Conservative or Liberal?

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Conservative or Liberal?
Conservative 5%  5%  [ 20 ]
Conservative 6%  6%  [ 22 ]
Liberal 21%  21%  [ 79 ]
Liberal 23%  23%  [ 86 ]
Centrist 6%  6%  [ 23 ]
Centrist 6%  6%  [ 24 ]
Libertarian 4%  4%  [ 14 ]
Libertarian 4%  4%  [ 15 ]
Other 6%  6%  [ 22 ]
Other 6%  6%  [ 22 ]
None 2%  2%  [ 6 ]
None 2%  2%  [ 6 ]
I have no clue 1%  1%  [ 5 ]
I have no clue 1%  1%  [ 5 ]
just wanna see results 4%  4%  [ 14 ]
just wanna see results 4%  4%  [ 16 ]
Total votes : 379


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28 Jul 2022, 10:39 pm

I'm conservative. I can never support a party that supports any type of abortion.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Nov 2023, 10:52 am

I am extremely libertarian, socially. Like, "the laws of physics are oppressive", transhumanist type stuff. Economically, I'm a mutualist, a true and honest market economy is founded upon the principles of mutual aid. In regard to government, I'm conflicted between anarchism and minarchism, so yeah. :nerdy:

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03 Feb 2024, 7:46 pm

I'm progressive. I consider myself left of typical US Democrats but not far left or anything.

For as long as I can remember, I have had a deep, deep disdain for discrimination and bigotry toward people who are different from others by no choice of their own. I'd go so far as to say that it is evil. People are people, no matter our sex, no matter our skin color, no matter our sexual orientation, no matter our gender identity, etc.

For perhaps that reason alone I came to be staunchly opposed to conservativism. It didn't take long for the rest of conservativism to unravel in my mind, as well. The ignoring of climate change, the tearing down of separation of church and state and thus harming freedom of religion, the treating of guns as if they are toys that can not be regulated at all, the desire to destroy public education, the opposition to universal healthcare, welfare, etc., etc. I do not agree with any of this. It does not align with reality, with being good people to each other.

Needless to say, I'm progressive. Conservative policies are the #1 reason I am leaving my home state and leaving friends (some of which I've had for decades) and family.

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18 Mar 2024, 1:02 pm

I'm neither, I'm a libertarian socialist. Very far-left and pretty much right on the cusp of being an outright anarcho-communist (I find myself agreeing with the general anarchist perspective 9 times out of 10 tbh, I just think that, with the way the world is now, a minimal state that exists to safeguard people's rights is needed)

Always cracks me up whenever I'm flipping through TV channels and I catch someone on Fox News saying that Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to force a 'radical left-wing agenda' on America.


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18 Mar 2024, 4:03 pm

I'm a Dennisist.

Who's Dennis?

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18 Mar 2024, 4:16 pm

^ I’m a Dennisist feminist. :nerdy:

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18 Mar 2024, 4:45 pm

Economically I would describe myself as favouring a healthy balance of socialism with capitalism (the scales are too far in favour of capitalism, currently, in my country, in my opinion).

Socially, in some respects, I lean towards some more conservative ideas.

I have never voted for the Conservative Party in my country, however, since they represent the rich people of society and not much else.

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06 Aug 2024, 1:16 am

Why are there two of each option?


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06 Aug 2024, 2:46 am

mebbe the higher positioned dupe represents a stronger flavor of whatever it is?


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06 Aug 2024, 6:16 am

Downunder, the conservative party deceptively adopted the name Liberal.
Guess that just leaves me "progressive"