Reasons Aspies don't join/leave WP?

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Are you aware of individuals on the spectrum that have a) decided not to join WP, or b) left WP?
Poll ended at 24 Jun 2013, 2:11 pm
Yes, but I don't know why individuals left/didn’t join 15%  15%  [ 13 ]
I don't know anyone else who left/didn’t join 28%  28%  [ 24 ]
No, everyone I know who joined WP stayed 3%  3%  [ 3 ]
Yes, they indicated they didn’t like "negativity" 13%  13%  [ 11 ]
Yes, they thought this site was too positive towards ASDs 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Yes, they thought the site is too pro-cure 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Yes, they thought the site didn’t represent them 7%  7%  [ 6 ]
Yes, they felt their views were ignored 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Yes, they thought the site was too depressing 11%  11%  [ 10 ]
Yes, they felt awkward posting positive life experiences 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Other/Please explain 18%  18%  [ 16 ]
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08 Jun 2013, 4:44 am

AgentPalpatine wrote:
LookTwice wrote:
I think there are many reasons, and it depends a lot on what you hope to get out of posting on here. For me, I am/was actually looking for a level of connection, feeling less alone. This has worked to a degree, in a similar way that reading a book can make you feel less alone - you sometimes see your reflection in what other people say. Apart from that, however, this hasn't really happened for me - I don't have a personal relationship with anyone on here.

Would it be fair to summarize this view as "Site not condusive to forming social connections"? I'd use the phrase "forming personal connections", but I fear some readers would read it as meaning someting else.

Maybe - I wasn't really expecting offline friends or relationships, but maybe a certain bond, something like an online community, something that makes you feel at home and gives you emotional strength.

It feels like I'm just a number on here - not a person. If someone replies to my post, they don't talk to me, they talk to a paragraph of text. It doesn't matter if I'm here or not, and nobody will notice if I'm gone. There are simply so many people on here that you have to post _a lot_ to even be noticed (or you have to start lots of private conversations). As it is, my posts don't really seem to make a difference and thus not worth the effort I put into writing them.

For me, these are the three main aspects how a forum can be beneficial: getting information, distracting and/or entertaining yourself, and finding a community.

The point is that (at least for me)
a) there are usually better (as in: more concise, targeted, peer-reviewed...) sources of information than a general-purpose forum if I'm just looking for knowledge
b) I don't really get bored, so I don't feel the need to waste time; there are other things that are more enjoyable and/or better at distracting myself from pain
c) there is no discernable community aspect for me (but much of the blame for that probably lies with me)

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12 Jun 2013, 6:35 am

Well, I won't be posting much now really, due to a busy summer and because it seems that I cannot compete with the interest and intelligence levels here
For a lot of people, internet forums are just not for them, but I'd encourage people to at least try them.

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28 Dec 2013, 2:48 pm

If I leave WP, it will be because of all the judgement and assumptions that people throw out about other autistics (all the BS about functioning levels is the best example, but there are many subtler ones) -- they are ridiculous, in some cases extremely prejudiced/bigoted, and in many cases very hurtful.

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29 Dec 2013, 3:24 am

animalcrackers wrote:
If I leave WP, it will be because of all the judgement and assumptions that people throw out about other autistics (all the BS about functioning levels is the best example, but there are many subtler ones) -- they are ridiculous, in some cases extremely prejudiced/bigoted, and in many cases very hurtful.

Not something I would allow.

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29 Dec 2013, 7:29 am

I recently posted this in Away/Back but I suppose it could be useful here too.

Kuribo wrote:
I haven't been posting much lately, and since we're nearing the end of the year and this time is supposed to symbolise happiness, I've decided now would be a good time to "make it official".

I'm leaving the site and I don't think I'll be coming back. In 2012, when I first signed up under my old account, this place was extremely helpful to me. I participated in some great discussions, learned a lot, met some good people and slowly formed my own opinions about issues related to Autism.

However, Wrong Planet is no longer helpful to me in the slightest. Each and every time I come here, I end up leaving feeling angry and depressed, even on one of my good days. Every time I visit the site, the same repetitive threads can be seen on issues discussed a thousand times before. The overall negativity of the site is too much for me to handle too, and at a time when my depression is worse than it has ever been before, I just don't need this.

I have formed my own opinion on the tired old "cure" debate, and instead of going through life hating myself, I have made the conscious decision to embrace the positive traits both directly and indirectly linked with my Aspergers Syndrome and view my difficulties as challenges to overcome. Apparently, my decision is a problem for some people. I've seen threads outwardly attacking those on the spectrum who oppose a so-called "cure" and ridiculous claims, such as the claim that anyone who opposes a "cure" isn't really Autistic, etc. Well, who the hell are you to judge and why the F**K should I have to justify a single thing to you?! If I state my opinion about something that affects me personally, it is not your bloody right to have a problem with my personal opinion on that.

