Autism News
Atypical’s 2nd Season is a Step Forward in Autism Representation
By alex on September 30, 2018

My criticisms of Atypical’s freshman season were certainly no secret, as I shared my feelings both publicly in various news outlets and privately with Robia Rashid, the show’s creator. At the time, I mentioned that a lot of issues could be fixed, but my biggest problem with season one was the lack of autistic […]
The Dawn of Autistic Space – Excerpt from NeuroTribes
By alex on September 8, 2016

This is an excerpt of Steve Silberman’s award-winning book NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, which was recently published in paperback. This section of a chapter called “In Autistic Space” describes how adults on the spectrum became early adopters of the Internet, using it to share stories of their lives, build […]
Hollywood’s Exclusion of Autistic Actors Highlights its Biggest Diversity Problem: Disability
By alex on August 21, 2016

Hollywood has come a long way in the representation of autistic people since the release of Rain Man almost 30 years ago, but one major problem that still exists is the lack of representation of autistic actors. There are an increasing number of autistic characters on television and in film, but almost none of these […]
This is the Most Important Election of My Life Because I’m Autistic
By alex on August 17, 2016

Many people are calling this the most important election of our lives. That’s certainly true for me because I’m autistic. This is the first election in the history of the United States where disability rights and autism are playing a central role. This is the first election where individuals with disabilities have been in the […]
Toni Braxton’s son was not cured of autism and it’s irresponsible for her to say so
By alex on August 10, 2016

A few days ago, Toni Braxton claimed that her son had been cured of autism. There is no way that what Braxton said is true because there is no cure for autism. While early intervention and therapy can certainly help individuals on the spectrum live productive lives, autism is a lifelong condition. By claiming otherwise, […]
A Mask For The World
By quinnprk on May 10, 2016

There’s a term I’ve used a few times in my columns, “The Mask.” It’s something central to the autistic identity, something understood in the LGBTQ movement, commonly known as ‘The Closet,’ and a part of black culture in America, often described as ‘Acting White,’ but not discussed enough in the world of autism. People need […]
Off the Rails: Documentary on Autistic Train Thief Darius McCollum
By alex on May 4, 2016

I sat down with Adam Irving, director of Off the Rails, a gripping documentary about Darius McCollum, the notorious autistic individual who has spent most of his life in prison due to “stealing” subway trains and buses in New York City throughout his entire life. The film features interviews with Darius, his family, and many experts as […]
The “Cute” Syndrome: A Survey Of Autism In Popular Culture
By quinnprk on April 5, 2016

I don’t remember how we got there, except that it had come after several bonding sessions, nights drunk on each other’s companionship, telling truths that we kept close to our chest. Utterly remarkable, watching a friendship grow, but simultaneously banal; it was like any other day. All that matters for this story is that we […]
Autism In Love–What We Can Learn from this Film
By JennyPalmiotto on March 1, 2016

With yet another Valentine’s Day having come and gone, forming loving connection continues to be a worthwhile discussion for some persons with autism. Love is certainly nuanced and elusive. Many believe that Love is also essential. Documentary films have covered relationships, love, and autism, but none like Autism in Love. Autism In Love is a documentary that […]
What’s the Deal With Us, Anyway?
By asplint on March 24, 2015

So…’s Robert Evans sat down recently with several high-functioning autistic folks. Since I wasn’t one of them, I get to offer my own perspective Potshot Privileges. Yeah, pop culture gets it wrong sometimes. What else is new? Oh yes, many of us are either unemployed or underemployed, friendless and/or alone. And that’s not really represented […]