Would homosexuality being a choice affect the morality of it

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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29 Dec 2021, 3:31 am

I ask because in all the debates about the morality and legality of homosexuality it seems to always hinges on this premise: homosexuality is something that is innate, gays cant control their sexual orientation anymore than blacks can control their race, and ultimately it is wrong to discriminate against someone for things outside of their control

The question I have is this: why do supporters or opponents of homosexuality being allowed/condemned hinge their contentions on the premise of it being a choice or not? Does homosexuality being a choice versus inextricably innate change the morality of it?

Thought experiment: would the people who support homosexuality being allowed or at the very least tolerated, would their opinion change in any way if scientific evidence came out indisputably showing homosexuality is not a choice but actually a deviance caused by aberrant thoughts and brainwashing (again note that this a thought experiment to try to probe a philosophical argument, I am not in any way averring that homosexuality is or isn't a choice but I would think its not a choice since it wouldn't make sense to me why people would choose to be gay given all the discrimination gays face)

Again before this thread devolves into something it wasn't meant to be let me clear this up: this thread isn't about whether you support the right of homosexuality or normalizing it in society or not: my question is a meta question asking if the question of homosexuality being natural versus a choice is even relevant to said discussion in the 1st place?


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29 Dec 2021, 3:39 am

I don't think, who you find yourself being attracted to is much of a choice. I believe these things are socially conditioned responses, but based on innate biological factors. The only choice, is the individual in question.

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29 Dec 2021, 3:56 am

There are a lot of things that are caused via "aberrant thoughts and brainwashing", and arguably homophobia fits the bill more than homosexuality. The question thing gets brought up because the idea that it is natural or not for people to feel those ways, as natural as others who feel attraction to the opposite sex.

Perhaps the thought experiment of homosexualit not being natural but aberration put on someone, could change some thoughts. But it still it is not hurting anyone, and rather making them happy. Why would someone want to stop people from being gay?

And also, I think the general ideas that more conservative people have deviance along the idea of things like degeneracy, are kind of super cringe. People are not deviant or degenerate for being gay.

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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29 Dec 2021, 4:07 am

theprisoner wrote:
I don't think, who you find yourself being attracted to is much of a choice. I believe these things are socially conditioned responses, but based on innate biological factors. The only choice, is the individual in question.

The question I ask isn't whether homosexuality is a choice, the question I ask is if the question of whether homosexuality is a choice or not even matters in how we view it? Basically im asking a question about the legitimacy of a question, i.e. a meta-question


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29 Dec 2021, 4:33 am

DmitriNicholaev wrote:
theprisoner wrote:
I don't think, who you find yourself being attracted to is much of a choice. I believe these things are socially conditioned responses, but based on innate biological factors. The only choice, is the individual in question.

The question I ask isn't whether homosexuality is a choice, the question I ask is if the question of whether homosexuality is a choice or not even matters in how we view it? Basically im asking a question about the legitimacy of a question, i.e. a meta-question

It shouldn't matter because people have the right to make choices for themselves, anyway. Being religious is a choice, yet no one seriously argues that people should be persecuted because of their religion.

What fresh hell is this?


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29 Dec 2021, 5:55 am

A homosexual is a person who is attracted to adult members of the same sex.

Substitute "adult member of the same sex" with "children", and you have a different kettle of fish.

If you're hot for pre teen kids then you are considered sick. But are you considered 'immoral'?

Not really because its not the thoughts and urges, its whether or not you act upon those. If you act upon then you become a pedophile and you are immoral and criminal and get arrested.

Consensual sex with adults of the same sex is considered no more harmful than that between members of the opposite sex. Adults with children is considered harmful. Ergo to be immoral the urge has to be both harmful if acted upon, and has to be acted upon.

So homosexuality being a choice would still not be immoral.


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29 Dec 2021, 7:12 am

Homosexuality, whatever the cause behind it, is no more or less a moral issue than Heterosexuality.
The question is moot.

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29 Dec 2021, 8:25 am

Even if it was a “choice” (which it isn’t), I don’t see anything immoral about homosexuality.

I choose not to indulge in it. I like women better.

