Do you consider yourself a lazy person?

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25 May 2014, 5:41 am

I am a student of graduate studies in library science , but I prefer to play computer games especially my favorite series of " Total War " than writing my MA thesis .

Recently I gave part of my thesis , my supervisor , she was not happy , I had to correct it , now again it gave , I hope that she will accept it, I find out about it on Wednesday, because then I have an MA seminar :D

Now I have time to play my favorite game . " Total War: Rome 2 " : D To which not long ago bought the DLC " Hannibal at the Gates " : D

I wonder whether other people with Asperger Syndrome , also have such a fixation on a point of strategy games and story like me :-)

I also think that I'm lazy , I struggle to wake up , I really like to sleep long in the morning. Fortunately, my mom watches me not to late for class. Usually I'm late but I'm generally last person who enters the lecture hall :-)

In my defense I can say that I suffer from insomnia , my doctor prescribed my Nitrazepam , but she told me not to use it too often , because it is addictive , I used it only in exceptional circumstances , as i would have serious problem with falling into sleep.

I also use Seronil on morning.


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28 May 2014, 9:48 pm

I consider myself to be the laziest person in the world. Years ago I dropped out of a relatively easy community college course because it was too much work. Most people drop out if they're failing but I dropped out when when I was passing. Now I feel really guilty about that and think I should enroll in the university. I don't want to but I want to want to.

I think I have chronic laziness syndrome. I'm so lazy I even get tired if I play video games for more than two hours. I get mentally fatigued very easily and never put myself in a situation in which I could become physically fatigued. For some people on WP, the thought of meeting new people fills them with terror. I like meeting new people but I'm terrified of doing any work. I don't have social anxiety, I have work anxiety. It's the same for either getting a job or studying. At the moment my hobby is feeling guilty about all the work I didn't do.

I keep on having this nightmare where I'm an accountant and it's tax season 8O


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29 May 2014, 8:05 am

I'm as lazy as all heck!

If I wasn't so lazy, maybe I would have gone somewhere in life.

I'm not doing too badly--but I'm not doing so great either.


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06 Jun 2014, 9:50 am

I'm pretty lazy, I used to set my alarm early because I knew I'd hit snooze about 5 times before I got up. Too lazy to put in a promotion packet, and too lazy to sew on my scout badges back in the day.

You can change your reward system to be less lazy, I know that from experience. I know it'll be a total system shock to get off the video-games, but I've always ended up on better footing afterwards, and with plenty of fuel for assignments.

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06 Jun 2014, 10:58 pm

people say im lazy but im always mentally active. if i am lazy, its not that i chose to be lazy. its determinism :D

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09 Jun 2014, 5:22 pm

I'm lazy in the sense that I dislike and avoid actual work, yes.
But if it's something I WANT to do? Oh, I won't even be sleeping.
I play a good deal of video games, read a lot, and laze around the internet.
So yes, I'm lazy.
But I'm also a teenager, isn't laziness in the job description? ^.^

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11 Jun 2014, 12:44 am

I think I read somewhere that Aspergians are usually night owls so I don't think not being a morning person is necessarily lazy :)

I am unmotivated due to severe depression and burnt out, so I have zero energy so I maybe that classifies as unintentional laziness.


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13 Jun 2014, 5:15 am

I used to have burnout. Then I stopped doing stuff. No work. No study. Now I have lots of energy but only if I don't use any of it. If I actually do stuff the burnout comes back. But then I feel guilty about not doing stuff like getting a job or studying. Having guilt pangs all the time is nearly as bad as feeling exhausted all the time.

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14 Aug 2014, 8:58 pm

I second zkoc, I'm a pretty extreme night owl and managing to get up in the morning is a challenge in itself, but I can work 14 hour days on end if it's necessary and I'm able to work on a nocturnal schedule. My NT mother is a morning person and she is exhausted after 8 hours. Research has shown that nocturnal people are able to work to a higher standard for longer than morning people and given the tendency of aspies to be nocturnal, I wouldn't think we're lazy, just executive function challenged.

As for gaming, I tend to find myself distracted by mobile and Facebook games every time I have a deadline to meet and no idea of how to meet it. It's even worse when I'm tired. My solution is normally to make sure my caffeine levels are up, "check in" somewhere (tell my research group members I'm doing work, mention it on Facebook to a close friend, etc), write down some things that I can do to help with the task I need to do (like read this paper, modify the program for some new parameters or mark the first part of the prac report for each student), set up a pomodoro timer (I usually do 50-10 cycles rather than 25-5) and go. The problem is often knowing when to stop playing games and going back to work - I don't think it's laziness, just a problem with executive function and dreading the tasks you have to do.

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14 Aug 2014, 9:23 pm

I feel burnt out, but I wouldn't describe myself as lazy. I just get my priorities wrong sometimes and don't do the work I should be doing, such as study.

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15 Aug 2014, 10:30 am

I'm lazy. Simple as that.


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15 Aug 2014, 12:08 pm

im not lazy, im laid-back :)

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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26 Aug 2014, 7:54 pm

I'm not lazy, just really efficient.


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27 Aug 2014, 3:19 am

I feel it's a sad commentary on our society that some employers would you prefer you to complete a task in twelve hours than complete a task in six hours efficiently. The inefficiencies are usually due to their own ill-conceived protocols, not any fault on the part of the workers.

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27 Aug 2014, 1:07 pm

I used to think I was lazy, in a weird way. Like I would devote loads of time working on some things (like my website), but when it came time to go cook even microwaving something seemed like too much effort, and when it came to cleaning the same. My mom told me these things made me lazy, so I believed it.

Only lately I've realized I wasn't motivated by 'laziness' after all. I have a lot of anxiety and it can make even tiny tasks seem colossal. If I had my way, I'd probably spend all my day in my room most every day reading fanfiction and watching television to try to block out anxiety, because even the mere act of leaving my room is just too huge seeming sometimes. (Thankfully I have outside motivators which help take the choice out of my hands - and if I don't have one, I try to set something up to make it so I have one.)

I'm not lazy. I have a disorder which makes even 'easy' things ridiculously hard at times. I can see how someone outside looking in would think that was laziness, but now I know that it's not.

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28 Aug 2014, 10:27 am

BigSister wrote:
I used to think I was lazy, in a weird way. Like I would devote loads of time working on some things (like my website), but when it came time to go cook even microwaving something seemed like too much effort, and when it came to cleaning the same. My mom told me these things made me lazy, so I believed it.

Only lately I've realized I wasn't motivated by 'laziness' after all. I have a lot of anxiety and it can make even tiny tasks seem colossal. If I had my way, I'd probably spend all my day in my room most every day reading fanfiction and watching television to try to block out anxiety, because even the mere act of leaving my room is just too huge seeming sometimes. (Thankfully I have outside motivators which help take the choice out of my hands - and if I don't have one, I try to set something up to make it so I have one.)

I'm not lazy. I have a disorder which makes even 'easy' things ridiculously hard at times. I can see how someone outside looking in would think that was laziness, but now I know that it's not.

I feel mostly the same way.

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