Why I have been gone from WP for a long time

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14 Oct 2022, 10:25 pm

Why I've been gone from WP for a long time

I have been gone from WP for a long time. I used to love WP when I first came on. It was an environment in which could find comrade, be creative and there was this sort of rebellious, be true to myself spirit in the air in which activism was being done?

This no longer exists. What exists now is a whole bunch of censorship and politically correct BS. You can't say anything negative (even if it is based in truth) without the mods stating it is a personal attack and this is arbitrary enforced or the whole thread is locked down.

Everyone now wants to fit and suck up to the system (especially employment in the USA) instead of demanding the right and privledge to be true to themselves. Has it occurred to any of you that it does not f*****g work? No social skills training or code switching can make a dog into a cat? Where did the rebellious spirt go? Where did all the activism go? Where did Neurodiversity go?

The truth: You can't be anything you are not. Now instead of encouraging others to find their own path, have that rebellious and activist spirit now we're all expected to conform, compromise and capitulate.

I tried that back in the states. It didn't f*****g work. I don't have the personality they're looking for and that is why I'm working in China which has been going well.

Fnord, I'm going to say this to you. You are a person who has a certain amount of privledge who had the ability and desire to fit into a system that is completely fake, phony, and demands absolute conformity and obedience without question. The truth Fnord is employers are not just looking for skills but personality first and foremost. They hire by personality above skills. Even Richard Branson and others have the attitude that says and I am paraphrasing "Skills can be trained but personality is forever." In other words, if I don't have the right personality it doesn't f*****g matter if one has the right skills or not.

Why did I come back to WP

To vent and get this off my chest and to tell everyone I'm creating a way so I can live life on my terms and not society's terms or some employers and to tell WP that I didn't leave WP it left me and it no longer fits who I am. And, I want to tell you all that I don't agree that trying to fit into someone else's space works for some people. It doesn't work for me. I want to chart the direction for my life and be the captain of my own ship and not be subserviently to an employer who guarantees me nothing, owes me nothing, my livelihood is dependent on them and I can be fired for anytime for any reason or no reason at all.

I think WP is going in a bad direction and I think it is time for me to let you all know so I can this off of my chest.

Finally, I no longer believe that trying to change the system and getting others to accept us has worked. Neurodiversity as a movement has failed. What has ASAN done for us and changed for us? What has all of these autistic bloggers really accomplished on a universal level. I don't believe that much has changed then 20 years ago for autistic folks. Neurodiversity, ASAN, etc has failed and it is time for me to abandon the sinking ship. And, I don't believe we can conform and compromise like Fnord suggests.

In essence, WP has become to politically correct for me in which anything that challenges PC ideas is banned by the mods. It is going more in the direction of compromise and conformity and playing by other people's rules and other people's game in which we have not vote or say in at all just like the rest of the world. Wrongplanet is not for me anymore. Maybe I will come back and maybe I won't. So, is this goodbye forever? Maybe, Maybe not. Depends on what I feel like after sometime. WP no longer fits me. People here in general wants to be a tool just like the general population. I don't vibe with that.


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15 Oct 2022, 12:02 am

yes this site has become too pc and sometimes im scared i might say the wrong thing and get a telling of from the mods like i have once before .

but its hard when your autistic and you cant please everybody also im not very pc i lack social filters so im the sort to say it how it is without intending to upset people but i think people get offended too easily these days and theres new politics and wokeness or whatever like we cant say certain words like autistic vs with autism why are this such a big issue to some people

Have diagnosis of autism.
Have a neurotypical son.


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15 Oct 2022, 10:26 am

You moved to China or do you just work from home for a company that is in China?

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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15 Oct 2022, 12:20 pm

League_Girl wrote:
You moved to China or do you just work from home for a company that is in China?

I moved to china.


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15 Oct 2022, 4:37 pm

cubedemon6073 wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
You moved to China or do you just work from home for a company that is in China?

I moved to china.

You speak fluent Chinese?

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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16 Oct 2022, 12:44 am

League_Girl wrote:
cubedemon6073 wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
You moved to China or do you just work from home for a company that is in China?

I moved to china.

You speak fluent Chinese?

No, b/c I can't make certain sounds they can make.


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16 Oct 2022, 12:47 am

China is a means to an end for me and I will say what I'm doing is not for everyone.

The end for me is: not having to depend on an employer in the future for my livelihood so I can be true to myself as long as I commit no force or fraud against others.

I want to live on my terms. Not everyone else's terms!