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29 Dec 2021, 8:49 am

DmitriNicholaev wrote:
The question I have is this: why do supporters or opponents of homosexuality being allowed/condemned hinge their contentions on the premise of it being a choice or not? Does homosexuality being a choice versus inextricably innate change the morality of it?

Whether it's a choice doesn't impact whether it is fundamentally good, bad, or indifferent.

However, the question of whether homosexuality is a choice does impact the urgency of fighting for gay rights.

If it were a choice, it might not be worth all the effort to counteract homophobia, agitate for changes in laws, etc.

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29 Dec 2021, 9:07 am

DmitriNicholaev wrote:
Would homosexuality being a choice affect the morality of it?
Within the context of whose morality?


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29 Dec 2021, 10:41 am

If homosexuality was a choice, those against it would probably become even more against it, but I don't think it would change the opinions of those who aren't against it. So, those against homosexuality would probably see it as more immoral than they possibly do now, but others wouldn't think of it as more or less morally correct as they do now.


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29 Dec 2021, 10:45 am

Some people throw around the concept of morality as if the only morality is their morality.


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29 Dec 2021, 12:05 pm

Morality is MOSTLY Relative...

Morality IS A CuLTuRaL Construct
That Humans Move, Connect And Co-Create
Together; Yes, Ideologies And Associated Symbols

Co-Created to Bond And Bind Human Social Animals
Together; The Glue of Life That Keep Folks Working together

For Basic Subsistence And Even Thriving Joyously Singing Off the
Same Notes of Sheet Music of Choirs So Harmoniously Together

At Midnight Mass
or Whatever Indeed
As Even Renowned
Famous Atheist
Sam Harris


Gospel Singing
or A Rock Concert
With Folks Coming Together
on the Same Wave Lengths of
Feeling And Sensing Life Do Ascend

A Singular View of Life Transcending
To A Group Experience of Much More than
Themselves Alone; Yes, Indeed it is Necessary

to Understand Morality is MOSTLY Relative to
See That Humans And The Environment of Spoon-Fed

CuLTuRES From Birth With Their Own Rules of Morality, Just

About Anything Goes as Let's Not Forget There Are Some Primitive
Tribes Studied Still Surviving Now That Use A Phrase in Their Language

For the 'Work of the Night' For Bringing Children into the World As Children
Are The Prize of the Whole Tribe Where There are No Words in Their Language

For Masturbation
Or Homosexuality
As From Puberty on
Those From Reproductive
Ages Practice A Religion
of the Work of the Night
In 'Missionary Positions' of Creating
Children As A Shared Belief in Morality
of What is Most Important In Life And True

Epigenetic Effect and Neuroplasticity Does Come
into Play As Hormones Change According to Environmental
Influence too As There are Not the Same Population Pressures
And Stress associated With the Wombs of Mothers Bringing Children
To Term As That Does Influence Environmental And Biological Changes

That Result in More Orientation of Homosexuality as Seen in the Rest of
The Animal Kingdom too; Yet Let's Get Back to the Relative Aspect of Morality;

Women in Some African Cultures Feel Great Esteem Over the Pleasure That
Would Otherwise Literally come if they Still Had their Clitoris Pleasure Organs

Attached; So, For Many of them Their Morality As Spoon-Fed From Birth Convinces

Them It's Better
Not to Feel Pleasure


Than Pleasure

And Instead Gain Greater

Self-Esteem By Following CuLTuRaLLY
Their Rules of Morality From Birth

And True of Course World-Wide
Many Women Gladly Go Into Arranged
Marriages Feeling Great Self-Esteem Having

Sex With Someone They Barely Know and May
Even Disgust them Someways Through Institutional

First Night of Marriage Date Rape If it isn't Consensual

By Example of Child-Bride Marriage too Where Indeed

What We Would Consider As Horrifying Pedophilia is Considered

Religiously Acceptable And Moral As In Wars Rapes Are Considered

Moral Too in the Name of 'Their God' and Throwing Acid on Women Accused of

Adultery and Mutilating Penises of Little Boys in Many Countries Without Blinking
An Eye Without even Any Anesthesia to Cull the Pain Either Without Blinking An

