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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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20 Nov 2011, 2:06 am

^^ Giving the quiz a try. xD

You are the most like Fluttershy!
Chronically weak and timid, but with a heart of solid gold, you tend to require and depend on the help of your friends in most situations. You enjoy their company, but also enjoy solitude and time away from your friends where you can enjoy the sounds of nature. Just because you know you're weak doesn't mean it holds you back, because you know you're strong where it counts, with your overabundance of kindness, caring, and compassion.

You're often worried about saying or doing the wrong things and also fear rejection. Speaking of fear, you've got a lot of it, often times letting your fear hold you back from doing even the most simple of things, such as jumping across a cliff. But in that fear, you can often find just enough bravery to stand up for doing the right thing if your friends need you.

You may be naive and innocent, and you're very shy and quiet, but you're also a very good listener and are likely the one your friends blab on about their problems to — and while you may feel powerless to help at times, just listening and cheering them on means the world to them. Yay!

My results: ... XwxOTA5MQ!!

Fluttershy describes me perfectly. :D

On a side note I love RD's new pet, Tank the Flying Tortoise. :) Another random note now they have two white pets (bunny and cat), two brown pets (owl and dog), and two green pets (alligator and tortoise). RD had to pick a green colored pet just to even everything out. xDD


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20 Nov 2011, 5:52 am

You are the most like Twilight Sparkle!

You're often found diving into a book or spending hours working on that project of yours. It's important that you put in as much of an effort learning as possible so your knowledge will someday come in handy. Because of this, you may sometimes be skeptical of things that you don't have any proof of.
While you tend to be booksmart as opposed to streetsmart, you also tend to be a tad socially awkward, not always sure how well you fit in with your friends or maybe not even having a lot of them in the first place, but you're still a solid friend when it comes down to it and would be there to help any of them with their problems.
Even though you may be talented, you're the total opposite of a showoff, shying away from bragging or even talking about your talents. You don't want the world to think you're a braggart, after all. You're quite humble and modest, but you're also looking for acceptance and praise for your talents.


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20 Nov 2011, 9:10 pm

You are the most like Rarity!

You have a knack for drama and overexaggerating things, as well as doing whatever you can to keep from getting your hooves dirty. But, putting that aside, you're also very self-conscious about yourself, are generally very polite (unless someone deserves a little of your attitude), and have impecable manners and sense of style.

Just because you delight in being the center of everyone's attention doesn't mean you give no attention in turn. You're incredibly generous, showering your friends with gifts, spending time with them and doing fun things like shopping and makeovers, and doing everything in your power to help elevate your friends' self-worth. Even though a friend may be more popular than you, you are still willing to help them out with their success, hoping that you'll get your piece of the pie in turn.

You have a tendency to be overly obsessive over small details, sometimes worrying too much about them rather than looking at the whole picture. Your attention to detail does come in handy at times, though. You also loooooove fashion, style, and looking as good as any pony can be! Whatever it takes to look as classy and elegant as possible — that's your motto, because you care how other ponies see you, and want to make sure that your impression is the one that stands out the most.

Snowy Owl
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21 Nov 2011, 12:34 am

How did you all like the new song? Felt like a Disney song to me, loved it.

Blue Jay
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02 Dec 2011, 12:52 am

Anypony ever been to a Con? I RSVPd to the upcoming BroNYCon which will be in NYC on 1/7/2012. It will be my first convention ever. My Aspereger's has always made me leery of cons. I've always wanted to go to a game or anime con or something but always worried I'd be overwhelmed by the number of people, certain stimuli/events or that the more experienced will crowd me out of certain things. I have some "geeky" qualities but never considered myself a true fan of anything until MLP:FiM. This show has inpired me in more ways than I can count and when I heard there was a brony Meetup group for NY, I signed right up and decided to RSVP for the Con. I know I'll be amongst ponies but I'm still nervous. By the way, Andrea Libmann and Nicole Oliver will be there on the Q and A panels and hopefully to sign autographs. *squee*


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05 Dec 2011, 2:48 pm

This is probably a stupid question but...