The presence of some pretty obnoxious members is tolerated here too. One person goes around saying that Autism should be "cured" - fair enough. However, he also claims that we shouldn't receive any support, which essentially means: "Autistic people should suffer through terrible lives without any help until someone finds a way to wipe them from the face of the earth". In my opinion, this kind of attitude is not acceptable on an Autism support site, nor is trying to convince people who view themselves and their Autism in a positive way that they shouldn't, as this is an attempt to lower members' self-esteem. It saddens me that such people are allowed to post here, and even more so that moderators think that civilly stating exactly what these people are doing is not acceptable here.

Issues such as age discrimination aren't dealt with harshly enough here either. I've had someone apologise for my actions while speaking about me in the third person here. I've never been so insulted. Totally dehumanising, disgusting behaviour.

The site is now far too big to be considered a community. Not a lot of people know each other, there aren't really a lot of strong friendships here. Having been here for about a year and a half, there are still active veteran members with hundreds of thousands of posts I've never even seen. It's just too big and fractured for a lot of friendships to be formed nowadays.

I know that a redesigned WP is coming soon, and although that won't directly change the membership, the feel of the site might be different. Still, the dynamic of the forum would have to change significantly for me to want to post actively again.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me here. I wish you well.

There are the reasons listed above, but animalcrackers makes a good point about the offensive assumptions made about people's functioning levels, and some members *COUGH*Fnord*COUGH* are extremely hostile towards self-diagnosed people.

I post on another forum which I enjoy a lot more now.

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06 Jan 2014, 9:11 am

Kuribo wrote:
The site is now far too big to be considered a community. Not a lot of people know each other, there aren't really a lot of strong friendships here.

It always was. It's more of a drop-in reference point, and a place to network ideas and get a global feel on them, than a community.

I never joined for years, because it would be far too big to keep up with and too anonymous for my needs, where would I start? It felt like the wrong planet, because it never had the look of being a community where I would be visible and by being visible have some anchor of security, some supporters, if anything went wrong in the community - I have seen too often in smaller sites that communities easily go wrong.

Tipping point came when several folks I know in real life are here and there was someone local and socially daunted who is here and who there was a need to communicate with here. Now I feel like I'm signed up to a global exchange where some of the aspie scene who I know are around too, so not have to feel so vulnerable or alone before the flows and dynamics of a big place. This is a good development, a sign of the scene's progress and coming together.


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08 Jan 2014, 12:11 am

Kuribo wrote:
There are the reasons listed above, but animalcrackers makes a good point about the offensive assumptions made about people's functioning levels, and some members *COUGH*Fnord*COUGH* are extremely hostile towards self-diagnosed people.


Fnord, god love him, is hostile toward self diagnosed people, for a reason. Self-Diagnosis can be used as an excuse. It shouldn't be, but it is.

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08 Jan 2014, 12:17 am

bcousins wrote:
Self-Diagnosis can be used as an excuse. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Anything in the world (including an actual diagnosis, bad luck, or even blond hair) could potentially be used as an excuse. Doesn't mean it's fair to be hostile towards people merely out of prejudice.

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08 Jan 2014, 8:32 pm

After my breakdown a few months ago, and my recovery shortly afterward, I made a vow NEVER to leave this site. I want to help out and make people here happy the best I can. It's my life commitment.


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10 Jan 2014, 12:50 am

alex wrote:
bcousins wrote:
Self-Diagnosis can be used as an excuse. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Anything in the world (including an actual diagnosis, bad luck, or even blond hair) could potentially be used as an excuse. Doesn't mean it's fair to be hostile towards people merely out of prejudice.

If I have grounds to support my theory, then screw it, I will be hostile to them. Same with anyone else that uses a disability as an excuse. Same with anyone that blames blonde hair as an excuse.

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15 Jan 2014, 1:32 pm

I don't know anyone around here, so I can't answer but I think it is quite messy with all the signatures all over the place
when I leave a comment I usually can't even find it back , not even the topic I posted it in


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24 Jan 2014, 3:18 pm

bcousins wrote:
alex wrote:
bcousins wrote:
Self-Diagnosis can be used as an excuse. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Anything in the world (including an actual diagnosis, bad luck, or even blond hair) could potentially be used as an excuse. Doesn't mean it's fair to be hostile towards people merely out of prejudice.

If I have grounds to support my theory, then screw it, I will be hostile to them. Same with anyone else that uses a disability as an excuse. Same with anyone that blames blonde hair as an excuse.

There often are no grounds whatsoever to support whatever assertions are being cast about self-diagnosed members. Almost anything can be used as an excuse, yet people like you apparently think it's okay to treat all self-diagnosed members with hostility and cynicism without knowing enough about them to cast anything close to a meaningful judgement. I've seen perfectly innocent, well-meaning members who happen to be self-diagnosed feeling vulnerable and ostracised due to the sh***y attitudes of other members. I don't think people who come to a support forum should be subjected to this kind of behaviour, but that's just me. What do you think?


