What are your worst experiences in school?

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02 Jul 2011, 5:02 pm

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I find that normal people tend to think of a meltdown as a drama act, as in they look at you, think, he / she looks normal, they are just creating a scene to get attention. More than once I have heard that! However, if a more severely autistic person, who is non verbal and looks like they have a very low iq etc, normal people will look on and think oh dear poor person, they clearly have something wrong with them and need help. That is why they are making those screaming sounds and having a tantrum, because they are disabled mentally. Do you see what I mean? The autism in aspies/ higher end spectrum, is so minor when normal people see it, that they cannot see the connection between it. They assume we are just being ''drama queenish]., and do not automatically think, oh hey, this person is having genuine trouble dealing with the world and other people, I should help them out, they think, no, that person is fine theyre just seeing attention. Does that sound like anything that has happened to you?

As a proper reply to the post, I had trouble in school. A lot of trouble. I was bullied every day. I was threatened with a glass bottle because I mis understood the word , 'gay'', and when I managed to get the bottle off the boy threatening to cut me with it, he then said to me, '' you aint got the bottle mate''. I know now he meant in slang that I didnt have the confidence to hit him with it, but I said back, Yes I do! Because obviously, I really DID have the bottle. It was in my hand. The bullies seemed to find that funny and used it against me.
I used to go into lessons drunk out of my mind underage, just because it was the only way I could cope with being around so many people and the hurtful words and constant chair kicking /body shoving didnt seem to affect me so much because I was too drunk to realise what was happening.


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02 Jul 2011, 10:38 pm

Oh, yeah, I have definalty had some bad experiences in school.

KINDERGARTEN: I was in the afternoon class and got switched over to the morning class (long story) and the kids in the morning class. The teacher we had for the first half of the year was pretty good. However, she was just a temporary teacher. The other teacher was OK, I guess, I had her a bit again in grades 2 and 5 and she was better. This year was fairly tough I remember, but I can't remember any really bad experiences. I got suspended about once a month for meltdowns. The principal used to carry me to the office when I had a meltdown.

GRADE 1: Not a very good year. I had two teachers, one was good and one wasn't as good. In retrospect, the teacher I thought the good at time, was actually the one that wasn't so good and the one the one that I thought was very good, was actually not all that good. I remember an incident where I was in my reading group and we were all going to read a really short that was like twelve pages long and only had like 5 words on each page. The teacher read the book to us first and then passed out the books for us to have as our own while we were working with it. She gave me the book that SHE had been reading and I didn't like this because I couldn't stand touching the book that she was reading. She said "you take the one you get" when I asked to switch and I had a meltdown. I also had to go see the student services each week. I didn't like doing that much. A boy called me "crybaby" on the playground so I bit him and the principal (who I was still having the "carrying problem" with) thought that what the boy did was alright and got upset at me but not at him. He didn't listen to my side of the story very well. I got suspended about 1-3 times a month.

GRADE 2: OK I guess. The teacher I had from Monday-Thursday was nice. However, the student services teacher made this embarrassing, condescending, brainwashing book that was supposed to help me calm down. They made me use the relaxation techniques that didn't work all that well. They insisted they did though. I had the same problems with the principal and got suspended at least once a month.

GRADE 3: The principal left, however, I got a mean teacher for the first half of the year. She used to make us do our work on the floor, which I didn't like at all, she would say that we had 5 minutes to work on something and then only let us have two. She played favourites and embarrassed me in front of the whole class. Luckily, she left halfway through the year,

GRADE 4: This was a good year! Thought the teacher was away a lot, I liked him though.

GRADE 5: This was also a good year.

GRADE 6: Good year as well.

GRADE 7: The first half of the year wasn't good at all, the teacher wasn't being very understanding at all and the schedule for the aids was confusing. In one 40 minute block, three different aids switched. The second half of the year was fine though.

GRADE 8: My OCD began to become a big problem this year, none of my friends were in my class and the class was very cliquey. Other than that, it was good.

GRADE 9: I didn't enjoy the first half of the year, but the rest of the year was good.

