What are your worst experiences in school?

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26 Jun 2011, 4:16 pm

I was wondering because I've always had many problems with schools I have gone too. In elementary school, I was emotionally abused by my whole class... and teachers. They made me the bad guy when I did something out of self-defense. There were just times when self-defense was all I had and even that got me in trouble... it was so bad that my parents fought with me every day to go and I still refused...

It got a little better when I moved to Arizona, once Iw as about 14.... but I still had problems because the teachers still didn't acknowledge the problems I had. They were always like, "Oh well, Kimi can do the work but she just refuses to do it". I mean they didn't even stop to think, "Oh, I see where she has problems... its hard for her to do this because her mind works so differently that she needs that". They just shrugged me off like I was normal... I mean it pissed me off because there was a reason why I was in resource for a reason.

They knew I had autism but they didn't even do anything to help me. If I wanted something they denied me from having it... because I didn't need it... and I actually did. I didn't want to meltdown because whenever I did, it only seemed to make things worse because to them, I was just acting out and making a big scene. They didn't know how frustrated I was and never cared to say, "You are having trouble with school, what can we do to help?" I mean my parents pushed for me to ahve my own aide with me and they wouldn't even do it. i was so disorganized that I was lucky to have graduated high school with c's and high d's and a few a's and b's... >>;

I've had fights with teachers before... one teacher who was a real b***h in life skills who screamed at me to stop crying and being overdramatic when I was having a meltdown. The whole reason I didn't even go to college was mainly because I got so tired of dealing with the teachers and aides and whatever not knowing that I have Asperger Syndrome, ADHD and severe anxiety.

I mean most people tell me I could go to college if I put my mind to it. Yeah, I probably could but then what happens when I go through the same damn s**t I went through in high school and elementary? I would just be dealing with the same s**t all over again and my mom would be ripping out her hair telling me there was nothing she could do... because I have to go through with what I started, regardless of the amount of meltdowns I had on the phone with her in the nurse's office.

So, anyway, sorry for rambling... I guess I kind of went a little overboard with my ranting... so... um... back to the opening. ^^ Um yeah, so, what experiences have you had with the school system about Asperger Syndrome? I'm actually curious because I know we often have the worst luck when we are on a more mild side of the spectrum.

Diagnosed with an autistic disorder (Not AS but mild to moderate classic Autism), ADHD, Learning Disability, intellectual disability and severe anxiety (part of the autism); iPad user; written expressionist; emotionally-sensitive


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26 Jun 2011, 6:13 pm

Having my shirt set on fire once in study hall then having the teacher yell at me for starting trouble in his class. :roll:

I did not go to college because they put me in special education classes when I was in school. I felt I was cheated of a proper education so I figured it would be a waste of money and time for me to struggle and fail in college those special education classes left me ill prepared for college level classes. Being in those classes really raped my self confidence too. Funny thing is when I went for my Aspergers evaluation they found no signs of learning disabilities. I pretty much threw my life away by not going to college. All I do now are stressfull low paying filthy jobs thanks to a misdiagnosis and a bad education.

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26 Jun 2011, 7:12 pm

I've had a lot of bad experiences, mostly concentrated in elementary and junior high. It wasn't really because of the teachers, but rather because of my immaturity and rash behavior.

For example, in my 7th grade theatre arts class, I did something in front of the class in an attempt to make people laugh (I'd rather not say exactly what I did). It worked, but people were laughing for the wrong reasons, and it sort of tainted my reputation in that class.

What fresh hell is this?


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26 Jun 2011, 7:35 pm

Two come to mind immediately:

1) 3rd Grade for the 2nd time when I was urinated on in the bathroom by an older student.

2) 8th Grade when a fellow student threatened me with a gun and because of how I was treated by the teachers, I was more afraid of their reaction than of the gun itself.


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26 Jun 2011, 11:28 pm

7th grade, when I returned from a year abroad to "friends" who ignored or persecuted me.


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26 Jun 2011, 11:53 pm

7th grade....
My teacher for advanced math HATED MY GUTS.
I mean, she hated everybody's guts...but especially mine.
Didn't help that I was a rebellious teenager going through the worst year of my life.
She would give me detention EVERY DAY because I didn't bring a Red pen.
Never mind that I was barely organized to bring a writing utensil to class, let alone a Red pen...every day.
So....she sat me in the front and yelled at me.
Then, since I was Really ADD back then, I didn't pay the greatest of attention.
But, to my credit, I did try.
She just made it harder by yelling at me every.five.seconds "Look at the projector...look...LOOK"
To put the cherry on top....I was annoyed one particular day.
I came into class, and she was letting everyone pick their seats (really unusual actually).
Then I picked a spot in the back.
I was the only one who didn't get to pick apparently.
She told me I better sit in the front. Exactly where she put me.
I disagreed.
She disagreed.
I told her that.
She told me that.
I explained.
She explained.
I emphasized.
She emphasized.
I thought it was over with.....then I made a comment underneath my breath after that "discussion"
Oh no, she wasn't taking that.
She leaned over my desk, planted her hands on the front, drew in a deep breath, got 2 inches away from my face..........................and SCREAMED her tirade.
I mean, I thought I was about to deck her.....luckily the bell rang, and I went to the counselors and switched out of that class....immediately.


