"Do You Playact?" The Question That Blew My Mind!

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 8 Apr 2015
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Location: Southwest

08 Apr 2015, 6:55 pm

First I'll start this off by saying that I not only loved TV and movies as a kid... I would watch the show... and then move right IN! I didn't want to just *watch* Illya or Mr. Spock... I wanted to BE Illya or Mr. Spock! This was a little complex because I'm a girl! But I spend hours pretending, inside my head, that I was Illya... or Ringo Starr... or whoever caught my fancy on TV!

For 20 years, I thought I was the ONLY one who ever did this. I was totally alone! Well... that was OK because I was on a mission... or deep in space... or undercover... or a robot.... Then one day I was visiting my two best (and only ) friends who had just moved in together (high school sweethearts, they had just married at 18) and they were being all uncomfortable... conversation was lagging... I knew they had been doing something before I had arrived... and my arrival had interrupted them... then.. my heart-sister, Vicki asked me "So.... do you playact?"

"Wh... what do you mean?" I replied, not at all sure what she was asking.

"I mean... do pretend to be other people? Like playing pretend?" (this was decades BEFORE 'cos-play' was known!)

"YES! Yes, yes, YES!" I almost shouted. That was the day the door opened! They were into Dark Shadows! Jon was Barnabas and Vicki was Josette! I became Angelique and we donned old prom dresses and a dusty tuxedo and played all day!

Now it's called LARPing (Live Action Roleplay) or Cosplay (Costumed play) and I was so VERY fortunate to find a lifepartner who does it also! Nearly ALL our characters come from TV, film or books. Now that we are older, we are in SecondLife and making our own characters. What a fantastic life it has been, too!!


Do YOU playact? :D