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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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20 May 2016, 7:08 pm

There is also a flock of wild turkeys that wander around my back yard from time to time. My wife and I think of them as our pet dinosaurs.

I have a horse-farm in northern N.J. with scads of birds, but I like the wild turkeys the best, too. One year I was cutting a field and something shot out of the grass ahead of me. Turned out it was a wild turkey mama, with 12 eggs in her nest. I watched for hours, but she never came back to them. So we put the eggs in an incubator, and 10 hatched.

We gave them more and more freedom as they grew, and most ran off into the fields. But three or four stayed around, and would hang out in a big tree over our deck when we barbequed. They came back with their kids the next year, but disappeared after that. The turkeys were much dumber than the pigeons (rock doves) we occasionally rescued and raised to fly free, but enormously neighborly.

Now my wretched Great Pyrenees, raised to protect ducks from predators, chases the turkeys away whenever they come in sight. :(


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22 May 2016, 5:04 pm

There was a female Hooded Merganser just now in the tiny bit of river down the street. Not the dramatic male, but still a very nice bird to see, like this:

There Are Four Lights!


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24 May 2016, 2:23 pm

Used to hike the trails of the C&O Canal near the potomac a lot.

Have seen all kinds of water snakes, snapping turtles, black snakes, toads, and frogs carp, shiners, feral goldfish.

Saw a muskrat once. Beavers are very conspicuous. You see how they have reengineered creeks. Once in a while you see beavers themselves. And theyve seen me: one warned its campanions of my presence and gave the danger signal: a tail slap on the water which sounded like a shot gun blast.

But of course birds are the most conspicuous:barn swallows, redwing black birds, peliated wood peckers, downy woodpeckers, bitterns, great blue herons, kingfishers, humming birds, grebes, migrating loons, Canada geese, red tail hawks, osprey, black headed vultures, turkey vultures, and even bald eagles.


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25 May 2016, 5:14 am

I don't but I know someone named AutisticStar who likes to bird watch

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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06 Jun 2016, 10:56 pm

Swans and Ducks have always held my attention. More so than many creatures. I have a very hard time relating to animals or keeping a lot of interest in them. So no bird watching really for me. Only the occasional bread tossing at the park for the ducks to eat. My grandmother was into bird watching. I am into cataloging Pokemon though :P (Not as much anymore, but how can I deny raising over 300-400 Pokemon LOL)


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10 Apr 2021, 2:44 am

abibliophile wrote:
Is anyone else really into birds and birdwatching? What are your favorite species? How do you engage with birds? Do you watch, catalogue, memorize, research, imitate?

Yes i like birds, and some birds like me, actualy they like my bread :)
Near a trainstation in Haarlem i did have a meeting with a seagull, after a while the bird did even eat from my hand.

Wooden birds i like to, they dont steal my bread, they take my breath away :wink:


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22 May 2021, 2:02 am

Some videos with birds that appeared in front of my camera in recent years.


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22 May 2021, 8:38 am


my area is being overrun by song sparrows, and I think its great.

every time one sings I cant help but chuckle.


I have always liked birds, but the song sparrows are turning me into a birdwatcher.

my little bird is the tweetiest bird

my little bird


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23 May 2021, 8:39 am

I don't birdwatch in an organised or purposeful manner, but I am pretty much always keeping an eye out for them. I live and work in a stretch of suburb with plenty of parks, old trees and bodies of water, so there is a lot to see just going about my day. Thanks to my antisocial hours, I also see more owls than most people. When I spot an unfamiliar bird I do a bit of research to find out what species it is most likely to be. But I also enjoy watching very common species to see what they're doing. Unusual birds or noteworthy behaviour are recorded in my diary. I could do with learning more about birdsong.

Some birds new to me that I've spotted in the past 12 months: a little owl, an osprey, a Mandarin duck, a flock of redwings and a pair of yellow wagtails. Except for the osprey, I've had multiple sightings of each.

You're so vain
I bet you think this sig is about you

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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30 May 2021, 5:58 am

VARIK is most fond of the Parulidae.


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09 Jun 2021, 4:54 am

varikvalefor wrote:
VARIK is most fond of the Parulidae.

Close to me there is also a village with the name 'Varik', its near a big river with a lot of birds.

People with autism sometimes have difficulty making eye contact. Last week I was face to face with a kookaburra, about 25 centimeters away. This kookaburra didn't exactly have a neurotypical way of making eye contact either.


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10 Jun 2021, 12:23 pm

My son (11 years old) saw a humming bird out in front of our house.
He was really excited.
It showed up while he was doing homework at the diningroom table.
It came back again the next day at about the same time.
So he gave it a name.
I guess it is "his" hummingbird now.

ADHD-I(diagnosed) ASD-HF(diagnosed)
RDOS scores - Aspie score 131/200 - neurotypical score 69/200 - very likely Aspie

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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11 Jun 2021, 9:52 pm

I moved about a month ago and have been really excited that the tree in front of my window (above ground) is often full of Chestnut Backed Chickadees. I'm getting to see eating, feeding young, and so on. Amazing!

Professionally diagnosed: Autism Spectrum Disorder.

"Autism isn't an illness but it's a condition that messes with our ability to have our psychological needs met." - DuckHairback on this site.


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01 Jul 2021, 1:27 pm

BaalChatzaf wrote:

There is a group of four or five Wild Turkeys who like our backyard for some reason or another. We like watching them and we refer to them as our pet dinosaurs. The Wild Turkeys resemble the velocoraptors of Jurassic Park somewhat.


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02 Jul 2021, 5:52 pm

yourkiddingme3 wrote:
There is also a flock of wild turkeys that wander around my back yard from time to time. My wife and I think of them as our pet dinosaurs.

There are tons of wild geese round here, and they are such total dinosaurs. Face and feeding habits of a hadrosaur; neck of a brachiosaur; general body shape of a dromeosaur; temper of a stop-motion swamp monster from an old movie.

You're so vain
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04 Jul 2021, 10:29 am

Birds . . . :wink:
