Eiligha mclain, paramedic gets 5 years.

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02 Mar 2024, 2:25 am

But the cops who unjustly detained him, they didn't even read him his rights just startled him by grabbing at him when he was listening to headphones minding his own business. The main cop also responsible for his death only gets 14 months in Jail, paramedic gets 5 years...like idk shoudln't the cop also be punished more harshly for killing a harmless black autistic person.

LIke all that man was doing was walking to a concvienence store and walking back home...I just hope whoever called the cops on him feels awful guilt for basically causing him to be killed.

LIke don't call the cops if someone just seems a bit weird, only call them if your certain someone is doing bad....like who the f**k calls the cops on someone for waving their arms around when they have headphones on...most people would just assume they are enjoying whatever music is on the headphones. And the cops didn't even engage him the right way, they just grabbed him while he was just walking enjoying music on his headphones...like any autistic might do on a walk. But yeah like if I was walking listening to music and someone grabbed me all the sudden I'd for sure panic thats not 'excited delirum' that is called fear. LIke Elijah McLain didn't even try to fight back he just was asking them not to harm him basically....and yet they try to claim he was resisting arrest, but they didn't even tell him he was under arrest and didn't even read him his rights...they just grabbed and assualted him.

LIke that all sound terrifying to me as an autistic person, and I am sad he had to die that way....when he didn't even do anything wrong, he was just walking home from a convenience store.

like that man had a life and it was getting better and he got killed for what...walking down a sidewalk while black and autistic, it's just very f****d up.

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