GRADE 10: Good first half (despite the fact that my favourite teacher left). The second half wasn't good at all. One girl in the school really started to bother me. I began to think that everyone cared about her, more than they cared about me. I did something HORRIBLE to the girl I didn't like and got suspended for two days. I got a good student teacher for English, but when the regular teacher took over, he ended up, not being as good. He didn't understand my anxiety and OCD at all. He understood that autism though. The socials teacher purposely tried to scare the students into doing their work by saying that there was absolutely NO excuses for not doing your work, which made me very anxious, too anxious to go to class. To top it off, they wouldn't let me have a scribe anymore. It decided this two weeks before school let out. They said they only two options were to do work on the computer or write it myself. Because of OCD, it is really hard to do work on the computer and I have major fine motor problems. Also, my scribe had already started writing an assignment, and they said that I had to complete it on the computer. It would drive me CRAZY if was 75% written and 25% typed.

That's about it for you.


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03 Jul 2011, 1:01 am

gazinator1990 wrote:
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I find that normal people tend to think of a meltdown as a drama act, as in they look at you, think, he / she looks normal, they are just creating a scene to get attention. More than once I have heard that! However, if a more severely autistic person, who is non verbal and looks like they have a very low iq etc, normal people will look on and think oh dear poor person, they clearly have something wrong with them and need help. That is why they are making those screaming sounds and having a tantrum, because they are disabled mentally. Do you see what I mean? The autism in aspies/ higher end spectrum, is so minor when normal people see it, that they cannot see the connection between it. They assume we are just being ''drama queenish]., and do not automatically think, oh hey, this person is having genuine trouble dealing with the world and other people, I should help them out, they think, no, that person is fine theyre just seeing attention. Does that sound like anything that has happened to you?

I'm assuming this is directed towards me :)

Do you think people thought I was crying because I wanted sympathy? I never thought of it that way, I just thought they were being cruel. There's a possibility that they were all sick of me and sick of me crying all the time. I think I would break down and start sobbing at least once every one or two weeks or more.

Right now I haven't been diagnosed with aspergers, but I do think there's a possibility that I do have it. I went to the ER two years ago and they said I have bipolar (after talking to me for thirty minutes...), because I told them there are periods where I just freak out, I used to call them meltdowns. At my former job, I had them when I was overwhelmed and stressed. I just remember all these people around me, how bright the restaurant was, the noise, everything just blinded into one and I lost it. I didn't go through rage, but I started sobbing uncontrollably and ran out of my place of employment and never came back. Something similar almost happened recently when I was filled with rage and started yelling at my bosses and throwing dishes all over the floor/kicking them/acting inappropriate before I left to calm down. It either happens when I'm overwhelmed or I'm filled with rage and I start shaking and I'm just lost and start throwing things.

It seems like some of my bosses are nicer to me now. I think some of them understand that I don't deal with things the way that they do. I'm usually a lovely/quiet person, I am quite ashamed of my behavior when I get like that.


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03 Jul 2011, 1:49 am

Oh probably being subjected to a little game called "Bowling for fags", which consisted of the jocks cornering my in the gym and pummeling me with basketballs while the coach went momentarily deaf and blind. I'm not even gay, but hey, it was Wyoming, I loved science and hated football, thus I was a fag.

On the plus side, I now manage a research lab while almost all of the people that did that to me are all either in jail, doing things that'll land them in jail soon enough, or dead. My favorite is still the guy that called me a fag on a daily basis, he now makes a living teaching wrestling at the middle school to which we went. Oh the irony of him constantly calling me gay yet now teaching young boys to fondle each other in tights.


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04 Jul 2011, 2:20 am

Fortunately, Panama has no jocks to worry about. But we do have the social elite, and the socialites who can tease you in high school.

High School:

Some guy kept saying he had syphilis because my mother was a whore and had given it to him. Eventually, I got tired of it and punch the SOB in the jaw, but he was taller, stronger, older, and he really beat me up while everyone just watched. Eventually, a friend of mine stopped him.

Later on, he continued annoying me, asking me if he wanted to fight me again. Fortunately, people told me to just ignore him. At the end of that year, he threw a chair on some girl's head. She needed 10 stitches on her forehead. No one did anything to him because at the time the military ruled Panama, and his father was a captain or something.


I was always alone and strolling all over campus. This girl said I had a crush on her and barely knew her. I told people I had never seen her before. She started phoning her friends, one by one, and telling them I was stalking her and wanted to kill her, and would call the cops if I didn't stop. After that, the few people who knew me asked me to stay away from campus for a while because that nutjob was capable of saying I had raped her or something.


