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jimmy m

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06 Dec 2023, 11:16 am

belijojo wrote:
jimmy m wrote:
You wrote:
I know you interested in this pandemic.its not the second covid19,'s not that strong,just like the flus I've experienced in my life, like what the West calls the big flu in the early days of covid19

So what can you pass on about the effect of this latest pandemic, the one that is affecting young children) that is currently underway in China?

Children under 9 years old developed a fever and recovered in two days; adults had sore throats. I heard that the contagion is very strong, but it has not spread to this university far away from the city.
I have no taboos when it comes to chatting, and I especially like sensitive content. It’s just that it’s hard for me to take care of the interlocutor’s emotions. I’m happy to share it with you.

Thanks. Stay safe and prosper.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

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06 Dec 2023, 11:44 am

belijojo wrote:
Mountain Goat wrote:
I am glad as I assumed it related to communism.

I have never lived under communism but I have looked into what it means as I also wanted to find out how various systems worked. I am different in the way I think to average people so if we had communism here, I would not do so well because I am different. I think I would stand out too much as being different. As far as I understand, the roots of communism aim at the things that people have in common and they aim laws and rules so that the common views are upheld? (Am I rigt in this?) Actually, in a way democracy does that as whatever the highest vote would be accepted.

We have had forms of communism come into the UK via our education system under the GCSE system, where the older system before was not communistic in its methods of teaching. Those of an age where they were taught under the GCSE system do not really know what I am talking about becase when I was taught, I was taught under the old system but I was the first to take the GCSE exams so I was caught betwen the end of the old system and I saw the start of the change. My one brother three years younger saw less of the old system, and by the time my youngest brother did his education, it was totally different so he does not even know how it was and he can't relate to a non-communistic education system.

To study the differences and howit came about, study videos about "Educstion brainwashing" by Charlotte Iserbyt who was an elderly lady employed in the USA government education department who found out about the close ties between the USA and Russia during the cold war. The cold war was a fabricated smoke screen when behind the scenes, USA was sharing democratic ideas with the Russians and the Rjssians were sharing communistic governing ideas so both could begin bringing in such ideas and concepts in their education systems to alter their future generations. It is actually fascinating stuff.

I'm very, very interested in your reply, but it's half past eleven at night and I think I should go to bed.
seeU temorow.

Nite. Good you are on this site.



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07 Dec 2023, 1:17 am

Mountain Goat wrote:

Nite. Good you are on this site.

The true path of communism emphasizes unity and labor.
In theory, as long as you achieve your eight-hour work goal every day, you can enjoy your personal time by utilizing resources from the entire society, such as cycling clothes from the "sports center."
Regarding your mention of "I think I would stand out too much as being different," I believe that "people are shaped by society." This may sound alarming, but please allow me to explain. When non-binary gender gain too much political discourse, it becomes a trend (you can see this in the news); when health becomes a symbol distinct from the lower class of obese people, being tan becomes a trend. If what you mean by "stand out as being different" is not following these trends, then you might appreciate the society I describe. If what you mean is a harmless hobby, such as being alone or liking purple accessories, talking to yourself, then you won't face pressure, as long as you are willing to work. There might even be a humorous situation: a purple enclosed room built specifically for your needs.
The above is an ideal situation, and in real life, poor execution can lead to ummm (resulting in a bad situation, as you know, the bad image promoted by Western media).
To avoid such a situation, MAO proposed "people supervising the government" and "cadres participating in labor, workers participating in management," which is the most beautiful scenario I can imagine.
Regarding the video you mentioned, I couldn't find any relevant information on Google. Could you please provide a link?
PS:The website's UI seems a bit poor, and it appears that the submit button for the signature is not work. I'm not sure where the issue lies.

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc


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07 Dec 2023, 2:02 am


CockneyRebel wrote:
Welcome to WP :mrgreen:

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc


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07 Dec 2023, 7:12 pm

belijojo wrote:
A very rich life experience indeed! Like a captain sailing around the world in a fairy tale. Sanya, Hainan, is indeed a great place for vacation, and I would like to go there if I have the opportunity.

Yes, I definitely loved going, but it was also one of the hardest periods of my life, just due to how poor the tools were at the time for getting around for those that didn't have a good grasp of the language. It also didn't help that I wasn't really ever sure when I'd get transferred or why.

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07 Dec 2023, 7:48 pm

belijojo wrote:
Mountain Goat wrote:

Nite. Good you are on this site.