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27 Jun 2011, 12:10 am

Being accused of a theft that occured at the school while I was in the hospital. Some of the other students swore that they saw me running off with the stolen goods. Even after the police interrogated me, my parents, and the hospital staff and then cleared me of any wrong-doing, people at the school - including some of the teachers - were still convinced that I was guilty because I acted so "nervous and jerky" whenever the subject came up and never made eye contact if I could help it (This was about 20 years before A.S. became an official diagnosis).

It took a few months before they caught the real culprits, who (surprise!) turned out to be the same ones who swore that they saw me running off with the stolen goods.

Some folks still remain unconvinced, almost 40 years later ...


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27 Jun 2011, 1:23 am

Fnord wrote:
were still convinced that I was guilty because I acted so "nervous and jerky" whenever the subject came up and never made eye contact if I could help it (This was about 20 years before A.S. became an official diagnosis).

You would not believe how many times I have been found guilty of something because the lack of eye contact. When I was in seventh grade the gym teacher was always mad at me for me not making eye contact so he placed his forhead against mine and was screaming for me to look into his eyes. I kept my eyes locked shut even when he threatened to give me a zero for the day even though I was suited up and played basketball that day. The other kids felt uncomfortable with what he was doing to me so they were yelling at him to knock it off. I told one of the special education teachers how he was only doing this to me singling me out for not making eye contact with him. Some of the kids in the gym glass told there parents the gym teacher was touching me inapropiately. (I believe they were just saying that to bully the gym teacher) But he apolagized for harrassing me a couple of days later. We also had to be told what inapropiate touching was. :wink:

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27 Jun 2011, 1:33 am

Todesking wrote:
You would not believe how many times I have been found guilty of something because the lack of eye contact. When I was in seventh grade the gym teacher was always mad at me for me not making eye contact so he placed his forhead against mine and was screaming for me to look into his eyes. I kept my eyes locked shut even when he threatened to give me a zero for the day even though I was suited up and played basketball that day. The other kids felt uncomfortable with what he was doing to me so they were yelling at him to knock it off. I told one of the special education teachers how he was only doing this to me singling me out for not making eye contact with him. Some of the kids in the gym glass told there parents the gym teacher was touching me inapropiately. (I believe they were just saying that to bully the gym teacher) But he apolagized for harrassing me a couple of days later. We also had to be told what inapropiate touching was. :wink:

That's awful!
As I said before, the teacher came 2 inches away from my face and was spitting when she spoke....but NOBODY touched my face. I would hurt them if I did. Haha, I got Sooooo lucky that the bell rang that day. I probably also would've yelled back that he can't do that because you dressed out and did the PE requirements that day, so you were in compliance with the law.

Also, worth mentioning, anyone seeing a theme of 7th grade?


Yea 7th grade is the year of the devil, just saying.


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27 Jun 2011, 9:35 am

Seventh grade is the year that most kids are transitioning into adulthood maybe they have something to prove so they look for someone to bully to make themself feel more important.

chrissyrun wrote:
I would hurt them if I did. Haha, I got Sooooo lucky that the bell rang that day.

The gym teacher was big as a gorilla and I barely weighed 90 lbs in seventh grade he would have beaten me to death with my own limbs. After he got in trouble for touching his forehead to my forehead everytime he put his hands on someone they would scream "Don't touch me, my parents will sue you!" he would jerk his hand back so fast you could hear a whip crack sound. Our principal yelled at him so badly he was afraid to stand at arms reach of a student. :lol: :twisted:

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28 Jun 2011, 5:39 pm

I've had fights with teachers before... one teacher who was a real b***h in life skills who screamed at me to stop crying and being overdramatic when I was having a meltdown. The whole reason I didn't even go to college was mainly because I got so tired of dealing with the teachers and aides and whatever not knowing that I have Asperger Syndrome, ADHD and severe anxiety.

Couldn't you have just left the classroom if you felt the meltdown coming on. I had a difficult teacher, and I just left. Did this teacher even know you had asperger's syndrome? I thought they were supposed to know. I am so sorry to hear that you had to deal with such misunderstanding people.

I mean most people tell me I could go to college if I put my mind to it. Yeah, I probably could but then what happens when I go through the same damn sh** I went through in high school and elementary? I would just be dealing with the same sh** all over again and my mom would be ripping out her hair telling me there was nothing she could do... because I have to go through with what I started, regardless of the amount of meltdowns I had on the phone with her in the nurse's office.

