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30 Jul 2004, 4:04 pm

I like to take my dog, Chico for long 1 hour walks in the Morning before I have my Breakfast. I also enjoy doing a lot of walking on my own as well. I'm thinking about trying some Ice Skating in the Fall. I haven't done it for a while, but I want to start up again.

What activities do you enjoy?

Blue Jay
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01 Aug 2004, 5:41 pm

Two main things I enjoy are: Like you said, walking my dog (otherwise known as my dog walking me :lol: ) and horseback riding

Blue Jay
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01 Aug 2004, 9:05 pm

my son likes to take walks- but sometimes it can drive me crazy....
he has to walk a certain "path" or way and he must always do certain things.... like pick up pinecones and throw them in this mud, etc...
he does the exact same thing everytime he walks down that road...
it sometimes does not bother me but then others it really drives me crazy...
if we walk a different way he has a different routine????
Is that what I should call it??? a routine???
It is just that we can not go for a walk without me saying "come back, or stay with mommy, sometimes it is just to much work for me to take him for a walk....
because, he is not to be trusted; sometimes he will keep walking and not stop when he just close to the street,etc.....

we go over rules for taking a walk but he becomes fixated on his routine that he can not think of anything else.. but his pinecones, etc...
any suggestion???

sorry- I am rambling

oh, he can also dig in the dirt for hours.


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11 Oct 2004, 7:15 pm

Swing On The Swing

I am 21yrs old and have 3 younger brothers.
There are 4 aspies in our family, dad, me and my
two little brothers 16, 8.

Sea Gull
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11 Oct 2004, 7:33 pm

Unfortunately, I tend to dislike most forms of exercise. I've been forcing myself to do a daily rotation of 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and a 10-minute run recently. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up this routine in the long run or perhaps even expand it.

I actually do enjoy taking walks, though. I find them to be quite relaxing, particularly if the weather is nice and I can find a quiet area to walk through. The problem with this form of exercise, though, is that it is quite time consuming, and I've been finding myself with very little free time on my hands as of late.


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18 Oct 2004, 7:55 pm

I love individual sports...I haven't had too much time to do them lately but sometimes take my black lab/shepard mix for a run (she's in much better shape than I am!), I rollerblade, ski-cross country and downhill, go for long walks, bike, shoot hoops...I'd like to start ice skating again, too. I guess it's a form of stimming for me, and I can go off and do them whenever I like, so they're always there :) .


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19 Oct 2004, 12:39 pm

I'm fairly typical for AS - hated it when I was a kid because it took me away from the obsession of the moment but now I love bicycling, an individual sport. It may be form of stimming (for me, so are religious ritual and being on the computer!) but normal people get that 'high' from exercise too (runner's high). It gets me outside to enjoy the weather and even a chance to socialize... and watch the girls in spring and summer (yum).

Before it got too cold recently I was cycling 25 miles a day, to work and back, up to three days a week. My workplace is good for AS - not corporate and not stressful; no dress code. I try to dress up (business casual - sport coat, etc.) when not riding but in season I can ride in wearing a T-shirt and shorts, no prob.


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03 Nov 2004, 6:26 am

I used to go hardout at the gym. Nowdays I'm more than happy with walking and swimming. More fun when with people. :D

Snowy Owl
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03 Nov 2004, 11:57 am

Walking and hiking because they're mentally relaxing. Swimming, cycling and blading because I like feeling fluids flow against my skin.