The true path of communism emphasizes unity and labor.
In theory, as long as you achieve your eight-hour work goal every day, you can enjoy your personal time by utilizing resources from the entire society, such as cycling clothes from the "sports center."
Regarding your mention of "I think I would stand out too much as being different," I believe that "people are shaped by society." This may sound alarming, but please allow me to explain. When non-binary gender gain too much political discourse, it becomes a trend (you can see this in the news); when health becomes a symbol distinct from the lower class of obese people, being tan becomes a trend. If what you mean by "stand out as being different" is not following these trends, then you might appreciate the society I describe. If what you mean is a harmless hobby, such as being alone or liking purple accessories, talking to yourself, then you won't face pressure, as long as you are willing to work. There might even be a humorous situation: a purple enclosed room built specifically for your needs.
The above is an ideal situation, and in real life, poor execution can lead to ummm (resulting in a bad situation, as you know, the bad image promoted by Western media).
To avoid such a situation, MAO proposed "people supervising the government" and "cadres participating in labor, workers participating in management," which is the most beautiful scenario I can imagine.
Regarding the video you mentioned, I couldn't find any relevant information on Google. Could you please provide a link?
PS:The website's UI seems a bit poor, and it appears that the submit button for the signature is not work. I'm not sure where the issue lies.

Do you have access to the same Youtube as we do?

Out of interest, what would happen to a person like me who after a series of burnouts/breakdowns (Where mental effects physical), i found I could work less and less hours and less days a week until after the last one, I finally found I could no longer work and I nearly ended up with serious issues after the last one as it was scary as my mind forgot how to walk. In your government system you must have many who can't work. I used to be able to work very long hours. One job was around 70 hours a week though I would only be paid for 33. Had to work more to keep my job and to keep up with the work. That was when I was in my 20's - 30's.
Also what about religious freedoms. I heard that many years ago China was one of the first large countries to convert to Christianity which is why many of your picture characters for your letters are based on that. I know a Chinese family who run a food shop where I used to live. Also used to know a Chinese lady who ran a department at a university as she organized the Chinese students coming to Wales (UK) to go on courses in the university. She was a very nice lady but I lost touch with her because my brothers last girlfriend sold my phone. It was an old phone but I liked it, and I think she assumed I wasn't using it. The Chinese ladies phone number was on my phone. Maybe I can write to the university. She married a nice young man who was also from the Far East.
Sorry for lots of questions. I find it interesting how each country with a different type of government system works.



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08 Dec 2023, 12:20 pm

Mountain Goat wrote:
I find it interesting how each country with a different type of government system works.

i get it ,i have to pass exam in two days,wait for me,pleace。

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc

Mountain Goat

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08 Dec 2023, 1:57 pm

belijojo wrote:
Mountain Goat wrote:
I find it interesting how each country with a different type of government system works.

i get it ,i have to pass exam in two days,wait for me,pleace。

OK. Hope you do well in your exams. I will try and find better films of that lady where she described things better and the history. But do your exams first! This can wait. :D



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10 Dec 2023, 4:29 am

Mountain Goat wrote:
I find it interesting how each country with a different type of government system works.

To avoid misunderstandings, I must first tell you something: there is no communism here. After the death of the first leader, we adopted a policy of "developing the economy by any means necessary." After decades of development, the country has become prosperous, but various problems similar to those in Western countries have also emerged.
I haven't watched the video yet, so let's discuss that aspect after I've seen it.
Regarding people who have lost their ability to work, their treatment is related to their profession (social status). Almost everyone pays medical insurance (the cost is not high, but it increases every year, which I find dissatisfying) and receives a reduction of about 70% to 90% of medical expenses (you usually need to pay about $6,000 to $13,000, depending on the severity of your illness). Government officials have higher reimbursement rates, and some even receive free healthcare.
Public servants serving the government directly or Public-owned enterprise: Their positions are reserved, they continue to receive their salaries, and they receive gifts and visits from colleagues and leaders during holidays. If physically able, they are specially invited to join celebrations at the workplace.
Professions with higher social status (teachers, doctors): Their positions are reserved, they still receive salaries, and occasionally receive gifts.
Ordinary people: They can apply for the minimum living allowance from the community (which only covers basic food expenses). During major holidays, the government may provide nutritional supplements (occasionally affected by corruption, depending on the region's development level).
If you have a tendency to harm others or have been abandoned by your family, entering a shelter will lead to a difficult life where only food is guaranteed (although there are caregivers, there is little concern even if abuse occurs). This rarely happens.
Regarding religion, what you mentioned happened between 1850 and 1872, and Christianity occupied most of the country in a short period but then disappeared. Christianity did not truly develop here. Current Chinese laws do not allow proselytizing in public, so various religious influences are weak.
I don't understand what you mean by "many of your picture characters for your letters are based on that." Did the church tell you that? What does it mean? I think I won't believe it, but I'm interested. Please explain.
I don't have many friends, but hearing that haveing friends is a happy thing. I hope you reach out to people you know, as it may help maintain your mental health.

I also have many questions:
I heard that your labor unions play a significant role. What specific activities do they engage in, and what role did they play in your youth? Why does that period seem challenging?
It seems you've received a lot of education from the church. My exposure to religion is limited; I've only glanced at ACIM. I would like to know interesting things about it.
In my impression, religions are often conservative. How do they interact with non-binary individuals—no interaction at all, or have there been intense conflicts?
Your personal belongings seem to be controlled by others, which is not good. I'm a bit worried about your situation, so I hope you can explain it to reassure me.