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16 Oct 2022, 1:36 am

I wished I could move to Australia or the UK or Canada to get out of this becoming 3rd world country but I'm stuck. Now birth control is going to be next on the attack list and I need birth control so I don't get my painful periods. But if I go through a menopause now, I will age 20 years since menopause accelerates aging.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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16 Oct 2022, 10:36 pm

I'm always told to be true to myself and never care what others think but you can't do that with people in which you depend your livelihood on whether it is your parents, guardians, employers, etc.

League_Girl, one of the questions of the workplace is "why do you want to work here?" I thought long and deep and the honest truth is one can't answer this without making up some BS.

My true and honest answer: I don't want to work anywhere and I'd rather play games and read and write fanfiction and surf the internet. But, I know I do have to support myself in someway whether I desire to or not. So, me going to work whether it is working for myself or an employer is more of a moral duty then a desire for me.

But, what I'm supposed to do is answer why I desire to work there while explaining how I benefit the company.

So, I'm forced to be dishonest two fold. 1. My desire to work vs seeing it as more of a moral duty and 2. And, pretending to care about benefitting the company when I could care 2 s**ts about it. Does the company truthfully care about me? No! They only care as much for what I can do for them and for me the feeling is mutual. Yet, If I portray this I'm considered entitled. Go figure!

This is one example out of other examples of why I don't believe my personality will mesh with employers at all and the workplace culture will not vibe with me either.

I am an extreme INTP personality which means I value truth, logic and reason more so then other things. From my impression those like Fnord do value these things but to me he is more traditional in his outlook and he values order, authority, hierarchy and things like discipline. This comes from his upbringing and his military outlook. Other types like him are similar and a lot of upper management types are this way as well. And, the whole employment model follows this structure as well

To me truth, logic and reason matter more then authority, hierarchy, order and discipline.

And it's okay. I don't begrudge or hate him or anyone like him. But, I'm only going to question things when they seem illogical to me and make no sense and a lot of these orderly types don't like their authority questioned.

Again, it's okay. Those like him and I don't see eye to eye on many things even though I will agree with those like them on things.

And, because one has to conform and compromise then one has to be forced to BS which means honesty and truth may be thrown out the window.

And, again because of my nature and the employer's nature I will not fit with them and they will not fit with me and again, that's okay.

I can't change a dog into a cat and they can't change a cat into a dog.

I want to be able to captain my own ship wherever it may go.

Do you understand where I'm coming from in my ramblings League_Girl? Point is, I have a major aversion to BS!


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18 Oct 2022, 12:37 am

cubedemon6073 wrote:
Fnord, I'm going to say this to you. You are a person who has a certain amount of privledge who had the ability and desire to fit into a system that is completely fake, phony, and demands absolute conformity and obedience without question. The truth Fnord is employers are not just looking for skills but personality first and foremost. They hire by personality above skills. Even Richard Branson and others have the attitude that says and I am paraphrasing "Skills can be trained but personality is forever." In other words, if I don't have the right personality it doesn't f*****g matter if one has the right skills or not.
Thank you for sharing. Even though your opinions are purely subjective (and mostly incorrect), they do give insight into the mindset of a person who prefers working in the oppressive Chinese business environment instead of the freer working environment in the Land of Opportunity -- the good, old U.S. of A.!

Thank you, and have a nice day!


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18 Oct 2022, 8:06 am

If you're in the "3 Furnaces" or nearby areas, I hope you had air-conditioning. It was HOT in that part of China this summer! Like 110 degrees hot!


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18 Oct 2022, 10:27 pm


Last edited by cubedemon6073 on 18 Oct 2022, 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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18 Oct 2022, 10:29 pm

Fnord wrote:
[color=black]Thank you for sharing. Even though your opinions are purely subjective (and mostly incorrect), they do give insight into the mindset of a person who prefers working in the oppressive Chinese business environment instead of the freer working environment in the Land of Opportunity -- the good, old U.S. of A.!

And, why would I "prefer" and "choose" to be working in an "oppressive Chinese business environment" instead of the "freer working environment" in the "Land of Opportunity" -- "the good, old U.S. of A.?"

Come on Fnord! What's your scientific answer? Why would I choose for myself to go to a more oppressive environment instead of a freer environment?

What is your answer? That I'm UnAmerican which is what some people would say? Is that what you think? Or, could there be something deeper?

Do us all a favor and......

THINK!! ! ! ! ! ! ! GET OUT OF YOUR f*****g, NARROW-MINDED MYOPIC BOX!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Thinking is the cure for cranial rectum impediment disorder!

Have a Nice Day as well!



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19 Oct 2022, 7:25 am

 ! Cornflake wrote:
I think we're done here.

Thread locked.

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.