Tell me of any stupid courses or books you had to take.

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Pileated woodpecker
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08 Apr 2008, 9:18 pm

For me its IMP or Ineractive Mathmatics program it is the worst of math its like smorethegishboard of the worst math has to offer. For books Its got to be The cure thats and Awful book and I could read one chapter of the bridge to terribitha it was so BORING.

Everythings the same I am still cant sleep and still hate school.


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08 Apr 2008, 9:48 pm

At first I found The Sun Also Rises boring but after the second day in class we were talking about how the point of the book was that these people had no life and just sat around in a bar all day and I found it so amusing and comical I read it. The Great Gatsby was sort o the same but not as much. So I think I had even more trouble with that one. The Old Man and the Sea wasn't so bad but if I hadn't gone to sailing camp and understood about crises or minor crises at sea I wouldn't have been able to read it! A Separate Peace was so slow starting off I couldn't really get into it in grade 9 but when we did it again in grade 11 I loved it and read it all. The Chrysalids had horribly boring parts but lots of interesting parts too, so I read a good portion of it, enough to get the point, I think.


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09 Apr 2008, 4:47 pm

Civics and Careers! It's so freaking pointless, as it shows you nothing on how your career is going to be, and then Civics is just boring.


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10 Apr 2008, 9:12 am

For me it was PE. It's the most stupid mandatory subject ever! It established the association of sport with being ridiculed. The most horrible things we had to read were old German poems. I HATE it if people can't speak their mind clearly!

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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10 Apr 2008, 12:02 pm

Religious studies (I went to a catholic school, but I'm not catholic.)

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10 Apr 2008, 3:22 pm

my school i have heard has the most general education requirements
nobody graduates on time, but i imagine i've had some very bad ones

i had to take a library class for half a semester, it's probably even more boring than it sounds


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11 Apr 2008, 2:28 pm

In the school district I'm in, we have to take a year and a half of some sort of P.E. class. My sophomore year is almost over and I haven't taken any P.E. class since the seventh grade, so I'm going to have to take it next year :( .

But I guess seventh grade P.E. wasn't that bad, since the coaches just let us sit around on the bleachers and do nothing and still pass us. I'm hoping that P.E. next year will be the same, but I highly doubt it. :cry:

Pileated woodpecker
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11 Apr 2008, 2:44 pm

I have take PE one trimester every year, every day, at different times due to period rotation soon on monday I will have 2nd period but on tuesday I have it first thing in the morining.

Everythings the same I am still cant sleep and still hate school.


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17 Apr 2008, 4:35 pm

Current Events In Science which I took in 11th grade
I suspect that not even the teacher had a clue what the class was supposed to be about.
It basically became a class where we read "Discover" and "Science" and watched Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" or whatever movie was considered "sciency enough" ("The Andromeda Strain" for instance. We had to test on that)

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17 Apr 2008, 5:27 pm

In college, we had to take general electives towards our bachelor's degree including physical education. I took horseback riding because it was something I always wanted to do and it sounded easy. The horse(s) became lame before we got to ride them. Ended up getting an A in horseback riding without ever touching a horse.


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21 Apr 2008, 10:55 am

Introduction to Asian Political Science it was called. We actually didn't even touch that topic at all - most of it was not even in session. My professor canceled most of the classes, and gave us several assignments that were infalible if you handed them in...he did not teach a single lesson of the class.

Snowy Owl
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21 Apr 2008, 11:01 am

The worst? Administration. Secretarial work. I hated it and still hate it to this day even though I got a B in it. I hate it. i hated the class I was in. Total waste of time and energy.


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21 Apr 2008, 1:35 pm

I had to read "To Kill a Mockingbird" two grades in a row...

I also had to take Computer Applications every single year from sixth grade through tenth grade. Let's just say I'm typing faster than ever now because of it.

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21 Apr 2008, 9:42 pm

Lightning88 wrote:
I had to read "To Kill a Mockingbird" two grades in a row...

I also had to take Computer Applications every single year from sixth grade through tenth grade. Let's just say I'm typing faster than ever now because of it.

Join the club. I told my teacher that since I've read the book 6 times already I shouldn't have to read it all over again. But NO, you have to do exactly what the rest of the class is doing even though I know you're bored out of your skull and not caring about what is going on at all.

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28 Apr 2008, 2:55 pm

Literature of the Historical Moment. i took this last year.

the reading list seemed to be determined by Oprah's Book Club. most of it was just about suffering or oppression of people in ancient history. real depressing stuff.

the final book we had to read was The English Patient, and when we were done we had to watch the movie. both were equivalents to an acid bath. i wouldn't wish The English Patient on my worst enemy.

i also took a rather bad Sociology class when i was in junior college. in the middle of every class we'd watch a segment from Oprah, i'm not kidding. one of the episodes we had to watch was the one with Mariah Carey talking about what it was like growing up bi-racial.

let's get one thing straight! Oprah is NOT a viable reference in a classroom settting!

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28 Apr 2008, 4:50 pm

I thought Economics was pretty boring.

Also Tohono O'odham history.