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc


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10 Dec 2023, 4:33 am

MatchboxVagabond wrote:
Yes, I definitely loved going, but it was also one of the hardest periods of my life, just due to how poor the tools were at the time for getting around for those that didn't have a good grasp of the language. It also didn't help that I wasn't really ever sure when I'd get transferred or why.

Cool, bro! If you're willing, you can share more, but if not, that's okay too—totally up to you.

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc


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11 Dec 2023, 7:48 pm

Love this site, their criticism of communism is in-depth and objective

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc


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11 Feb 2024, 3:39 pm

Hey, nice to meet you.

Do you mind talking a bit about how ASD is seen in China? Like, do many people even know about it, and if yes, is it 'taken seriously'?
Have you made progress on your professional diagnosis, or is that out of the question?


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11 Feb 2024, 4:14 pm

VictorOfAveyron wrote:
Hey, nice to meet you.

Do you mind talking a bit about how ASD is seen in China? Like, do many people even know about it, and if yes, is it 'taken seriously'?
Have you made progress on your professional diagnosis, or is that out of the question?

China has a huge prejudice against mental illness, which is considered to be a madman who can hurt people.
So if you want to express that you have autism, a better way is to say that you are introverted and shy.
The rapid development brings about the neglect of the disabled people, whether they are autistic or blind.
You can get the medicine you need in the public hospital, which is convenient and inexpensive. Counseling is also available, both public and private, and is generally expensive
The social divide is huge, with the most developed cities treating autism as an equal and the least developed areas seeing it as be possessed by the devil. I believe the United States is the same.
I don't seek a diagnosis because it doesn't create obstacles in my life.

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc


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14 Feb 2024, 2:05 pm

It's great to hear you are doing just fine!
Did you tell your parents (or anyone else)? What was/do you think would be their reaction?

belijojo wrote:
You can get the medicine you need in the public hospital, which is convenient and inexpensive.
Which kinds of medicine are we talking about here?

Suppose you were in need of help, where would you go?
Is getting a self-motivated ASD/Aspergers diagnosis possible in the public health care system, or only with private practitioners? Would those be affordable?


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14 Feb 2024, 2:48 pm

VictorOfAveyron wrote:
It's great to hear you are doing just fine!
Did you tell your parents (or anyone else)? What was/do you think would be their reaction?

Yeah, they thought I was just saying unlucky words。they also believe that I am a normal person and have the ability to participate in normal competition in society.Actually, they're right. I'm just a little too quiet and out of the crowd, a little weird but still in the mainstream.
belijojo wrote:
You can get the medicine you need in the public hospital, which is convenient and inexpensive.
Which kinds of medicine are we talking about here?

I'm talking about drugs for mental illness.I'm not sure if there's a drug for autism, but there probably isn't.
Suppose you were in need of help, where would you go?
Is getting a self-motivated ASD/Aspergers diagnosis possible in the public health care system, or only with private practitioners? Would those be affordable?

What needs to be pointed out here is that the vast majority of China's medical resources belong to public hospitals and operate well.So I'll probably go to a public hospital.
I don't know if someone can get a certificate, maybe.
I heard from a friend:Twenty dollars for eighty minutes.(Public Hospital)Although the price is not expensive, it is still beyond the reach of some people.
I haven't heard of a private mental health hospital for the rich. Maybe it exists, but let's not talk about it.Private psychiatric hospitals for the poor are mostly gruesome, using electroshock therapy or beatings.Such institutions cannot be eliminated because of the broad social support (mainly composed of stuffy parents).Such institutions have almost disappeared in cities and are hidden in backward areas.

For I so loved the world, that I gave My theory and method, that whosoever believeth in Me should not be oppressed, but have a liberated life. /sarc

jimmy m

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15 Feb 2024, 10:13 am

You wrote:

What needs to be pointed out here is that the vast majority of China's medical resources belong to public hospitals and operate well.So I'll probably go to a public hospital.
I don't know if someone can get a certificate, maybe.
I heard from a friend:Twenty dollars for eighty minutes.(Public Hospital)Although the price is not expensive, it is still beyond the reach of some people.
I haven't heard of a private mental health hospital for the rich. Maybe it exists, but let's not talk about it.Private psychiatric hospitals for the poor are mostly gruesome, using electroshock therapy or beatings.Such institutions cannot be eliminated because of the broad social support (mainly composed of stuffy parents).Such institutions have almost disappeared in cities and are hidden in backward areas.

I may be wrong but I suspect that you have Asperger's Syndrome. You are not broken but rather different. You see life differently then others. It will take you longer to figure yourself out. If possible you should stay away from mind altering drugs. You wrote: electroshock therapy or beatings. This is very destructive, it will destroy your brain. You have very special skills. Just learn these skills and how to use them. Question everything. Learn to rely upon your own judgement.

Another bit of information. It is written that this is a hereditary condition. Therefore, one or both of your parents may have it. They have learned to hide it and lead a near normal life. If you look deeply you can learn a skill set from them.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."