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09 Feb 2014, 6:06 pm

ruennsheng wrote:
Unpleasant experiences

1. Having to buy an iPhone because the school requires so.
2. Being bullied by girls. (I am a male, no offense, but)
3. Humiliated in school and beyond. :(

Hey, girls are mean. In my school the top of the hierarchy were the queen and her girl servants, and they humilliated boys and girls alike.
But I don't see your comment as offensive because usually boys bully boys and girls bully girls.


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11 Feb 2014, 1:16 am

Having somebody for 2 days in a row gun their car at me and swerve away at the last second. When I complained I was told to stop making things up or would be thrown out of college.

I was thrown out of public school after 2nd grade for not getting along with teachers. I don't know if this goes in the worst column because I did not know about it at the time. I found out about this a few months ago almost 50 years later. They accepted me back for 5th grade and that was not fun either.

This might be TMI but what the hell. Bathrooms (toilets for you British) in high school was a marijuana filled place that was to dangerous to use for it's intended purpose. If I had gym that day I used that bathroom. Other days it was hold it until I got home. I usually stated to have an urge around 4th or 5th period. There were 8 periods. I don't know why I remember this detail decades later but I do. I got used to it after awhile but if there was a day I woke up late and missed my morning pee, that was real discomfort. It did have some good features, when I got home it felt great and I had a strong bladder well into adulthood. I was not going put in this "experience" but when I think how many hours of discomfort I endured over the years and the gastro issues that might have been caused by this it defiantly belongs here.

I have never even posted in this section and my first post is TMI :lol:

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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11 Feb 2014, 4:06 am

Elementary school? Being pinned to the bathroom floor while 5 people peed in a garbage can and pulled it over my head. I started using drugs at 8 yrs old.

Middle school? General bullying.

High school? Getting chased by ten people. Luckily the cops saw it and chased them off.

College? Hangovers, mind games, more drinking then a hospitalization so severe I basically gave up trying to be normal. Dropped out never went back. I really want people to wake up and realize something has got to change.


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11 Feb 2014, 9:40 am

There were so many.

Two of the worst....

1. Kids sitting on the top bleacher...spitting on me and laughing. As I walked away...fighting back tears, another kid who saw it happen asked, "Why don't you do something?" My reply was that it didn't matter.

2. Communal showers in middle school. Not so much because I was shy, but because someone thought it was funny to say I was trying to pick up guys in the showers (I wasn't). That rumor got around and made the next several years of my life pure Hell.

Kids are horrible creatures.


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11 Feb 2014, 11:10 am

I had a kid straight up choke me unconscious in the middle of class when I was a freshman in high school.

It wasn't even like we got in a fight or something, he just randomly snuck up on me and ninja choked me when we were doing group work, it was bizarre. There were like 40+ kids in the class and it was so chaotic that the teacher (and seemingly most of the kids) didn't even notice.

I never really considered it a "bullying" kind of thing because I never had a problem with the kid before or after that incident, it scared the hell out of me though.

I know I made them a promise but those are just words, and words can get weird.
I think they made themselves perfectly clear.


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22 Feb 2014, 7:14 am

Fnord wrote:
Being accused of a theft that occured at the school while I was in the hospital. Some of the other students swore that they saw me running off with the stolen goods. Even after the police interrogated me, my parents, and the hospital staff and then cleared me of any wrong-doing, people at the school - including some of the teachers - were still convinced that I was guilty because I acted so "nervous and jerky" whenever the subject came up and never made eye contact if I could help it (This was about 20 years before A.S. became an official diagnosis).

It took a few months before they caught the real culprits, who (surprise!) turned out to be the same ones who swore that they saw me running off with the stolen goods.

Some folks still remain unconvinced, almost 40 years later ...


That is so messed up! People get weird around me once they figure that I'm naturally a nervous and fidgety person. But being that way doesn't mean you're up to no good!

