Distance feels like an obstacle in the way of doing somethin

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Joined: 2 Aug 2018
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Posts: 1,105
Location: Kent, UK

18 Jan 2024, 9:30 am

Something. Had no room for the g in the box.

I remember telling my counsellor about the fact that maybe it's the distance to places that I don't end up going or bothering to go even with a car. I remember her telling me if I'd get into volunteering again which don't really that keen on as I did voluntary work in a charity shop and don't feel like doing it again but suggested I try looking into volunteering at a pub with a small zoo which has volunteers but it still quite a distance from where I live and I feel like anywhere that may seem to interest me if I wanted to volunteer there is far away. I even seem to think if a gym was literally next door to me then maybe I'd go even they are across the river a distance from me. I don't know this is really an obstacle or it's just because I'm not bothered because it doesn't really interest.

I say this even though I do go to places further a field from where I live but I seem to think I feel motivated to go out when I'm already out after a short shift at work, or I need to get someone a present for Christmas or birthday before it comes along. I seem to find myself not motivated to go out in my own leisure time when I have no errands to run or work to do and just stay indoors. I feel like the only one.