College is a lot better, but you have to be more independent and a self advocate.

In college, if you are about to have a meltdown you can leave a class. You can also have accommodations for quizzes so you can take it at a quiet place and if you have a meltdown you can leave for the bathroom & calm down.

Um yeah, so, what experiences have you had with the school system about Asperger Syndrome? I'm actually curious because I know we often have the worst luck when we are on a more mild side of the spectrum.

The worst experience was probably when I had a meltdown, and I started speaking German out of the blue with a German accent. I guess I was speaking German pretty well since they had to get the principal (who was from Germany) to translate what I was saying. I also knew the geography of Germany. Strange thing, I never learned of Germany or the geography.

I lost all the people who I thought were my friends overnight. No one wanted to talk to me after that. It hurt me a lot especially when I had no control over it.


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28 Jun 2011, 5:47 pm

Todesking wrote:
Seventh grade is the year that most kids are transitioning into adulthood maybe they have something to prove so they look for someone to bully to make themself feel more important.

The gym teacher was big as a gorilla and I barely weighed 90 lbs in seventh grade he would have beaten me to death with my own limbs. After he got in trouble for touching his forehead to my forehead everytime he put his hands on someone they would scream "Don't touch me, my parents will sue you!" he would jerk his hand back so fast you could hear a whip crack sound. Our principal yelled at him so badly he was afraid to stand at arms reach of a student. :lol: :twisted:

Really? I thought 7th grade was just the year everyone hit puberty :lol:

Wo. Not to say you were small, but, wo. I think I weighed somewhere in the 120's, but I was kinda tall back then. Now I am medium height and the right weight for my height considering I had muscle. But I could see why you wouldn't want to pick a fight. Maybe I would have just ditched then if I were in your shoes, I did for my PE class when my teacher offended me and put me in beginners.

That is HILARIOUS about the parents thing.


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28 Jun 2011, 6:03 pm

I was looking through our science textbook on the first day of third grade and was overjoyed to discover that the secound chapter was about animals (my special intrest and the only thing I was good at). I was litteraly counting the days until we would finish the first chapter. When we finnaly did finish it, the teacher told us right there we were going to skip it and go on to the next chapter. That teacher hated me because I was so weird and to this day, I swear she did that to get at me.

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30 Jun 2011, 6:19 am

I always did well in school academically. The social part ruined me and i probably stayed home more than a third of the time due to the anxiety it gave me. it was also just difficult to care when no one else did.
everyone was useless, so i tried to spend most of my time alone.

ah, i guess being taunted by a 2 large football players was not fun. and being told to ignore them when i told the principle(! !!?!) what was going on..

and remember, you are never safe from possible humiliation in gym.


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30 Jun 2011, 7:30 am

Unpleasant experiences

1. Having to buy an iPhone because the school requires so.
2. Being bullied by girls. (I am a male, no offense, but)
3. Humiliated in school and beyond. :(

Ex amicitia vita


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30 Jun 2011, 9:18 pm

In elementary school I always assumed that people were my friend--maybe because they spoke to me? It did not hit me until I as in the 5th grade I believe. One of my "friends" started gaining popularity; I never understood how someone became popular at the time, but anyway... The entire classroom was crowded around her while we were waiting to be let back in from somewhere... The teacher wasn't around... OFC. I think everyone was conversing and I THINK I was trying to be part of the conversation since I thought we were all friends? I felt excited and wanted to share with them whatever topic I was thinking about or the topic at hand. All of the sudden, she yells out: "PAPEROCEANS, I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND!" And I remember everyone looking at me and laughing hysterically. I felt confused so I turned away and walked to a corner and stood there before we were let back in the classroom.

Ahh, I remember people talking about me while I was sitting right there. Such as, Paperoceans is a know it all, she thinks she knows everything. I don't like her. Like, right in front of me and the only emotion that I felt was confusion. I did not feel sad or anything, I was just confused as hell since I thought we were all friends and friends have misunderstandings? Obviously I never got the memo!

I do remember that I cried often in class. I thought everyone was so mean to me in grade school that I'll freak out and start sobbing in the middle of class; it's very embarrassing and it explains why I hide now as an adult when I'm crying. Now as a twenty-something student, I really do not cry much. Only in the privacy of my room or in my car.

In my geometry class in the 9th grade, I thought my teacher was kind of mean. He taunted the classroom, etc. And one day I think I was just mentally exhausted and he kept bugging me so I started sobbing AGAIN in the middle of the classroom. I was a very emotional child and my feelings were hurt quite often. The teacher felt bad afterwards and said he did not mean to make me feel bad. I think I mistook his joking around for being cruel.

Oh, girls always wanted to fight me in middle school; they said it as because I looked at them funny. Whatever that's supposed to mean. I do not remember intentionally looking at someone rudely, but I guess it's quite understandable since I can look rather mean sometimes even when I'm not doing anything but thinking about something.