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28 Nov 2008, 7:09 pm

Official exclusive Internet trailer. It's the same trailer with a COOOOOL bonus. Watch to find out. :)

A Proud Witness of Jehovah God (
Revelation 21:4 "And [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes,
and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.
The former things have passed away."


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28 Nov 2008, 9:05 pm

Been a Trekker for several decades now. That doesn't prevent me from liking other stuff.
I think the shoe would be on the other foot, though if someone was talking about 'Star Whores', or such...;)

I've seen both trailers on Trek Today. I think it's a 'reboot', trying to have a 'new' Star Trek that's young and hip (maybe it's revenge for those few benighted souls who wanted a Star Trek show about Starfleet Academy; instead, they got Enterprise. A great show in it's last year, but unfortunately by then, the damage had been done...:(

The Romulan war was between the penultimate and ultimate (as in the's like a threat...the Late Dent Arthurdent...;) shows on the Enterprise...I think they missed a good opportunity not showing the war.

Still, it was fun - Kirk


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29 Nov 2008, 2:30 am


I liked the Trailer.

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30 Nov 2008, 2:29 pm

pakled wrote:
Been a Trekker for several decades now. That doesn't prevent me from liking other stuff.
I think the shoe would be on the other foot, though if someone was talking about 'Star Whores', or such...;)

I've seen both trailers on Trek Today. I think it's a 'reboot', trying to have a 'new' Star Trek that's young and hip (maybe it's revenge for those few benighted souls who wanted a Star Trek show about Starfleet Academy; instead, they got Enterprise. A great show in it's last year, but unfortunately by then, the damage had been done...:(

The Romulan war was between the penultimate and ultimate (as in the's like a threat...the Late Dent Arthurdent...;) shows on the Enterprise...I think they missed a good opportunity not showing the war.

Still, it was fun - Kirk

Kirk: It was the best of times, it was the worse of times. Message Spock?
Spock: None that I'm aware of except happy birthday. Truly, the best of times.

Okay so that's sort of an odd quote... but the "best of times" is like my gut feeling about this film. I guess I see it as a positive thing. :)

A Proud Witness of Jehovah God (
Revelation 21:4 "And [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes,
and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.
The former things have passed away."


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27 Dec 2008, 5:03 pm

Not sure what to think yet. It has cool effects but doesn't feel like Star Trek. If the story's good and it's cerebral and explores scientific ideas rather than just making stuff go boom then it could be a good ST film. As it is, it looks more like a fun futuristic action movie...but not ST, and not sci-fi. It looks more like Star Wars, honestly--and Star Wars isn't sci fi, it's fantasy in space. Star Trek was true sci fi because it was all about using aliens and space to explore philosophy and scientific ideas.

Then again, the original series was pretty damn hokey.....


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30 Dec 2008, 12:40 am

The quote is the first lines of 'A Tale of 2 cities'...but I seem to remember they establish that..;)

It's like any trailblazing show; yeah, now the effects are cheesy, but that's because they've had 40 years to upgrade them. Half of the original show is just everyday life now. None of this stuff had been done before (the Twilight Zone and later Lost in Space were contemporaries to the original series....oh, and Dr. Who..;). No one had ever seen anything like this. I assure you your children will roll their eyes when you talk about 'Heroes', or 'Buffy', etc., 30 years from now...;)

Anything that keeps Sci-fi on the screen and in the theaters is fine by me. Lookin' forward to getting it on DVD.


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30 Dec 2008, 8:33 pm

If you're a purist like me, and I seriously hope the lot of you nuts aren't as serious as I think I'm seeing are.

I watched a review of the trailer by a YouTubist by the name of Confused Matthew. Apparently there are two things wrong with this movie. The fact that it's being made, and the fact that there is Time Travel involved.

Do I need to remind anyone of how much Trek suffered with Time Travel? OH, persay, ENTERPRISE? VOYAGER? DS9?

And of course Berman and Baga love to screw things up. They made Enterprise after all. The director of the current movie of course must love following in their footsteps....

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30 Dec 2008, 9:39 pm

Veresae wrote:
It looks more like Star Wars, honestly--and Star Wars isn't sci fi, it's fantasy in space. Star Trek was true sci fi because it was all about using aliens and space to explore philosophy and scientific ideas.

Yeah, but you know, science fiction is largely dead. People serious about cerebral movies don't take it seriously, and everyone else would rather watch typical Hollywood schlock.

Star Trek has descended too far into self parody to ever do science fiction again.

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31 Dec 2008, 12:14 am

Well, getting 750 hours of television will drain the story line bank a bit.

I wonder if we'd be saying the same thing about Dr. Who...;) just to put it in perspective.


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23 Jan 2009, 5:48 pm

Veresae wrote:
Not sure what to think yet. It has cool effects but doesn't feel like Star Trek. If the story's good and it's cerebral and explores scientific ideas rather than just making stuff go boom then it could be a good ST film. As it is, it looks more like a fun futuristic action movie...but not ST, and not sci-fi. It looks more like Star Wars, honestly--and Star Wars isn't sci fi, it's fantasy in space. Star Trek was true sci fi because it was all about using aliens and space to explore philosophy and scientific ideas.

Then again, the original series was pretty damn hokey.....

TOS was hokey, but it was also pretty revolutionary for its time. In some ways, it was more advanced than what's on TV now.

I do hope that they at least had a science consultant for this one; 'Enterprise' clearly didn't, and it's sad to be watching star trek and flinching from stupidities that anyone with even a good backing in high school science would have known to avoid. I'm hoping that this doesn't turn out to be just another special-effects-instead-of-plot blockbuster, but I have to admit that I'll probably line up with every other reluctant trek fan to watch it on the first weekend.


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23 Jan 2009, 7:29 pm

I wouldn't have minded the scientific errors on Enterprise quite so much, if they hadn't also been screwing up the continuity. (Vulcans who act more like Romulans? Qo'nos only five days from Earth at warp 5, but Earth was never subjugated by the Klingon Empire? And don't even get me started on the Temporal Cold War - save to note that Timefleet should have been all over that mess...)

From what I've seen, this movie looks like what TOS might have been like, if Roddenberry had only been given a decent budget by Desilu Studios. I probably won't be first in line to see it, unless I can win free tickets somewhere, but I will be watching it in a theater, not waiting for the DVD. :nerdy:

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25 Jan 2009, 6:19 am

I wuv Star Trek. (Already hearing lots about this on various Trek forums ~ is that the correct plural I can never be quite sure ~ as well.)

That said, I'm reserving judgement on the new movie until it actually comes out.

Should be fun. Can't wait, personally.

Bet everyone's going to be posting spoilers everywhere before I gets to see it though! :evil: They always do when something comes out in other places first.