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22 Feb 2014, 11:00 am

In primary school (UK equivalent to elementary school): being pinned to a wall by 4 other boys whilst their ringleader taunted me, having sticks and stones (literally) pelted at me frequently, mainly because I didn't understand why people seemed to gather in flocks and spent lunchtime on my own, and for being obsessed with astronomy.
Supporting chrissyrun's point about 7th grade, when I was in year 9 (UK equivalent to 8th grade, but I was the age of a 7th grader because I had been advanced a year), I had a series of bad meltdowns at school because of exam stress and social pressure, and started hurting myself for the same reason (yes, gazinator1990, many of the pupils felt that I was just being "pathetic"). I had to take a couple of months out of school, working from home, before they would allow me back. However, this did lead to my diagnosis, and the SEN unit in school have been giving me a lot more support since then.

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02 Mar 2014, 9:29 am

Too many to count, from the age of seven that still carries on today.

Year 3 (7 to 8 years old):
1. First day of year 3, I was beaten with a metre stick stolen from the classroom by several girls in my year, as they held me down. As there were a lot of them and I was the smallest in the class, there was no way I could have fought them off.
2. Started compulsory swimming lessons aged 8, and my bad co-ordination meant I was put in the lowest group. The girls from the metre stick incident deliberately acted like they couldn't swim so they could be with me. We all had to wait at the side of the pool for the teacher, and were not allowed to get in under any circumstances. So they deliberately pushed me in when the teacher wasn't looking, and said I jumped.

Year 4 (8 to 9 years old):
Still involved in compulsory swimming lessons, I was held underwater multiple times by the same girls, and one time I passed out and had to be pulled out. To this day, I still have a dislike of my head going underwater, and I never ended up learning to swim.

Year 5 (9 to 10 years old):
1. Possibly the worst primary school year. I had this terrible teacher, that avidly hated me and made it obvious. We had to write a story set in Ancient Greece, and as I liked and was good at writing, I wrote five sides of A4 paper in my book, just on the story. Miss said it had to be a minimum of fifteen lines long, but she didn't set a maximum limit; yet when she came to marking mine, in front of the whole class, she shouted at me about obeying limits, and that she'd said it had to be a maximum of two sides of A4. These words she said to me are still vivid. "You're not a writer! You're not better than everyone else! You're not clever! Nobody wants you, girl!"
2. I've never been good at maths, and Miss would give us all these double-sided A4 sheets of questions, with about 30 questions on each side. If we didn't complete both sides of the sheet, we had to stay in at break until we did. If we still hadn't completed it by that time, we had to carry on doing it in the next lesson. Because I was never very good at maths, and we always had maths before break, I always had to stay in at break. Between the start of September and the middle of November, I only got to go out to break once, on the day we had a substitute.
3. We had a small cloakroom, which was the perfect place for me to be shoved into the coat pegs. This happened a lot, and one time I ended up cutting my forehead and eyebrow open from being shoved onto a coat peg. I cried out in pain from it, Miss heard...and though I was bleeding from the gash on my forehead, she shouted at me for disrupting the lesson and being a "little attention seeker".
4. Every time someone had a party and invited people, they put the invitation on their table where they sat first-thing. For the whole of my school life from aged 4 to now , I was the only one who never got invited to any parties. It was even worse in year 5, as that's when people started saying they "just didn't want me".

Year 6 (10 to 11 years old):
1. We had a new teacher that made us meditate at the end of every day, to try and calm us down. Having to sit in silence, with the sounds of the clock ticking, people fiddling, the 'naughty ones' whispering, the hum of Sir's laptop, the wind outside, and people walking in the corridor all at once, plus the itchiness of school uniform polo shirts, first-day-of-the-year school shoes that pinched, my hair pulling from having to be tied up, the discomfort of the bra I'd only just started needing to wear, and the hardness of the carpet, meant I ended up having between two and four meltdowns a week, which got dismissed as "attention seeking".
2. SATS (assessments that define your GCSE targets for when you're 15/16) pressure from Sir didn't help at all. I was good at the Science and Literacy side, but not so good at Maths, so Sir kept me in at break to do extra Maths in the corridor. The corridor had no heating so was icy cold in winter, people kept walking past and I heard their every footstep, plus there were no proper tables, so I had to do it on a chest of drawers. The drawer handles kept poking me in my legs, and every time I complained about it or asked if I could do it in the classroom, Sir dismissed it as attention seeker, or I was called a "spoilt little princess".
3. I was quite clever, and it was at this time that whenever I made mistakes, people would start sarcastically asking if I was feeling ok, and even Sir joined in with it.