Eye as Little Babies

In Baptism, Terrified,
With Water Poured Over

Their Head With the Natural

Aversion to Drowning of Course;

While the Rest of the Congregation

Laughs as the Child Cries Out As Of Course

They Aren't Feeling the Terror of the Child
Somehow the Empathy for the Child is Worn
Away by Relative Morality Indeed or Shall We

Review January 6th of 2021, Again And See the
Banners of "Jesus Saves" By Gallows With Chants

Of Hang the Vice President Mike Pence and Overthrow

A Democratic Process Then; Indeed, What's Really Scary

And Nice About the Human Condition is Through Relative

Morality We Can

Make Dreams

Or Nightmares
Come to Fruition

Through the Cultures,
Religions, Philosophies

And Yes Politics We Move,
Connect And Co-Create Next, Yes

And Now And Through History We are
the Basic Same Classical Evolved Human Beings

Biologically As We Were At the Start of Agriculture
12,000 Years ago and Before that; What makes the

Difference in How our Genetics are Expressed is the
Environment That Most Definitely Includes the Overall

Cultural Environments We Move, Connect and Co-Create;

And Oh by the way there are Also Other so-Called Primitive

Human Cultures
Where Great


And Promise for The
Future Village is Obtained
And Expressed For the Prospective
Mothers Collecting the Most Semen
in Reproductive Activities With the Most
Potential Father's Possible As All that Input

Is Considered Potential For Greater Human Achievements

And Since No one Knows Who the Father Really Is Indeed

The Village

Has More


Propensity to
Raise the Child
With More Love
Much More Love

Than Just One Father
With Of course all the
Mother's Helping too Where
Compersion is More a Way of Life Than Jealousy;

Yet of Course one of my Three Majors in College
Was Anthropology and It's True Coming From a
Small Very Conservative Town With what was once

In The Record Books For the Most Christian Churches
Per Square Miles Then in Locality of Inhabitants, i Was

Quite Aghast to Find Such Disregard for The Christian
Religion; It Was the First Time i Ever heard Someone

Dare to Question

it in College;

It's Worth Noting,
Not Everyone Leaves
Their Home Town and

Not Everyone Goes to College

To Gain Greater Views in Life;

Yet Now There is the Information

Highway And More Folks Are Criticizing

Relative Morality that is Practically Insane

Like Believing The After Life is More Important

Than this Life Now Like Believing That An All Loving
Merciful Forgiving God Tortures Life Forever 'Amen'...

Morality is As Fluid

As The River



As Is Sexual Orientation
And How We Treat Each
Other in Fresh Hell or Spoiled Heaven on Earth...

i am A Participant Anthropology Observer And
i Do Write Free Verse Epic LONGEST LONG FORM
Poetry As A Retirement Special Interest Hobby for

Free As i am Financially


And Don't
Wear Diapers
Believing More
Money and Stuff is
Gonna Make me Happier...

i Have Friends With Morality That Relatively
Varies Very Extensively All Around the Globe

And i am Surely Armed With Lots of Resources

When it Comes to Allowing them a New View of Life;

And it's True Folks In Other Countries Who aren't So
Materially Reduced in Outlooks On Life and Attention Spans
Who Indeed Are Gifted in Both Intellect and Creativity too; They

Can And Do and Will Withstand the Depth of True Stories
About the Diverse Human Condition That Do Come And

Two of my Favorite Ted Talk Videos to Open Minds
That Do Open A Little Bit, i Will Share Here in Regard

to the Morality of
Conservative and
Liberal Human Behavior
As that Relates to Biology
And Sexual Orientation as

It's True i Am 100 Percent
Extroverted, 100 Percent
Open Minded, Close to Zero
Percent With the O.C.E.A.N
Variable of Anxieties
And Fears of

And Surely Have
the Ability to Say NO
When it Comes to Agreeableness

And Obviously Conscientious Enough
to Finish A Project or Keep it Going when

Most Folks Would Have Given up on both
The Project and Life Way Before they Arrived
to Where i Come to Be Now; Yet Again it's a Matter
of Biology And Environment; i Was Mistaken For A Female
And Accused of Being Gay for my Androgynous And Happy
Way of Expressing myself in this 'Trump Town USA' in Middle

