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19 Sep 2012, 6:19 am

Did any of you had to be assisted with para-educator at any point from grade to high school? Discuss that here.

I did. My first para-ed was Kim, she worked with me through out middle school; sadly, she died on June 1st from cancer. I miss her very much.

When I moved up to high school, I was assisted with two people. One of them was different for each year, the other was a woman named Nel, who was the mother of a classmate of mine. She and I are still very close to this day.

My para-eds meant a lot to me. They helped me enjoy all the good times, and weather the bad ones. They helped me in so many ways, I owe an immense debt of gratitude to them, even after 10 years. *tear of pride*


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19 Sep 2012, 9:14 am

Throughout primary school I had many different ones, most of which were terrible.
However after moving states and in middleschool I had a new person assigned to help me. She was brilliant (Her own son was an aspie so she seemed to know how to deal with me well.) Without her I would have struggled.

She helped me with my teachers, bullies and anger. She was the first person who seemed to care and understand. She's also the first one to legitimately help me.

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19 Sep 2012, 12:36 pm

see my sentiments here

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27 Sep 2012, 3:18 pm

On the note of both my para-ed assistants: They both would try and sanitize me if I said something crude.

True story: In my junior year of HS, my assistant and I were in a history class, and the teacher brought up the Greek goddess Dido. Being the crazy man I was, I said "Slip an L in there!" Wouldn't ya know it, she almost said the word, but stopped herself! I was laughing my butt off over how I nearly pulled a fast one on her....


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25 Jul 2013, 11:29 pm

Did anybody else have a para-ed assistant working with them during their days at school?


The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of

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