DeepHour wrote:
For the record, if there is a record, I enjoy listening to all sorts of extreme views and conspiracy theories from both the left and the right, without subscribing to very many, if any, of the views on offer. I can listen to Infowars, for example, and find it both ridiculously entertaining and at times offensive, but I wouldn't seek to suppress that sort of stuff.
I'm curious as to whether Mr Plank feels that people in general, or the membership of WP in particular, have the 'right not to be offended'. Maybe it's a Boomer vs Millennial issue. I'm one of the former, as some on this site may already be aware.
I do the same as you do. Listen to Kaitlin Bennet and Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens and Blair White. I also read TERF stuff too and gender critical stuff but I also read the other side too and listen to the other side.
I find it a shame that people will only listen to one side and judge anyone who follows and reads any right wing stuff or who even follows Donald Trump on social media. I say about that "I follow him because I need to keep tabs and know what he is saying." I follow his parody account on one account and the real Donald Trump on the other.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.