School Indeed and now i am Literally the Strongest Leg pressing
Dude out of all the Elite Military Dudes 4 Decades younger than

Me at the Military Gym i Work-out With; AND YES True, i Warm Up
With 1380 Pounds Three Times Weekly And Still Can Do the Max That
The Machine Will Hold of 1520 Pounds at 61 Years of age, Yes 15,942
Miles of Public Dance in 100 Months Does Help Humans Become
Strong as Orangutans As Science Agrees We Do Still

Have the Epigenetic Potential to Do this


i Get to Do Ballet and
Mixed Martial Arts Public

Dance in Front of All the
Onward Christian Marching

Conservative Bully Boys Who

Would Have Once Threatened to Beat
me Up And Call me Queer for Moving

in Graceful Balance Like a Lion on the
Savannah; Yet It's True You Won't Find

Any Mice Making Fun of the How the Lion
Moves on the Savannah at Least Not Whiskers to Whiskers

Unless Someone Has No Idea Where They Even are in Life...

Morality is Relative And Pleasure is Real and the Kinsey Report
Long Ago Showed that People Lie about What they really Like or Do Not

Like to Do in Life For What Body Parts End Up Touching together or Not

at Least From the
Research that Exists

Life is A River Always

Changing And the more
Freedoms We have the More

Fluid the River Becomes As It's

True There is Isn't Nearly as Much
Freedom in China; Yet The Authoritarian
Way it is Run Means They Squashed the Pandemic

In March of 2020 and Keep it Flat-lined Since then
And With A Few Blips They Squash the Pandemic Again

Through Closures, Masking, Contact Tracing, And Over 90
Percent of their Population That is Vaccinated with

Way Over A Billion People

And Only A Little

Over 5,000 Deaths

Overall; yet It's True

For Some Folks it is Literally

Give me Liberty or Give me Death...

Balance Baby, A Healthy Balance is Where it's

At and Finding that Balance When the River of
Culture is this Fluid and Streaming Out in So Many
Directions of Relative Morality is A Real Great Life Work of Art



i Just Dance
Naked With Sand
And Sun And Become
Grains of Sand Mixed
With Sunshine in Effortless

Ease yet of course Not everyone
Has Financial Independence and
A Wife Who Does Everything else
Around the Home as She Insists
She is the Very Best at Doing it and i Just
Agreeably Reply Yes Dear Indeed Have it All Your Way...

Anyway, Here Are The Videos And Really Considering the
Beauty that Environment and Biology Brings in Nature's
'Consequences' of Different Sexual Orientations When

Population and General Social Stresses Come into Play
With the Womb and Hormones And all the Research
Coming to Light in that Area It is Indeed Beautiful

That Nature

Produces more

Kind Empathic
Individuals Who

Are Not So Competitive

For the Reproductive Game

And Instead Are More Loving
Cooperative and Empathic Overall Indeed

(Don't Forget How Many Births Elton John
Love Songs Have Literally Fathered From Afar)

As The Hormonal Changes Do Come into Play

Yet For Some 'Reason', Yes, Folks Get Stuck in the Weeds
of What Body Part Touches What in Material Reductionist
More Left Brain Literal Processing of the World in Disgust;

Yet it's True in the Second Video Jonathan Haidt Entertains

Why A Conservative Person Will be Disgusted More By Seeing
The Little Bitty Teeny Weenie of A 'David' By Michelangelo

Focusing on that
Small Organ
of Reproduction

While a More Liberal
Person May See the
Bigger Picture of

Aesthetic Beauty
And 'Hardly' Notice
the Tiny Flaccid Penis at all;

True the Catholic Church for
this 'Biological/Environmental'
Human Conservative Propensity

Did cover Up the Tiny Weenie of
Michelangelo's Jesus Sculpture until

The Entire Almost Microscopic Tiny Weenie
Was Exposed in the year 2017; yet it's Worth

Noting That Small Packages of Males Were the

Prized Jewels in the Days of the Renaissance

And the Prize in Porn Today Was Considered

Gross and Disgusting Then it all Depends

it All Depends

On Relative Morality

Indeed As Indeed Gay Folks
Are More Interested in Sizes
of Male Penises As a Focus of Life
As of course They Have one too and
Want More Than One to Enjoy too...

