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02 Jul 2023, 6:35 pm

What is Bitcoin?


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22 Jul 2023, 3:25 am

Kitty4670 wrote:
What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital currency or cryptocurrency.I think it was the first cryptocurrency.The Bitcoin bros hope that bitcoin will replace the U.S. Dollar but I highly doubt it. Many people dont trust the U.S. Dollar because its a fiat currency.All currencies these days are fiat. The younger crowd prefers bitcoin to gold and silver. I highly recommend you stay away from Bitcoin because many people have been scammed out of all their money because it.I would not invest in crypto if i were you.I would just google Jack Bogle if you want to learn about investing and securing a nest egg.A index fund would be a safer bet than Crypto. Crypto is typically a get-rich-quick scam.

Emu Egg
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29 Jan 2024, 7:09 pm

Bitcoin is the OG, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies. Imagine digital money, but without banks or governments calling the shots. It's like your rebellious teenager in the financial world.


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29 Jan 2024, 9:58 pm

You can exchange USD (United States of America Dollars) for some number of EUR (Euros). You can exchange EUR for Japanese yen (JPY). These are called Currencies. Some people and online stores will except them in exchange for goods and services. Bitcoin was invented to be the same idea but it is not tied to any country or government. Now a days it is possible to exchange USD, EUR and JPY (etc) for Bitcoin. Some people and online businesses will accept Bitcoin in exchange for goods or services.

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30 Jan 2024, 8:17 am

This article talks about Bitcoin from the point of view of the math and cryptography that makes it go: ... miners-do/

This article talks about Bitcoin from the point of view of an investor: ... is-bitcoin

You can also check the Wikipedia.

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11 Feb 2024, 1:55 am

It's a commodity capped at 21 million official units and 100 million 'satoshis' (exchangeable units) per each BTC. In that sense it's a cryptographic accounting ledger, so that's a total of 2,100,000,000,000,000 units of exchange. So far 19624587 are in circulating supply and the reward for mining Bitcoin (solving cryptographic puzzles to earn the privilege of adding the next block - known as 'Proof of Work') will cut in half every four years until 2140. The idea is that it's independent of any government, any company, has it's own founding myth (Satoshi Nakamoto - mythic / pseudonymous founder), and thus forces different countries around the world to reckon with a commodity less inflationary than gold as a reality for investors to put their money into if their local currency isn't working out.

The SEC just approved 11 of 14 ETFs (exchange-traded funds) for Bitcoin back in January which included Blackrock, Fidelity, Ark, and Grayscale. This is where there's a bit of a shakeup right now - ie. people trying to predict how much the price will go up in 2024 all the while considering that the next 'halving' of mining rewards is in early April of 2024 which typically coincides with a crypto bull-run roughly 12 to 18 months after the halving (although there seem to be macro liquidity cycles behind it the fluctuations so it's hard to say whether it will stay on it's typical course with this much increased institutional demand).

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11 Feb 2024, 2:23 am

I don't know if its price has exceeded its value.

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Sea Gull
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13 Mar 2024, 4:11 pm

It has something to do with massive calculations to find a unique key. That key is then somehow linked to other IDs in a server farm that serve as currency. It is a commodity, as in more unstable than the stock market trading commodity type. Which means that its actual currency rate is almost always in fluctuation.

The calculation of a new key is enormous, because it creates more bitcoin (or other cryto-currency, depending on who finds it first) to expand its ... um ... spread?

I don't really get it either to be honest. I just ignore it and hope it goes away.

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