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 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Self-loathing and relationships

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 7:16 pm 

Replies: 85
Views: 2,033

So XGF, you have read the thread and do not see it as personal. Well you are the only person to think that. Everyone else who has posted knows exactly who it is aimed at. But it's OK. I now understand that if someone is unpopular / irritating, it's OK to obliquely bag them and use derogatory terms i...

 Forum: Getting to know each other   Topic: If you had to design your dream house what would it be?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 2:48 am 

Replies: 211
Views: 17,086

A small castle with a massive moat.

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Self-loathing and relationships

Posted: 06 Apr 2018, 12:59 am 

Replies: 85
Views: 2,033

Learn and grow or decide f**k it and end it all, either way I'm sure will be cool with that, what with you being such a socially aware guy :roll:

And Kara, suggesting that because you were treated that way makes it OK to treat others the same way is a really shoddy argument.

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Self-loathing and relationships

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 11:06 pm 

Replies: 85
Views: 2,033

@AngelRho - Just so you know, I have reported this thread because it's very obviously a personal attack against two members who are doing it really tough and this thread is just a way to kick them when their down. I'm very disappointed by comments that have been made here. If people don't have anyt...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Self-loathing and relationships

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 9:02 pm 

Replies: 85
Views: 2,033

@AngelRho - Just so you know, I have reported this thread because it's very obviously a personal attack against two members who are doing it really tough and this thread is just a way to kick them when their down. I'm very disappointed by comments that have been made here. If people don't have anyt...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Self-loathing and relationships

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 8:45 pm 

Replies: 85
Views: 2,033

@AngelRho - Just so you know, I have reported this thread because it's very obviously a personal attack against two members who are doing it really tough and this thread is just a way to kick them when their down. I'm very disappointed by comments that have been made here. If people don't have anyth...

 Forum: Random Discussion   Topic: Post something that made you happy today.

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 12:36 am 

Replies: 33,223
Views: 1,355,522

I'm not going to lose my licence!! !! ! Yesterday I went to an Optometrist for an eye check and he found I have quadrantanopia which means I have a big blind spot in the upper right quadrant of my right eye most likely caused by damage to the optic nerve. It explains why I'm often startled by things...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Have your sensory issues gotten worse with age? Advice?

Posted: 05 Apr 2018, 12:13 am 

Replies: 12
Views: 455

I've become worse as I age and my personal theory is that it relates to my burnouts. Every time I crash and burn I seem to have a step down in function and become more obviously autistic. No advice I'm afraid.

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Australian TV Documentry “Employable Me” debut Tuesday 4/3

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 10:36 pm 

Replies: 10
Views: 522

I related to Tim the most too. Unfortunately, my anxiety is that sort of obvious as is my trouble with eye contact. My Husband said I behave exactly like Tim when I'm out in public. I knew I present badly but I didn't realise I was quite so extreme and watching someone like me was a bit confronting....

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Aspie brother looks homeless

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 8:39 pm 

Replies: 24
Views: 870

I think I understand your problem. It's difficult. My son does wash his clothes but he wont throw them out if they get problems like holes in them. He lives overseas so I don't see him often and the time before last when I visited I realised he was wearing shoes that were falling to bits and socks w...

 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: Post a book you're reading

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 1:43 am 

Replies: 4,781
Views: 414,120

I've been reading The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb. I really liked the first book, the second started to get a bit intense and I'm not sure I'm going to finish the third. I'm finding it quite traumatic and it's making my GAD / cPTSD worse. I feel like a big sooky la la :oops: I may return to readin...

 Forum: Women's Discussion   Topic: How do you feel about Feminism?

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 1:11 am 

Replies: 120
Views: 3,665

I'm a humanist. I believe in the equality and rights of all people.

Feminism is tricky because the concept can get twisted. Radical feminists are misandrists and I do not approve of them at all.

 Forum: Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological Conditions   Topic: The Cure For Depression That Nobody Talks About

Posted: 04 Apr 2018, 12:59 am 

Replies: 9
Views: 701

I think it's more rumination than monomania. Rumination is defined as "compulsively focused attention on the symptoms of one's distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, as opposed to its solutions". It tends to be associated with catastrophizing and people get overwhelmed. I a...

 Forum: Television, Film, and Video   Topic: What movies have you seen recently?

Posted: 03 Apr 2018, 2:10 am 

Replies: 20,369
Views: 1,227,918

Ready Player One and I didn't like it. The book was way better. Spielberg made the movie too light and frothy. It's basically a cheezy kids film whereas the book was much, much darker and more intense. Also I was expecting a better movie soundtrack. The book referenced plenty of music but the movie ...

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: Is my hatred of Apple Irrational?

Posted: 03 Apr 2018, 12:05 am 

Replies: 104
Views: 2,990

I dislike the way they make people dependent on apple stuff because it's not compatible with other devices / services etc. Android is open source. I like android for that reason.

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 11:56 pm 

Replies: 105
Views: 2,213

Yeah, Stephen Hawking was such a drop dead gorgeous guy, explains why he got married twice.... But seriously, why do so many guys on here seem to think beauty can only be an external thing? Someone was bragging the other day that they get dates with models like it was a measure how successful they w...
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