Meanwhile Straight folks Spend Their
Life Neurotically Concerned About it
And Send Penis Pics to Disgusted Prospective

Female Lovers Who Are More

Concerned About
The Size of the

Grinch's Heart...

Yet of Course Spoon-Fed
Porn From Pre-Teen Ages

Surely Aren't Helping the

Neuroticism or the Empathy
Overall Towards the Hearts of Women too...

Yet Again, You Could Be Frustrated to Hell and
Back Like Where it Was All Hidden Miserably (60's Thru 70's)

In Small Rural Christian Dominated Conservative Areas

From Age 13 Until 18, Where You Didn't

Even Have A Clue Females Enjoyed

Sex at all Until your
First Major


About the Birds
And The Bees
And All their Parts too..

Like i Said Morality is Relative And
With Arts And Sciences i am Just Happy i Have

Perspectives of 61 Years From so Many

Vantage Points of Real Life Experiences

To Understand and Master What
Works for me

in Balance;
And Now and then

i Give And Share those
Views With Others as i surely

Understand What's It's Like
To Be Lost in This World; All of This

Relative Morality Without Any Other Views to Escape;

i Don't Want to Move to China, i'll take my Chances Still on Freedom;

And True i have enough Frigging Intelligence, Empathy, Compassion

to Support Others

Who Are Different

Than me as Both Education

And Being a Participant
Anthropology Observer

More than Just Book-Work Brings...

Anyway, A Biggest Picture is Humans
Are Out of Balance With Nature Taking
Hoarding More Than Giving Sharing

And This Means So Many

People Will Continue

To Suffer the Karma
in Natural

And Consequences

Until they And the Rest of
Human Cultures Find Balance OR NOT...

This is a Very Complex Question And if Anyone

Thinks they Can answer it in a Twitter Size Response;

And in Even Beginning to Answer it in an Essay this Long

They are

Sadly Mistaken

As i Could Attempt

To Cover it in 10 MiLLioN
Words of EPiC Long Form
Poetry as a Participant



and Barely

Still Scratch the
Surface Understanding

The More i Know the More i do not know...

Yet indeed That is what Deepest
Thinkers/Feelers Understand

What They
Don't Know
And Feel
No Matter
How Many
Facts and
Figures and Loves

They Have Collected
in Research and Real Experience of Life;

And For me at Least, Far From Materially
Reductionist in Think and Feel, this Makes
Life More Mysterious, Awesome, And Even More
Thrilling Every Day Now; It's true "it's Good to be me"

As "Austin

Related to
A 'Beautiful Stranger' too hehe...

With 'Madonna' Along For A Wild Ride...

God Yes, Indeed Ya Have to Be Somewhat
of An 'Undercover Spy' to Figure All this Holy S88T Out...

Yet if And When You
Do in Autotelic
Flow Generate
And Regulate

And Master Your
Own Emotions and
Senses Within it really does

Become as Simple as a Balancing
Dance Naked Enough Whole Complete

In Sand And Sun As Grains And Sunshine Loving Life;

Yes, Being Financially Independent With 'Wendy' the

Beloved Fairy

God Mother
Wife Friend

Doing All the
Rest of the Work

Does Provide A Reality

For A Real 'Peter Pan' to Exist;

Yet You See, Yet You May Not Feel
or Sense, or See, This IS MY STORY 'Rabbit Whole Deeper';

This Is My Relative Morality, i own myself And Master indeed...

It's Kinda Rare These Days to Live Such an 'Autistic Social Life'
Yet i do, yet i do, So True...

For Me at Least...


With A Personality
Like Mine Ya Can Tick
off A Whole Lot of

'Bucket List

Items' With Relative Morality And Free Will Before the
Last Breath of Loving Joy Breathes With Someone else...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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29 Dec 2021, 12:25 pm

my guessis that it would be much, much more widespread. Because why try to appeal to the opposite sex when you can *choose* to just f**k your mates. Also, probably most men's sex life would be a lot kinkier.