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25 Jan 2014, 3:24 am

I agree completely, Kuribo. I was self-diagnosed myself when I first came here. Luckily for me I don't live a place where getting assessed is extremely expensive. That's not the case for a lot of people here.

I find the bashing of both self-diagnosed aspies and NTs to be far too prevalent on here.

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26 Jan 2014, 7:47 pm

I'm not leaving, but I'm less invested because of the attitudes here.

I don't feel as though I could turn to the forum for help in my biggest problem areas right now, which are school, social, and work settings because I feel as though most of the answers would be NT-bashing or ASD-glorifying and only increase my anxiety and discomfort in social settings. If I'm coming home feeling as though my efforts have been in vain and my mask transparent because a coworker said I talk about weird things, I don't need to hear blah blah blah NTs are horrible hypocrites anyway blah blah blah they hate everything different blah blah blah groupthink requires you to be evil blah blah you're better off without them. Blah.

The help I receive from NTs or people with non-ASD diagnoses right now reinforces a sense of there being multiple perspectives and benign reasons for behavior, which makes me hopeful about re-entering difficult settings, adjusting, and pushing forward. Coming home, it was helpful to hear that others don't feel that way about me and to discuss the number of (sometimes conflicting) opinions out there when it comes to appropriateness, fun, and connection, anyway. I don't want to hate me and I don't want to hate NTs, society, or anyone else.


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14 Feb 2014, 1:57 am

Skilpadde wrote:
I agree completely, Kuribo. I was self-diagnosed myself when I first came here. Luckily for me I don't live a place where getting assessed is extremely expensive. That's not the case for a lot of people here.

I find the bashing of both self-diagnosed aspies and NTs to be far too prevalent on here.

coffeebean wrote:
I'm not leaving, but I'm less invested because of the attitudes here.

I don't feel as though I could turn to the forum for help in my biggest problem areas right now, which are school, social, and work settings because I feel as though most of the answers would be NT-bashing or ASD-glorifying and only increase my anxiety and discomfort in social settings. If I'm coming home feeling as though my efforts have been in vain and my mask transparent because a coworker said I talk about weird things, I don't need to hear blah blah blah NTs are horrible hypocrites anyway blah blah blah they hate everything different blah blah blah groupthink requires you to be evil blah blah you're better off without them. Blah.

The help I receive from NTs or people with non-ASD diagnoses right now reinforces a sense of there being multiple perspectives and benign reasons for behavior, which makes me hopeful about re-entering difficult settings, adjusting, and pushing forward. Coming home, it was helpful to hear that others don't feel that way about me and to discuss the number of (sometimes conflicting) opinions out there when it comes to appropriateness, fun, and connection, anyway. I don't want to hate me and I don't want to hate NTs, society, or anyone else.

I resonate strongly with these quotes.

I'm aware that in real life, there are situations where those that have an autism spectrum disorder are victimized by others that are apparently 'Neurotypical'. I'm aware that some may feel the need to vent on the forum as a result of similar events, which in my opinion is fine, but when it's done without any rational thought it's highly inappropriate behaviour. Examples of this inappropriate behaviour include but are not limited to supremacy, mindless stereotyping and wars over neurology. Individuals that are self-diagnosed are at times lumped into the attacks as well due to the increasing illogicality of arguments as such a thread progresses; the arguments are often strictly centered around neurological labels and nothing else. No substance, just pure arrogance, ignorance, hypocriticism, rage, you name it.

I know I haven't been here for long, but if I were to leave WrongPlanet for extended periods of time (or permanently) it would most certainly be due to the excessive generalizations and bashings of those that are self-diagnosed or 'Neurotypical'. Personally I find it disgusting that despite being a support forum, some members go well out of their way to make others feel like crap. Such posts give off an incredibly unattractive and unintelligible impression. They should never be tolerated.

Dulled down examples of what I mean could be:

+ A post claiming that all 'Neurotypicals' are stupid with their lack of care for anything but social interaction.
+ A post claiming that self-diagnosis is never appropriate and that anyone who does self-diagnose is very much in the wrong.
+ A post claiming that having Asperger's means that you think more logically, and in general are more intelligent than those without the syndrome.

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26 Feb 2016, 1:38 pm

alex wrote:
bcousins wrote:
Self-Diagnosis can be used as an excuse. It shouldn't be, but it is.

Anything in the world (including an actual diagnosis, bad luck, or even blond hair) could potentially be used as an excuse. Doesn't mean it's fair to be hostile towards people merely out of prejudice.

People often act out of prejudice towards others. It doesn't mean its good or bad, but hostile is a strong word and could be monitored evenly in events where there is some pre-empted hostility directed towards a worthy cause.
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Some people actually refrain or repent from using sites for a few years, if they feel some bias accusation or predjudice is being made towards them. Just sayin.