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25 Mar 2023, 3:45 pm

Once I typed the name of a song plus the person who sung it and the word "lyrics" but it never came up in the results, all the other songs that person sung did except the one I was looking for.
So I erased her name and just typed the song and the word "lyrics" in and the exact song I was looking for came up - sung by the same person who I'd typed in earlier.


Google is weird.



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25 Mar 2023, 4:10 pm

I prefer using duckduckgo, a search engine that doesn't track you. Using google is akin to someone looking over your shoulder as you are surfing the web.


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25 Mar 2023, 4:49 pm

AnomalousAspergian wrote:
I prefer using duckduckgo, a search engine that doesn't track you. Using google is akin to someone looking over your shoulder as you are surfing the web.

I've never really cared if someone is looking over my shoulder while I google something. Unless they are actually breathing on me. But my web uses is pretty mundane too.

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07 Nov 2023, 10:32 pm

My biggest concern about being tracked online is that the people tracking me will die of boredom and I will be held legally responsible.

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07 Nov 2023, 11:03 pm

AnomalousAspergian wrote:
I prefer using duckduckgo, a search engine that doesn't track you. Using google is akin to someone looking over your shoulder as you are surfing the web.

I don't feel as though an actual human is looking at me when I know I am being tracked, but the fact that someone designed tools to track a person and they do it without a persons consent pisses me off, therefore I also use DuckDuckGo.

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10 Nov 2023, 5:58 pm

That just reminded me of the If Google Was A Guy series! :mrgreen:


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11 Nov 2023, 3:17 am

Personally I like Yandex or a MillionShort.

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19 Dec 2023, 9:14 pm

Google can be pretty weird. I remember years ago, if you typed "French military victories", it said "did you mean French military defeats?"


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22 Dec 2023, 11:05 am

Yeah, Google is freaky(neg connotation), I'd recommend Firefox, and especially hardened Firefox for privacy and such. Or Tor, Tor's real good. Yes, regular people use Tor, too.

"People that care, and a universe that doesn't."