Keep trying to make up for lost time

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Joined: 2 Aug 2018
Gender: Male
Posts: 1,105
Location: Kent, UK

17 Apr 2024, 11:54 am

I seem to feel that because of the pandemic, a year or two years of life has been wasted and I feel this is another reason why I am feeling this need in my head to ''rush'' things and do things in order to catch up. I haven't been abroad to somewhere since February 2019 when I went with my dad and stepmum to Berlin even though I did go down to France last year to see my grandparents but I didn't really like a holiday, one of the reasons we went was to give my grandparents a chance to see my sister's son as they hadn't seen him since he was born. I'm hoping to go somewhere abroad this year but I can't get myself to go on my own, I'm not sure how I would cope being on my own in another country as I mostly went abroad with family.

I keep telling myself that I wasn't the only one who had time wasted during the pandemic but I still feel like there were people who were going about their lives and doing things despite the virus infecting and killing some people and there were some young people who were not prepared to believe that the pandemic was going on and went about their lives anyway and I sometimes look at them and think they were not wasting lives worrying about a virus which may or may not kill them despite the fact that I was worried about how it would affect me if I got it and we had no vaccines to begin with but it now makes me feel ''Well, I should have just got on with it and stopped worrying about dying.''