
Games and Video Games

Are you the next Bobby Fischer or are you more of a Garry Kasparov? Do you have what it takes to battle Deep Blue and win every time? When you visit Las Vegas do you count cards in order to cheat casinos out of their money?

97,192 posts 7,152 threads

Latest post by UncannyDanny

at 51 minutes ago

Television, Film, and Video

Do you feel like you know your way around the X-Files better than Mulder does? Do you love The Simpsons, or are you more of a Family Guy? Discuss TV, Entertainment, and Fashion here!

165,882 posts 10,903 threads

Latest post by honeytoast

at Today, 6:16 pm

Art, Writing, and Music

Are you the next Picasso, Beethoven or Shakespeare or do you only think you are? Is your creativity a portal? Do you express yourself artistically or enjoy such expression from others? Done something crafty and want to share it? Post it here!

214,792 posts 11,105 threads

Latest post by ChaosCascade

at Today, 5:30 pm

Computers, Math, Science, and Technology

Are you passionate about science, math, or computers? Do you pine for the days when men were men and wrote their own device drivers, or when women were women and punched cards into submission? If so, this is the forum for you! Talk about FreeBSD, Linux, Macintosh OS X, OS/2 Warp, and that operating system from Redmond.

102,628 posts 9,097 threads

Latest post by traven

at 30 May 2024, 12:43 am

Politics, Philosophy, and Religion

Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern. Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it, and then misapplying the wrong remedies. Philosophy is just a hobby. You can't open a philosophy factory. Discuss Religion, Politics, and Philosophy here.

807,934 posts 23,342 threads

Latest post by Honey69

at 38 minutes ago