Newb... undiagnosed. Curious and wanted to say hi!

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Jan 2014, 5:28 pm


I'm new here. I have been researching Aspergers for the last month or two, and I am convinced. I've never identified with anything so much in my life. I'm on my way to a diagnosis, which will be difficult, given that I am a woman and also very, VERY good at acting NT outside the home. I was diagnosed as AD/HD with Generalized Anxiety Disorder when I was 17 and Social Anxiety Disorder with panic attacks when I was 26. But now, as an adult, I'm not so certain I have AD/HD. Everything I'm reading about AS and ASC relates directly to how I behaved as a child/adolescent and how I am now as an adult. I'm kind of in shock that I wasn't diagnosed sooner.

I'm scared that I have AS, but I'm relieved to know I might belong somewhere... that there are people out there that are like me. Lol... all of those arguments with my partner about being "rude" make sense now. No friends, socially inept, difficulty learning, inability to keep eye contact, "meltdowns", need for social isolation after immersion... I could go on and on.

I took the tests on the forum. My results are in my signature.

Thanks for reading and thanks for being here! I finally feel like I belong somewhere! :)


AQ=40, EQ=15, IQ=144
Aspie Score: 134/200, NT Score: 82/100
Emotional Intelligence: 57/100
Not diagnosed yet, but it looks pretty obvious to me!


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23 Jan 2014, 5:46 pm

Welcome, elizabethangeles. You're among friends here. I'm in the market for a 2nd diagnosis myself.


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23 Jan 2014, 7:12 pm

Welcome! :D

Looking back, I'm baffled why I wasn't diagnosed sooner too... Better late than never I suppose! :D


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23 Jan 2014, 8:06 pm

ADHD and GAD (along with Chronic Depression) are frequent comorbids with High Functioning Autism, so it's entirely possible to have all three. Or four. :?

:D Welcome aboard!

Tufted Titmouse
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24 Jan 2014, 2:14 pm

Willard wrote:
ADHD and GAD (along with Chronic Depression) are frequent comorbids with High Functioning Autism, so it's entirely possible to have all three. Or four. :?

Well, I had no idea. Interestingly, I was diagnosed with MDD the same time as GAD and ADHD (MDD is resolved now. But I do go through depressive states and am on an anti-anxiety/anti-depressant... sooooo...). It's all making sense now...

And thanks everybody. You have no idea how good it feels to finally feel like I am "normal". This is my normal. And I'm not weird. I am so glad I found you guys.

I'm still tumbling through a bit of a depressed state...disbelief...anger, etc. Rolling through the cycle of grief, I suppose. Any advice or resources anyone has would be a great comfort. I'll peruse the forums for info as well.

I finally found my :wink:

Thanks again.

AQ=40, EQ=15, IQ=144
Aspie Score: 134/200, NT Score: 82/100
Emotional Intelligence: 57/100
Not diagnosed yet, but it looks pretty obvious to me!


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24 Jan 2014, 3:54 pm

Hi elizabethangeles,

Welcome to WP :)

We, the people on the Autistic Spectrum have a choice.
We can either try to "fit in" with the rest of society, or we can be so egocentric that we can't be bothered.
I choose the actor. I observe NT's. I listen to their socializing. I practice it, so in social situations I can just emulate/mimic what is expected.
It isn't natural for me, but it enables me to "fit in".
It is VERY tiring and draining, but at least we can appear like them even though it is an act. Like being on the stage.
They can't see it is emulation, and so we are accepted.


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25 Jan 2014, 7:27 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Snowy Owl
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25 Jan 2014, 9:40 pm

Welcome! :)

I have thrown "normal" out the window.


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26 Jan 2014, 1:48 am

Welcome elizabethangeles.

Misdiagnoses for ASD are actually quite common, so no surprise there to me at least.

You're amongst friends here! :-)


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26 Jan 2014, 10:42 am

Welcome :D

Don't worry, being an Aspie isn't necessarily a bad thing. There are of course pros and cons, but many here will agree that finding out was a relief, and many are proud.

aka. Vanilla (Aspies Central)

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- Peter MC Williams