Secondary school was even worse though.
Year 7 (11 to 12 years old):
1. We had this boy in our class, Blake, and he thought it was funny to pretend to ask me out. I thought he was being sincere, so I said yes, only for him to reply with, "You didn't really think someone liked you, pathetic litthe c**t!".
2. Only one of the girls who bullied me from my primary went to my secondary school, but she told her new group of friends all about me. In front of everyone in the canteen, one of her new friends deliberately bought pasta with this red chilli sauce, just to pour it over my head. I'm mildly allergic to chillies, so I ended up with a red, sore face and scalp for the rest of the day.

Year 8 (12 to 13 years old):
1. We have a weekly quiz in Tutor, and everyone admitted I was better at it than the year 11s, though I didn't mean to be. At the end of the year, when they left in June, I was picked up by the year 11s and physically thrown in the skip at the back reserved for the bin contents, "With the rest of the trash, where I belonged!" I was about 4 feet and 10 inches tall, so it was way too easy for them to throw me in, and very hard for me to get out.
2. I have been trying to leave my school since year 8. Every time my dad asked my headteacher to sign the form letting me move to another school, he always refused, saying how "This school was clearly the best for her, just look at her grades!". It was after my diagnosis that we worked out he meant, "You make the school look good, so we're not gonna let you go."
3. In Food Technology, that girl from my primary school was in my lesson. Once, we got to use the hotplates on top of the ovens, and when Miss had her back turned, that girl grabbed my hand and held it to the hotplate, which was turned up to High, and held my wrist there as my hand cooked. When Miss turned around, she said that I'd done it of my own free will and she was trying to pull my hand off the hotplate.
4. History has always been a subject I loved, but in year 8 we had a hopeless teacher. She knew her stuff...but couldn't control the class. She had to send the good kids out instead, as there were so few of us. In year 8 we're supposed to study the Tudors, the Stuarts especially the Civil War, Slavery, Native Americans, American Independance, the American Civil War and the Industrial Revolution. We only got up to Queen Elizabeth the 1st and Mary Queen Of Scots. I basically had a huge gaping void from the late 1500s up to 1900, until I started getting A-Level History Text books from the library.

Year 9 (13-14 years old)
1. We do early GCSEs, where we start one in year 9 instead of year 10. The choices were Expressive Arts, ICT, PE and Catering. My first and second choices were Expressive Arts and then Catering...yet I got stuck with ICT. When I asked why I had been given ICT, my head of year said, "Expressive Arts involves people being out and viewed. You seem to wrongly think that people actually want to look at you."
2. In my ICT there was this boy, who I THOUGHT was my only friend. I knew he had a girlfriend, but I only wanted a friend. This ended up failing BADLY in the long run.
3. There's a girl with the same name as me in my year, who's a thief. She's been caught going through people's bags in the changing rooms, and she stole my phone off me. My phone is bright, vivid, fire-engine red, so it's very distinctive, complete with a parody of Shakespeare's epitaph Sharpie'd inside the back,
"My peers for your lives' sake forbear,
To steal the phone held right here.
Favoured be thee who leaves this phone,
And the life will end of who steals it from home."
Not the best, but anyway, my phone got stolen, and she was brash enough to have it out in front of me. So I went to pastoral care and told them about the theft, described my phone in detail, and gave them my number to verify it. I did get it back, but I had to write a letter of apology to her, for being "Sorry for accusing you of theft."