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.


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29 Dec 2021, 12:34 pm

Adressing ^ aghogday post specifically and subject in general. I agree Morality is a social construct, malleable and varied across time, location, and culture. But it's rooted in real evolutionary necessities of survival. SO morality has cohesiveness to it. ( There are universal themes and ideas within the entire domain , which are derived from the common human needs and psychology.)

Basically we have to somehow be nice to each other, lest we fall into barbarism. Morality is codified way of enforcing that. For tribal unity. For a healthy society.--of course it can go awry. For maintaining order and therefore- a peace and calm in the mind of the citizen.

Nature is amoral. The lion eats the Zebra. Pleasure and pain. Stimulus response conditioning. Overpopulation = breakdown of morality, rise in crime. ( There's a famous rat study that showed this. Mammalian behavior.)

Also, it's amazing how you managed to pack talk about clitoris and penis in one epic long form poem. (And make it seem oh so natural.) lol.

Austin powers , beautiful stranger, I actually saw that in the cinema. You're bringing back memories.

Morality, it's a enormous subject, alot can be said. I'll leave it to others, I've said my part.

AQ: 27 Diagnosis:High functioning (just on the cusp of normal.) IQ:131 (somewhat inflated result but ego-flattering) DNA:XY Location: UK. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Brown. Height:6'1 Celebrity I most resemble: Tom hardy. Favorite Band: The Doors. Personality: uhhm ....(what can i say...we asd people are strange)


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29 Dec 2021, 2:31 pm

Ah Yes, Speaking of 'Beautiful Ones,'

John Bumpass Calhoun (Yes that's
Really His Middle Name), And His Study

of Norway Rats in the 60's That Came With
A Following Conclusion As Quoted Below From Wiki:

"In July 1968, four pairs of mice were introduced into the habitat. The habitat was a 9-foot (2.7 m) square metal pen with 4.5-foot-high (1.4 m) sides. Each side had four groups of four vertical, wire mesh "tunnels." The "tunnels" gave access to nesting boxes, food hoppers, and water dispensers. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators. The only adversity was the limit on space.

Initially, the population grew rapidly, doubling every 55 days. The population reached 620 by day 315, after which the population growth dropped markedly, doubling only every 145 days. The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice, even though the experiment setup allowed for as many as 3840 mice in terms of nesting space. This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against."

"After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting and only engaging in tasks that were essential to their health. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed."

"The conclusions drawn from this experiment were that when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population."

"Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man. He characterized the social breakdown as a "second death," with reference to the "second death" mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation (Revelation 2:11). His study has been cited by writers such as Bill Perkins as a warning of the dangers of living in an "increasingly crowded and impersonal world."

And Speaking of the Metaphor of 'Bumpass', How Shocked i was To Find, After Leaving the Dance Hall Experiences
of the Late 80's Into Married Happily Ever After, Still i Will Add Is True, Yet Practically Aghast Entering into the

Dance Experiences And Associated 'Miley Cyrus' Memes of 2014, As A Young Twenty Something Woman
Forcefully Grinded Her Buttocks Up and Down on my Male Frontal Parts As Such. It Was Like WTF, Back
'in the Day' in my 20's, in the 80's When the Millennials Then Were Just Toddlers; in the Adult Bars

Men Actually Asked Women to Dance And It Was All Face-to-Face, With Actual Kissing, Where

What i Came to Find is You Will Be Gifted A Grinding 'Bumpass' Against the Frontal Parts
Dance Without Even The Aggressive Almost Predator Acting Young Female Women

Turning Around to Make

Face-to Face-Contact

in Anyway at all;

Just Dancing Away
And In This Way With
'Her' Girlfriends Leaving

Together And Leaving the
Dudes Behind; Indeed Between
The Late 80's And The New Millennials

As Adults, The Relative Morality of Mating Behavior

Changed Drastically With Women More in Charge
of Their Own Satisfaction As Surprisingly the

Aggressor; and to Be Clear There Were Also

Predator Like Groups of Dudes Seeking Not So
'Responsive' more 'Innocent' Young Women Where

They Were Also Looking for A Quick Clothed Hook-Up too...

