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 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 17 Sep 2014, 8:29 pm 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

how would it be fair if a Chinese baby were born to a white couple if they have no idea what the culture is like? They may grow up feeling isolated and like they do not belong. I think any baby would be happy to be in a loving safe home regardless of the culture. Babies bond to those who care for t...

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 17 Sep 2014, 7:55 pm 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

So basically I should accept any sperm regardless of whether the guy is smart/dumb, tall/short, black/white, AS.NT etc... because refusing for any of those reasons is discriminatory? I think that would be a fair statement. If society is going to do this I think it should be a gamble. Or alternative...

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 13 Sep 2014, 9:16 pm 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

Ectryon wrote:
Most women who go for AI are probably infertile or are partnered to an infertile man

I figured that. I can't imagine this would be anyone's first option.

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 13 Sep 2014, 8:42 pm 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

If women are going to impregnate themselves with sperm from someone they don't know then they deserve what they get. I think the whole idea of sperm donation is abhorrent, so am biased I guess. But why do people think that because they want something they automatically have a right to it? You can't ...

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 12 Sep 2014, 5:43 pm 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

In this instance the two things are linked. What makes it dishonest is the assumption that autism is undesirable in offspring. I think this is a false premise and comes from a lack of understanding of what autistic people can contribute. By screening out autistic donors, these clinics are discrimina...

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 12 Sep 2014, 4:35 pm 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

Yeah, but once people start screening for anything eugenics has begun. Autism is not something to screen out. What if you could find out if a foetus will go on to develop cancer. Should it be aborted because of this? I find it strange that there is so much support of the demonization of autistic peo...

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 12 Sep 2014, 2:44 pm 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

As for the morality of doing this, what people don't seem to understand is that we on the Autistic Spectrum face an existential threat. Society in general is extremely bigoted against those on the spectrum, and instead of examining this bigotry, everybody on the Autistic spectrum is just labelled a...

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 5:52 am 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

It makes you sick and to be fair it is potentially very bad for human diversity in the long long term but right now its a parents' right to choose as long as theyre not opting to give their child a disability which is sick and twisted. The point is that these parents for whatever reason want a high...

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 3:50 am 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

We believe autism is "Not that bad" but from the standpoint of an NT its a frigthening disease associated with thr MMR vaccine and listless inccomunicative kids. His actions are morally indefensible and actually sickening. He may have subjected a child to a life in foster care or a life with parent...

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Sperm donor was AS

Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 11:34 pm 

Replies: 290
Views: 27,926

Well I think sperm donation is a buyer beware market And frankly, autism is not the plague for heaven's sake. And I know the issue is the withholding of information, but I'm not sure someone seeking to make a baby with someone they've never met is on the high ground.

 Forum: The Haven   Topic: Williams Died From Hanging Himself

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 7:33 pm 

Replies: 64
Views: 8,251

He was someone I looked up to. I thought people like this could help me see the light at the end of the tunnel. The kind of person that lives through things. Hope I think we all are sometimes weak and sometimes strong. No one is strong all the time. I wish someone could have been there to support W...

 Forum: The Haven   Topic: Williams Died From Hanging Himself

Posted: 23 Aug 2014, 1:26 pm 

Replies: 64
Views: 8,251

Why did he hang himself? He was such a great guy and a funny person! Now im really really sad he was a favorite actor of mine with similar goofy humor. :cry: For f**k sake. Killing yourself has nothing to do with being fun and great. People just take and take and they never give. For me it's going ...

 Forum: Health, Fitness, and Sports   Topic: could you pass the army fitness test

Posted: 16 Aug 2014, 12:55 am 

Replies: 22
Views: 3,194

I couldn't keep up in school also, nobody would choose me when in PE they made us choose sides- so I usually got sent to the office to do paperwork. :oops: lol. I was last chosen, first eliminated. And that's the way I liked it. There seemed to be an unspoken realization that I wasn't going to be o...

 Forum: Health, Fitness, and Sports   Topic: could you pass the army fitness test

Posted: 16 Aug 2014, 12:47 am 

Replies: 22
Views: 3,194

I'm sorry then :( when I was in, if somebody wept they'd be taken away by psychiatry. no crying allowed in the mean green machine. an officer that cried in front of his men was relieved of his command in a hurry. http://emoti...

 Forum: Health, Fitness, and Sports   Topic: could you pass the army fitness test

Posted: 16 Aug 2014, 12:24 am 

Replies: 22
Views: 3,194

Never in my life would I have been able to meet these requirements. before I joined the army, I could not meet them either. but with mean-assed stentorian-voiced coarse-vocabularied drill instructors screaming in your ears from both sides to " MOVE YOUR ASS!! ! " you too would soon become proficien...

 Forum: Health, Fitness, and Sports   Topic: could you pass the army fitness test

Posted: 16 Aug 2014, 12:11 am 

Replies: 22
Views: 3,194

Never in my life would I have been able to meet these requirements.
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