Year 10 (14-15 years old)
1. GCSE pressure was heaped onto us, combined with the stress of having only one (I thought he was) friend. My hair ended up falling out completely, and I had to wear a scarf covering my head. That was bad enough, but my school had put a list of RIDICULOUS rules about it, only telling me them one at a time.
~It had to be completely plain, with no patterns or detailing whatsoever.
~Light blue was "too bright" and "too distracting" a colour.
~A shade of blue similar to denim was also "too bright" and "denim wasn't allowed" even though it wasn't actually the fabric, it was just a similar colour.
~A deep purple similar to Ribena was also "too bright".
~The end of it couldn't go past the small of my back.
~The end couldn't have any fringing or tassels.
I wouldn't have minded apart from 2 things. They told me these rules as they went along, instead of telling me them all in one go, and I saw several Muslim girls with headscarves in bright pinks, purples, blues, and basically a rainbow of colours; patterned in every way thought possible, some had those little diamond-like crystals on them, some had fringing, some had metallic threads running through the fabric, and all sorts. It would have been fairer to have either A, allowed me to wear the scarf I liked, or B, they had to follow the same rules that I did.
2. The scarf I was allowed to wear was very easy to pull off, and several times I had to fish it out of the bin it had been thrown in, only to find it was covered in all sorts. This meant I had to go without, and get exposed to countless taunts, and slaps on the back of my head. The cruellest comment by FAR, had to be, "Hope it's terminal!" as a reference to cancer.
3. The girl who stole my phone also got involved, and deliberately shaved her hair off to make fun of me. She would deliberately walk around with a random book, pretending to read it and calling out, "Look I'm LMH! Everyone look at me and pay attention me!" in an impersonation.
4. By this point, I was getting desperate for a friend. The boy I thought I was friends with was starting to make excuses to not speak to me (though we only spoke in four lessons every two weeks). Mum was always out with her new boyfriend, and Dad was always at work, so I got lonely. I had joined a writing website, but nobody properly talked to me on there. I'd get the odd comment and that's it. So I created a second account and borrowed that boy's first name and date of birth. The rest I just improvised, but it was so I could switch between accounts to pretend someone was talking to me.
Some of the other writers saw though, and if I explained what the account was really for, they'd think I was mad. So I had no choice but to carry on. I managed for seven months, and even met my boyfriend because of this (he's still with me).
Eventually...I got found out. The people I had gained as friends pretended to support me...but after three weeks they ended up giving up on me, leaving messages like, "Why did you have to be the real one." and admitting they were only friends with me because of him. I was even referred to as, "The annoying tag-along we had to put up with."
5. The boy who's name I borrowed found out, and made a facebook post naming and shaming me, and it ended up with over 250 comments, from parents, children, teenagers, friends of his, family of his, his girlfriend, and even complete strangers, referring to me as "psychopath", "pathetic", "the reason why abortion is a good thing", "ret*d", "stalker", "loner", "attention seeker", "why the death penalty should be brought back" and accusing me of fraud and identity theft.
6. I was told my school had thought I had Asperger's Syndrome since back when I was in year 7, and before in year 5. Yet instead of telling me and my parents this back in year 7 and helping me get diagnosed, I was kept in the dark for about 5 years.

Year 11 (15-16 years old)
1. I have things stolen off me every day. Mostly money, but sometimes it's bits of homework that I know I did, to get me in trouble.
2. We have a new English teacher who knows I've got AS, and knows I have difficulty interpreting Author Intentions and the effect of language features. Yet when I say I don't understand it or don't get it, he shouts in my face, calling me "lazy", "useless", and "Grow the F**k up and learn to think for yourself!".
3. I have my exams soon, 15 exams in total, that I've been told will mean I'll be poor and a "benefit scrounging scum" for life if I fail.


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03 Mar 2014, 1:13 pm

Oh God, how about you just look at my previous posts, I swear at least 100 are about the crap I had to put up with in school. The worst overall wasn't being afraid to walk out alone because I could be jumped and beaten by 10+ students, being sexually assaulted in the locker room (by the same guy who would literally kill someone who was gay), people spreading malicious rumours about my sexuality, being forced to sit on the floor of the bus because nobody would share seats until they were forced to (and made it clear what they felt about having me sit next to them), having a guy beat me so hard if he had a weapon he would have killed me, being drilled from behind into a locker by the school nerd or being shoved down the stairs by that same nerd and to this day everyone thinks I made it up because he was the only student smarter than me, having parents bully me and encourage their kids to beat me up. No, the worst was in eighth grade, this fat (and I'm not trying to be mean, she was F-A-T), ugly, out of shape girl offered me $50 (which she flashed) if I promised to transfer to the other side of the classroom because I was the ugliest guy in the world and the ENTIRE class laughed and cheered. At that point I understood why kids shoot up schools. Honest to God, I started to question my own sanity at that point. The girl was HIDEOUS and maybe a 1, 2 tops in the looks.

