League_Girl wrote:
We have words that have more than one meaning or have words that are spelled the same but sound different depending on how it is used like "read" and "bow" and we have words that are spelled different but sound the same like "red" and "read" and "buy" and "by" and "bye" and "hi" and "high."
Words that sound the same but are spelled differently are called homophones. (Homo = Same, Phone = Sound).
I would never say I'm dumping my child anywhere. To me that sounds like a word for garbage, or something that isn't wanted. I would say I'm "dropping her off" at the place. It must be a cultural thing, like you said. That's too bad the lady got upset because I'm sure it wasn't your intention.
One of my pet peeves is when people say "my kid" instead of "my child" or "my son / daughter". It just sounds very harsh to me. "Kids" is OK when it's plural, but somehow "kid" makes my skin crawl. If someone said they were going to dump their kid somewhere, I'd be flummoxed. I guess to an extent we all have our differences. I'm totally fine with the *c* word and with swearing, but some others find that offensive.
I also learned using female for a woman is incel and apparently women don't refer to themselves as female or their daughters as female but guys.
So I guess I am a guy pretending to be a woman and no wonder people get my gender wrong.