How do you balance a job and video games?

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17 Jun 2015, 7:31 am

TV IMO fine DVR watch on days off/weekend WHATEVER miss an episode or two DVD in November for $10 bucks. EASY! I could see some easy fixes there. But what if you don't want to take 10 min. to run Mario levels or Zelda dungeons and want to sink into a 30-40 hr. story game or 100hr. RPG?

You know story games if you don't keep up with it you forget where the story was or was going at all. :-( 60 something percent then "Oh what was going on what was the story mission I was supposed to do or overall story I have no idea? I've done this myself without having job issues.

2nd are the days of FULL COMPLETION RPG over? To get/see everything you are talking 100+ hrs. usually. Again forget story especially in RPGS. Yes I'm a completionist there getting the UBER sword fighting a side quest boss to get it etc. I raised a Gold Chocobo and got Omnislash in FF7 no job then plenty of time.

Got the Rainbow sword in Chrono Trigger a few years back on DS. I'd hate to see no time to devote to story heavy games such as these that I love so dearly. I love me some Mario/Zelda (too hint the name) but still to dig into a meaty game is fun too.

Any suggestions? Own money afford new Playstation $500 YA! > No time to play the games for that Playstation (even if YOU CAN afford THEM) BOO!


Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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17 Jun 2015, 1:55 pm

Set aside a little time to play in the evenings, and then plan marathon sessions for the weekends. Assuming you are working the normal 9-5.


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18 Jun 2015, 4:43 pm

I was beginning to think jobs would be less boring than some of the times I play games, but then again I do play games to take a break from reality but i've yet to get a job first and even though time flies when you are having fun I do get tired of playing games, its just so repetitive. Its just that when your mind gets acclimated to games, especially when wearing headphones and playing a really atmospheric / immersive game I don't want to work or look for jobs whatever the case may be because it raises my anxiety levels as soon as I am dropped into the real world. But I get the idea that on the other hand once you are immersed into your work, you don't want that to end and you loathe going home somewhat where its boring and you feel like working all day.


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30 Jun 2015, 3:16 pm

I don't balance. Work comes first, play comes later. :)
Enjoy the wonderful world of adult life.

(just set aside some "me" time in your day. 2 hours aughta do it.

Yours sincerely, some dude.


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01 Jul 2015, 6:56 am

It's really easy, just don't play PC games.. any game that requires you play endlessly to be good (Blizzard games) aren't worth it if you have a job.

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Emu Egg
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15 Jul 2015, 7:47 pm

This one is a good question. I used to think that playing FFXIV would improve my social skills even it was always online interaction. It probably didn't help in the long run. Video games satisfy my need for interaction with tasks and things to do. However, the games give you infinite time to complete something as long as you are fine with pressing reset over and over. They also don't judge you or make you feel like you're going to be fired for being different than the other players. I need a job. I know I can do any job I put my mind to. Other people seriously don't care how capable you are of doing a job if they don't like you. Human society is completely backwards. Liking people should be reserved for being at home with friends and family. I know by playing video games that I am COMPLETELY competent in completing assigned tasks and doing them well, even better than most people. I know that because that's what trophies and leaderboards tell me. But because of the way people judge me, and bully me, and gang up on me to force me out of jobs I am PERFECTLY capable of, I might die or become homeless without video games or a job. I'm unsure of my future right now. I can't keep using video games to escape the reality of rejection. They have already proved to me that I am worth something to the world. I need to use that confidence to get a job now.


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16 Jul 2015, 3:25 am

You make work your priority and play games when you have the time.

If you can work, you can find work, but you don't want to because "I want to play video games", I have a really hard time summoning any sympathy for you.

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Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
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16 Jul 2015, 4:02 am

I was in college when I started playing Zelda-Ocarina in the late 90s, and I didn't balance it very well. I ended up leaving the course. I was also socialising a lot, though. Drinking with friends, getting in at one am to play Zelda, then spending the whole day at college reading walkthroughs for the whale belly level.