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09 Mar 2024, 6:38 pm

Mass exodus threatened by Chief Rabbi if Haredim are forced into military service

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, has sparked controversy with his recent remarks on the compulsory drafting of Haredim into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). During his weekly lesson in Jerusalem on Saturday night, Yosef declared, "If they force us to join the army, we will all move abroad," signaling a potential mass departure that could shake the very foundations of the state.

Emphasizing the critical role of Torah study in Israel's success and survival, Yosef argued, "The yeshivas and kollels are what hold up the world. The state exists on Torah study, and without the Torah, there would have been no success for the army." He recalled the military's achievements on October 7, attributing them to divine protection afforded by Torah learning rather than military prowess alone.

Yosef's comments come amid a growing storm over the drafting of Haredim, a subject that has long been a point of contention within Israeli society. "What would we do without the world of yeshivas and kollels? They hold up the world," Yosef stated, challenging the secular community's understanding of the military's achievements. "No one told me it's thanks to the pilots, the bombings, or the planes," he added, highlighting a perceived underappreciation for the spiritual contributions to national security.

The Chief Rabbi's stern message did not stop at criticisms but extended to a direct threat of collective action. "We will buy tickets; there is no such thing as forcing us into the army. The state stands on this," he asserted, implying a profound and widespread willingness among the Haredim to relocate rather than compromise on their religious convictions.

This is not the first time such sentiments have been expressed within the Haredi community. Yosef's late father, former Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, voiced a similar stance in 2013, suggesting that the Haredim would leave Israel if forced into military service

Responses to the Rabbi's statement have come out
The Religious Zionist party responded to these announcements in a post on X (formerly Twitter), saying, "Conscripting into the army: a great mitzvah! After two thousand years of exile, we will never leave our country. A public that is willing to pay with its life for the Land of Israel will not give it up under any conditions."

Rabbi David Stav, Chair of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization, responded to the Sephardic Chief Rabbi’s statements, saying:
"During this time of continued pain and tragedy for the people of Israel, where nearly every day we are witness to more and more of our children falling in defense of this land, every focus must be on defending and supporting service in our military. Any statement that encourages avoiding IDF service is a despicable moral stain and disgrace of God’s name."

‘A disgrace and insult to IDF soldiers’: Lawmakers respond angrily to chief rabbi’s threat
Impassioned reactions are pouring in after the Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said ultra-Orthodox citizens would leave the country if they are forced to be drafted into the army.

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid, chair of the centrist Yesh Atid party, says the comment “is a disgrace and insult to IDF soldiers who sacrifice their lives for the defense of the country.”

“Rabbi Yosef is a state employee, with a salary from the state — he cannot threaten the state,” he writes on X.

Avigdor Liberman, chair of Yisrael Beytenu, writes: “Without duties, there are no rights.”

“A shame that Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef and the ultra-Orthodox hustlers continue to harm the security of Israel and act against halacha,” he says.

The coalition’s far-right Religious Zionism party says in a statement: “Drafting to the military: A good deed! We are grateful for the privilege of serving the people of Israel, learning Torah, and helping Israel in a time of need.”

“After two thousand years of exile, we will never leave our country. A community that is willing to pay with its life for the Land of Israel will not give it up under any conditions,” it says.

The ultranationalist Otzma Yehudit party says that “army service is a huge privilege for a Jew

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