a connection of sorts to the same sex.

Personally I don't really feel that connection. I understand that AMAB individuals have different experiences and different expectations placed upon them. Experiences that I don't have lived experience with, only second-hand accounts.

It has been interesting to learn about the differences my friend, who is a trans woman, has noticed in terms of treatment when being outwardly perceived as female compared to before she started publicly transitioning.

Sometimes people assume that I understand straight men because I am gay. I understand some straight men, much like I understand anyone of any varying gender and sexuality depending on the individual. How men approach me has changed, I am called masculine terms more often, I am asked for girl advice (despite being clueless myself) and people talk more graphically about women when around me (whereas, when they perceived me as straight, there was usually one guy there telling the others that they shouldn't talk that way when a lady is present).

I remember coming out once to a woman, and her response was that it made sense. That she couldn't picture me with men, that I had the wrong energy for it. I still wonder about that sentiment and it's not the only time people have made such remarks, I have been told that I come across as gay. People are rarely shocked, sometimes even making gay jokes before I've even mentioned it. Apparently I am oblivious to whatever it is about me that keeps giving people this impression. I've noticed that others in the community and close allies are more likely to assume that I am gay compared to most. Even when I'm not trying.

Women are amazing. Yes, I'm biased, I know. As a lesbian, I am aware of the objectification of women and I don't want to be perceived as a predator but I am also aware of my physical attraction to women. I have caught myself staring at -that- area. Of course, I always correct my eyelevel if that happens. I remember one particularly embarrassing moment when I was a teenager, when I absent-mindedly looked in that area on a mannequin for a little too long and a friend I was with noticed and called me out on it. I wanted the ground to swallow me.

*Cough* Anyway. *Cough*

The lack of pregnancy concern is a nice perk. If I ever have a girlfriend, I'll probably borrow her clothes and hopefully we'll go stargazing together and explore the sights. We'll have late-night talks about life and stupid stuff that doesn't really mean anything but means a lot in that moment. That's the dream anyway. I hope I get to experience my first kiss at some point (I know I shouldn't put too much weight in it, after all it could be terrible) and get to go on a date some day. *Sigh*

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11 Sep 2021, 10:49 pm

Being asexual and aromantic, I get to avoid the dating minefield entirely :D

And being agender in addition means I don’t understand any of this division-by-gender stuff at all. Gender doesn’t make one whit of difference to me, for anyone, regarding anything. I’m never deliberately disrespectful of anyone for whom gender is a main part of their identity, but it means I don’t have any real preconceptions regarding it. Everyone is equally mysterious and perplexing to me :lol:

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12 Sep 2021, 4:43 pm

Men ain’t THAT bad :P

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16 Sep 2021, 12:01 am

You guys are looney tunes.

As a gay man, I can't speak for the lesbians/bi women, maybe it is more acceptable in that sense. I can't speak on their situation or life. So I will respect that.

But with me being a gay man, it is so much easier for straight guys to deal and operate and construct things. The gay/bi male community is really difficult to navigate through, and I have to say as far as me being a gay man, and also single, and trying to date and meet other people, and be social, the grass doesn't seem to be greener or easier, but I don't know. Especially not only being black, but autistic as well in the gay/bi male community. My chances seem pretty dim and grim and, low, and slim to none. So yeah.

I have to disagree slightly on this, but this is just my opinion, and I feel you guys are entitled to your own opinions as well, and I'll respect if things are different for you.

Thank you. :)

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25 Sep 2021, 9:20 am

I don’t know man.

From my observation the largest issues that people face in their relationships, be that gay or straight relationships, derive from an incompatibility in the aspects of personality and character, lifestyles, goals and ambitions but also the general worldview, values and priorities rather than gender related stuff.

Maybe being of the same gender increases the likelihood of compatibility in some of those fields but I am not certain about that. At least it’s absolutely no guarantee. I know of gay and lesbian relationships that have been absolute shitshows where the people had nothing in common, didn't understand one another at all and straight relationships that worked out perfectly well and where the people had formed a great symbiosis and understood each other well.

I don’t really think homosexual dating is necessarily easier at all. For one the majority of the people are hetero so the dating pool is smaller and you are less likely to meet someone randomly.
And then there is the factor that hook-up culture and the trend towards open-relationships and polyamory is a lot stronger within the LGBT community than it already is amongst straight people nowadays which makes it more difficult for me, a monogamous guy who isn’t into hook-up culture and won’t ever consider or be open to open-relationships and polyamory, to find a compatible partner in the gay community.

And then there is the entire homophobia thing as well.... Straight people don’t have to think about whether holding hands in specific areas of the city can get them into the hospital or even killed. They don’t have to be as hyper-aware of their surroundings.

I sometimes think that it would probably be easier if I wouldn’t have a strong preference for men but for women instead. But about 90% of the people I have been attracted to, interested in and the few I’ve actually dated happened to be men only about 10% happened to be women.

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Sea Gull
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28 Sep 2021, 9:41 am

I grew up straight but the 1st marriage at 21was a handful she manipulated me very well.I didn't know that I was autistic and in trouble she went to greener grass.The 2nd wife was totally different has been great.


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29 Sep 2021, 1:03 am

At some point I was considering a vasectomy so I could continue having natural sex with my partner without worrying about unplanned pregnancies. Pretty sure I wouldn't have had those thoughts if I were gay.

Also I wonder if I wouldn't have had more male friends if I were gay. I don't do the macho-traditional stuff so the kind of "boys locker-room banter" I grew up with was immensely tiring and annoying.


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30 Sep 2021, 5:07 pm

Sometimes I am asked if I ever wish I was straight. It'd make dating easier, sure, but I can't imagine myself as a straight woman. This isn't meant as an insult to straight women, but rather it just seems like an entirely different world. I wish I had a girlfriend. Or at least I hope that some day I can kiss a woman (consensually, of course). Dance together, even though I'm not the best dancer. Share playlists. Hold each other. Sit outside and look at the stars. That'd be nice.

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01 Oct 2021, 1:03 pm

I had a vasectomy per her request never felt normal again.