Yet Then What Was totally New Compared to the 80's, Yes, Was
the Prevalence of Women Dancing Together in Grinding Dancing this Way...

There are Other Analogies For Human Behavior as In Japan In A Very Over-Populated
Place in A Small Geographical Area, Young folks Are Losing Their Interest in Actual Procreation
With Each Other; Sadly, Isolated Elders Are Taken Care of With "Clean Up Crews" By What Remains

Of them With No Actual Social Contacts, Who Have Even Noticed They Died, Until the Clean-Up
Crews Take Care of the Grizzly Remains of Humans Who No Longer ACT like Social Animals, Nope,

Not Even Healthy Norway Rats.

And Of Course, There
Is A Huge Grooming
Rage in Make-up And the
Such For Males in South Korea too....

And Of Course, Science Shows, A life Spent
More Reduced to Left Brain Processing Life in
Mechanical Cognition Ways Withers Away our Social

Empathic More Artistic Actual Emotional Spiritual Intelligences too...

Indeed, There is Clearly A War Between the Genders Going On; Indeed,

Humans Are Truly Out of Balance With Nature and Human Social Animal Nature Now...

And True, Even Pandemics Naturally Take Advantage of this As Where i Live in Northwest

Florida, Despite the Aversion to Vaccines and Other Appropriate Pandemic Measures It is

A Rural Area

Not Packed

Like Lemmings
in Cans of Huge Cities
of Stacked Human Beings

In Skyscrapers With Little Human 'Soul'
Left as that Comprises the Metaphor of
Social Empathic/Artistic Spiritual Intelligences

Bringing More Purpose and Meaning in Life in Social
Roles that Are More Human Than Machine. Indeed, Humanity

Is Suffering

In A Relative

Morality Way, this
Way; Yet We Aren't Rats;

We Are Not Mice; We Do Have

More Potential to Adapt; And Yes

Research Shows Homosexuality is
One Way to adapt to Population and
Other Social Stresses in the Nature of
Being Human With Our Diverse CuLTural

Challenges too;

And When it comes

To Social Roles and
Meaning and Purpose in Life

That Counts, For Example, the
Once Rather Isolated Janitor Cleaning

Homes May Open Up a YouTube Channel

And Make A Frigging 6 Figure Income Inspiring

Other Folks to Clean Their Bigger or Smaller Homes;

Yes, Humans Have almost

Unlimited Potential

That Rats Do Not

Have; So True, Rat Does Not Equal
Human; However, There Are Similarities
to Consider In How that Relates to Both
Moral Relativity and the Changes in the Environment

That Do Lead to More Homosexual Behavior in the Animal
Kingdom at Large...

It's Nature;
Ya Can't

Just Fit it in

A Big Bible Book

Or Even A Science
Experiment Alone

As Nature is Art

And Order

is the Science
of What We Do

To Make Life, Overall, Work
Enough to Survive and Potentially Thrive;

Yet for Those who Believe That Big Cultures
Can Work Without the Order of Government Rules,

It Ain't Gonna Work; We Do Have to Have Order And
Rules of Morality to make it work or We Get Chaos and Demise,

And Even
More Misery
And Suffering to Humanly Endure...

And it's True, Although Record Numbers
Of Omicron Infections Are Being Recorded in

Big City Life, It's Almost as Close to Baseline as
it has Been in my Relatively Smaller Rural Area of Living...

Indeed, There Are Advantages of Living in Smaller Rural 'Trump Town USA Places'...

And Online Does Allow those of Us More Liberal, A Place to More Fully Express,
Move, Connect, And Co-Create Our More Open Minded Ways of Liberal Being too...

Humans, Overall,

Are Smart Critters;

Imaginative, and
Very Creative as Well;

We May Just Find A Way
Through Diversity to Keep
Surviving Without Total Demise for A While Longer...

And Meanwhile, i'm Gonna Thrive, Just Cause i Can And Will For Now..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
