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23 Sep 2023, 6:12 am

Hi everyone,
I am a 51 yo female from Italy, although I look 10 years younger. I read this is typical…
A couple of weeks ago a young AS friend suggested that I could be on the spectrum too. I had considered this sometimes, but I always read the male characteristics and didn’t relate at all. Then I searched on Google “Asperger’s syndrome female” and a new world opened in front of me! I delved into Rudy Simone’s and other authors books, then I read Tony Attwood, watched many videos on YouTube and my life makes so much sense now! Before I saw isolated pictures, now I see the film.
I am really happy, and I want a diagnosis as soon as possible (quite hard in Italy, mostly concentrated on kids and 20 years backward). I am a language geek, translator by profession, bookworm, as a kid I was drawing most of the time and excelled in mathematics. I learnt to read and write on my own before going to school. The first years of primary schools were a nightmare! My childhood was sad most of the time. I thought this was due to family problems, but now I understand it was me not aligning with my peers. I didn’t like kids because they were noisy and moved too much. I didn’t like kids games. I hated dolls and typical girlish things. I don’t like my peers now (with exceptions of course!) because they complain too much and lack enthusiasm. As a kid, I looked like a lady, now I look like a girl. I have always liked to be on my own (my job too is very solitary). And I felt guilty because of that. Not anymore! I am very sensitive to smells and noises and people always thought I am picky or arrogant. I’d like to give them my stomach and confusion when a smell enters my system! I realized I made many decisions based on smell or taste. One of the sentence that has been repeated to me: I wonder why you’re so intelligent but can’t get this. Some very NT people tend to criticize or “fix me” though I never tell them what they should do. And yet I can clearly see their destructive patterns (I am sooooo good with patterns and at linking things).
I am an independent adult, live alone with my cat, but some tasks, like practical life ones, drain me and I tend to procrastinate. Honestly, I’d like to spend all my days concentrated on my interests. I run and cycle, and this has incredible benefits. No sugar, no caffeine and a WFPB diet also have great benefits. If I eat sugar especially on an empty stomach I almost have to lay down because my head spins. And again, people think it’s psychological. I am just very sensitive to some substances. I recently stopped drinking alcohol and I understood I used it to dumb my feelings, decrease my understanding and like more other people’s company. I am very social and like being with people, but it has to be short. I love travelling, but it has to be on my own.
Needless to say, like many others on the spectrum, I was diagnosed as bipolar and given drugs when I was 20. I am not bipolar and I have never been clinically depressed! I was just depressed because I was overwhelmed or was living a situation I couldn’t cope with or didn’t like. Psychiatrists and psychologists can do us so much harm…
At my age, I am still super naive and honest, but I want to stay that way, although sometimes it’s financially draining. Some people took and will take advantage of me, but on the other side I can create beautiful connections and spread a different way of being human. Actually, good hearted people, even if they’re NT, adore me an find me inspiring. But it took me a long time and suffering to get here! Sorry for having written so much, but I am happy if someone can relate and tell me her/his experience.

Double Retired

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23 Sep 2023, 10:53 am

Welcome to WP! I hope you like it here and revisit for a long time.

Happiness at figuring out you are Autistic is a frequent reaction here from folk who found out in adulthood. I was 64 when I got my diagnosis and I thought it was wonderful!

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.


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23 Sep 2023, 11:09 am

Yes, I noticed your signature :D


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24 Sep 2023, 5:42 am

Welcome! What a wonderful and informative introduction!


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24 Sep 2023, 6:24 am

Thank you!


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24 Sep 2023, 7:39 am

welcome, pull up a chair and stay for a nice long visit! Glad you are with us. (diagnosed at age 68, trying to make up for lost time!)


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24 Sep 2023, 7:49 am

Thanks! Although I don’t have a diagnosis yet, it’s such a relief to reassess my whole life watching it through the lens of AS. And yes! I want to make up too for lost time


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24 Sep 2023, 8:05 am

Welcome to WP! :alien:


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24 Sep 2023, 6:00 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

jimmy m

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25 Sep 2023, 8:59 am

Welcome to Wrong Planet.
You are right. The condition affects males and females differently. I have Asperger's Syndrome or Aspie for short. My mind works very differently then most NTs. You are right in getting off alcohol (and other mind altering substances). They only make problems. So it sounds like you are on the right path. Believe in yourself.

You wrote as a young child, "I hated dolls." That is very interesting.

Humans are much more complex then anyone actually understands. If you wish, I could dig deeper and explain.

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27 Sep 2023, 8:02 pm

Hi Welcome here.

Sorry, I thought I answered but I don't see my post. Or maybe I argued badly and it was removed(?)


You look younger because you are perhaps neotenic.

Again by deductive logic your mind is also neotenic. Therefore you would also appear much younger than someone your age.

I'm also neotenic.

I don't know Double Retired if there is joy in knowing you have an autism diagnosis.
In my family there are so many cases. One thing I agree with: having a diagnosis is fundamental. Because at least here in Italy we make the mistake of thinking that autism is not only a disease (illogical but they write like that), but it's something for children. 6 months ago I asked a psychiatrist friend of mine what an autistic person becomes when he comes of age. Because after something you become one, right? He couldn't answer. Because his statement had no confirmation whatsoever.<> I have a lot respect for him, I also understand that he is convinced of it, but he doesn't even read the research, he thinks he already knows everything he should know about it. Except that in Italy psychiatry is not studied at a graduate level, not even autism. very well, other things.<>The rather singular thing is that our scientific research is at the forefront of autism. We publish continuously. We collaborate with many nations, especially with the USA (We are extremely similar to the USA also for that reason, I wrote to you months ago that we don't recognize ourselves even a little with the European Union, and it will never happen otherwise than this Double Retired, even if your thought is beautiful and I have understood all your thoughts on the matter, even if I'm not good at describing it in your language, I'm sorry for this).<>I agree on limiting or eliminating the use of substances such as refined sugars and others, certainly as Jimmy M. writes, alcohol should never be consumed, it only causes damage, it passes the blood-brain barrier , and this already explains the immense damage that alcohol causes in human beings.<>Drugs and bipolar disorderI'm sorry. It's easy to make a mistake in the diagnosis, but in the meantime they should have made differential diagnoses, and assessed whether or not there were comorbidities Maybe you are depressed but you don't realize it (Depression is easy to happen, in reality there are technically eight types of depression). For me, drugs create depression: so I feel worse, I stop taking them and I feel better.<> Regarding drugs, if we consider that women are hormonally much more sensitive to drugs, and you are autistic... Even in NT the drugs that don't work so well with men, work often and well with women (This according to statistics).<>Not if the reference to the male-female relationship regarding autism. Attwood clearly said that it is not as it was thought to be. But it is identical therefore 1 autistic man for every autistic woman. If you want to delve deeper, you need to listen to what Attwood has been saying in recent years and not rely on old, outdated thoughts.

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