Needless to say, if any adult did ANY of the above things except the last one, they would find themselves in a courtroom or a jail cell pretty darn quickly. The beatings were the easy part. Having everyone, even those you trusted turn on you leaves a scar that doesn't heal. It does make me sad that most of the bullies are more successful than me with families and good jobs and I would love nothing more than to see them die slowly and painfully as I laugh at them and refuse to save their lives.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Mar 2014, 10:38 pm

Oh, you really, really shouldn't have thought of this forum. I just have OH-SO-MUCH to tell! :twisted:

Got laughed at for trying to pronounce my (African) middle name

Dude spat on my shoulder

Was called fat (which, in a way, I guess I was, but nobody enjoys being called that!)

Jackass X would always call me a loser while making a f****d up expression in class, called me a weirdo once because--due to my poor, practically nonexistent filter--I muttered 'not butt cheeks, though' while writing something, and mocked me during gym class until I finally flipped my s**t and punched him in the face, getting us both suspended (he punched me in the arm, but I didn't notice at the time due to the unbridled rage).

Jackass Y would torment me during Spanish class, and once told me that my love of Avatar: The Last Airbender was 'gay'.

Got made fun off because I would take off my bra before P.E. (I didn't know what bras were for back then, and sadly, nobody ever told me. I had to figure it out on my own, but by then, the damage was done...) and because my gym shorts were too tight, emphasizing my butt (it took me forever to convince my mom to buy me another pair)

Became a 'twig' (Denise Austin, sadly, was WAY TOO EFFECTIVE)

Got peas and food thrown at me at lunch by random people I could NEVER SEE

Got called out for being a virgin by FRESHMEN (in my sophomore year)

Had a lot meltdowns because the bullying was getting worse (and when people got me late for class) and got sent to the guidance counselor a lot for it

Had people jump in front of me the hall and make obnoxious noises

Got laughed at for spontaneously crying in Spanish class one day

Got laughed at by two guys passing by when I told a classmate that I was considering running for homecoming queen one year

Had one guy make fun of me in Spanish...even though we were in a HISPANIC-DOMINANT SCHOOL and thus I was capable of picking up a couple of things (including the s**t he said about me being a 'crazy woman')

Had a guidance counselor who was not my ASSIGNED guidance counselor pretend to be my friend, but then turn around and tell my mom one day after I had had yet another meltdown that I was a psychopath (still upset that I learned about it towards the end of my senior year and thus never got an opportunity to slap the b***h)

Got laughed at by two classmates while washing my hands for a long time while grinning in the bathroom (I'm co-morbid for OCD and my face tends to do weird things when I'm spaced out), with one of them calling me psychotic

Got called 'teacher's pet', had a paper airplane thrown in my eye, had someone keep on my shoving my chair, and had another someone try to cheat off of me during a test in Geometry class (that was the first and last time I ever took a regular class in high school--I think)

Got made fun of by peers in general for running around in the halls (I'm also co-morbid for ADHD, but didn't learn that--or about the Asperger's--until college)

Got a death-threat from an acquaintance for supposedly telling a 'fat joke' (when in fact, I did NOT); wound up having to sit next to said acquaintance during the graduation ceremony because the administrators wouldn't take my complaint seriously.

Got harassed by Jackass Z, who a.) rubbed a paper against my leg during a class, b.) constantly tried messing with my hair from behind, c.) tried flirting me with EVERY f*****g DAY of the last year of the program, and d.) messed with my friends.

Stereotypically-Ghetto as*hole A, who was the UGLIEST Motherf***er I HAD EVER SEEN (and who probably STILL IS), constantly mocked me, then bragged about how he had higher reward tickets that year than me (that year, the program would give you these tickets for good deeds; at the end, those with the highest number of tickets got a prize, I think), which is IRONIC since even I'M less of a pain in the ass than HE was.

Woke up one morning to find lotion slathered on my door--the HARD way.

Was forced to pee outside during a field trip to a river because there was no bathrooms--and subsequently had five girls call me out on it later.

Was told constantly that I performed 'African' magic by an acquaintance (the same one who later threatened to kill me), which is not only racist, but completely inaccurate, since the Ashanti DON'T DO VOODO.

I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning autistic/Aspie. Do your research.


Joined: 22 Feb 2014
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04 Mar 2014, 1:11 am

LMH wrote:
Too many to count, from the age of seven that still carries on today.

I'm not going to quote your entire post, but I'm not sure anything I've read has made me so angry.


I'm horrified that there are people out there who do these things. And those comments about 'why abortion is a good idea'...

I just can't...