I feel like I didn't do my job fast enough

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Joined: 2 Aug 2018
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Location: Kent, UK

09 Mar 2024, 3:47 pm

I feel a bit overwhelmed at the moment after coming back from work. My store has a stock take to complete tomorrow and I had to count nearly all the Christmas stock and try and get all the stock from bottom to top counted for tomorrow but I seem to feel like I took ages counting and recounting stock and seem to think that's one of the reasons I didn't finish it all as though I was being too slow and not doing it fast enough. I seem to think other people can count things and do sums faster than me and know how to easily do it in their heads whereas I sometimes have to look and count.

My manager herself seemed quite stressed because it and didn't say anything at all about me being too slow or anything but kept asking how I'm doing and had I finished and got to the top yet and didn't tell me off for not doing it. While I was talking to her in the stock room earlier she was explaining how she was p****d off that the shop floor was looking untidy and saying how some of the staff just can't be asked to go round and tidy. I know when she means it's probably everyone that's responsible for the shop floor being untidy it still felt like it was "my fault". I mean previous manager before my last used to always get me at the end of the day to go round and tidy and I am someone who used to doing things when told to and not always on my own initiative.

I did explain to her how I'm used to not walking away from the till in case of customers and so that's why I won't go down the back to tidy or something in case customers are waiting. She did say "You can leave the till Chris, you just have to keep an eye out." I think she was she was not even happy when another colleague of mine made up a hamper for a customer when he shouldn't have done because it's not in our job descriptions to gift wrap gifts and things like that. Even the guy himself who did the hamper at the end of the day seemed quite angry because he was expecting to go home at 5:30 and may have misheard my manager saying he had to stay behind to help counting the stock and probably seemed fed up because he got a telling off and like the rest of us don't always get told in advance as to what days we are working and stuff as my new manager tells us about these things on WhatsApp.