Has anyone here heard the Bronyville podcast? it's the best Pony podcast out there; they usually have guest hosts from different aspects of the brony community; musicians, artists, fanfic writers, game developers etc.

Other pony podcasts are available! Everfree Radio and Diamond Dogs are also very good!


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08 Dec 2011, 11:48 pm




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09 Dec 2011, 1:11 am

I love the show. I just purchased this steampunk MLP shirt earlier this week.


Snowy Owl
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11 Dec 2011, 12:36 am

I'm not a big fan of steampunk, but that's really cool.
Anyway, new episode. The SpikexRarity shipping will be out of control for a while, but I thought it was the best this season.


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13 Dec 2011, 3:45 pm

Edit: OK, well, aside from the craziness...

I do love ponies. It amuses me sometimes when I think about it, but they really are awesome.

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16 Dec 2011, 4:26 pm

I rather enjoy this show.

I have to admit, the ponies are cute!

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17 Dec 2011, 8:27 am

Hell yeah! 8)
You are the most like Rainbow Dash!
If there's one thing you know you are, it's #1! You tend to be competitive by nature and love to show off your talents at every available moment, but that's often because you've put in a lot of practice to perfect your techniques and want to take pride in your effort. Because of this, you sometimes get a little too proud, fearing competing if you don't feel you can win and getting hotheaded if someone questions your capabilities. You hate losing.

Even though you may be a bit self-centered, you still care deeply for your friends and would stand up for them no matter what. You're deeply loyal to them, even if you may not always show it. Just because they're not as talented as you doesn't mean they're worthless, because you love them for who they are, although you may still joke around and give them a hard time — really, who doesn't like a laugh? You're incredibly brave and will be the first one to volunteer to venture off into the unknown or stand up against an enemy, perhaps letting your impulses get a hold of you before a rational plan is actually thought of.

While a lot of ponies may care how they look or concern themselves over what they're doing, you always want to present yourself in the coolest way possible. Whatever someone else is, your goal is to be 20% cooler. Fashion and style are a waste of time to you, because you know that's not what determines how cool a pony is. And if you think dying your hair all of the colors of the rainbow will make you 20% cooler, hey, guess what, because you don't care about appearances, it does. ... N3w4NzcwMg


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17 Dec 2011, 11:52 am

I think
people take
this pony thing
too far



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17 Dec 2011, 12:33 pm

The_Perfect_Storm wrote:
I think
people take
this pony thing
too far


Yeah, some people get really obsessed with it. I know some go too far, but some fans are sensible. I don't shove ponies in peoples faces and mention them in every post I make... I have an avatar that is a pony, but I'm not crazy about it, unlike alot of people who take it too far. The bronies in this forum seem to be decent and respectful.


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17 Dec 2011, 6:19 pm

ScientistOfSound wrote:
The_Perfect_Storm wrote:
I think
people take
this pony thing
too far


Yeah, some people get really obsessed with it. I know some go too far, but some fans are sensible. I don't shove ponies in peoples faces and mention them in every post I make... I have an avatar that is a pony, but I'm not crazy about it, unlike alot of people who take it too far. The bronies in this forum seem to be decent and respectful.

They have been very respectful. 8)

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20 Dec 2011, 12:43 am

A while ago I started noticing people had these cartoon ponies as their avatar pictures, I didn't know what they were so I looked it up. I found out they were from a My Little Pony cartoon. I didn't understand why so many people would be watching a My Little Pony cartoon, but I didn't give it much thought. Then I started noticing more users on here having ponies in their avatars. So about two weeks ago I decided to check out the first episode of this show to see what could possibly make people want to watch it.

I have just finished watching episode 10 of the second season having watched every episode prior to that, in order, over the past couple weeks. I was confused at first about why I was liking this. But whatever, this show is great. The animation style is awesome, and I actually find myself smiling, and actually laughing (out loud!) while watching it. I love cartoons, but who knew I would be watching My Little Pony.

I, uh...I just bought a t-shirt too.

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