We're Going to be a Team,and Other Lies

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18 Aug 2018, 11:08 am

At our beginning of the school year meetings was all this pep talk of how we're going to be a team. Oh yeah it's going to be better than last year. Nope. The same whispering and secret keeping is happening. I liked my previous situation two years ago. Volunteering in remedial classes twice a week but my current financial requires a steady full time paycheck.


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18 Aug 2018, 1:03 pm

Your work peeps suck. Why can't they freaking act like adults? Good grief. My work peeps are getting on my nerves too. The principal doesn't have the good sense to make sure my department is staffed appropriately before school starts. People from other parts of the school have been helping out in my department until another person can be hired for my department. The other person that has been in my department for the past year was in the hospital earlier this week and will be back next week. The person covering her is not reliable or trustworthy. This woman stole the notebook that my coworker and I were using to keep track of what we were doing in our department. She also took the naptime cd. The other two women don't bother me much. I just wish the principal could put more thought into who she hires and get all the hiring done before school starts so that I can get the person trained and go over how we do things without kids present. My job would be much easier if I could go over stuff with coworkers and address issues without the kids present. I like having my crap together before school starts.


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18 Aug 2018, 1:13 pm

Your principal seems like a twit.


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18 Aug 2018, 1:26 pm

A twit and a skin flint.


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18 Aug 2018, 2:15 pm

And s**t wages


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18 Aug 2018, 2:19 pm

I don't get paid nearly enough to deal with the crap I have had to deal with.

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04 Sep 2018, 5:43 am

In my experience, whenever the boss says that you're going to be a "team" (or even worse, a family), it's code for "management is gonna mistreat you, and we know you're dysfunctional but won't do anything about the slackers except expect the rest of you to make nicey-nice with them".

Hmmm, a school in Orlando with nitwit admin and completely s**t wages? If it's private, secular, and there are persistent rumors that women are paid way, way less than men, I think I used to work there. Two years of HELL. If I'm right...I'm sorry. And I'm still sorry if there's a different school with that level of dysfunction! (Full disclosure: I couldn't handle being a teacher with ASD at all, but the career change process took forever. And now I hate my current job but at least the pay isn't s**t. More power to you if you want to stay! It's an incredibly hard field with ASD. SO many unspoken expectations and emotional labors.)


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04 Sep 2018, 9:10 am

Your subject line reminds me of "Have a Cigar" by Pink Floyd. The song was written as the band's own personal critique of the music industry at the time, and the hypocrisy of their own record label to continue releasing more material.

Come in here dear boy have a cigar
You're gonna go far, you're gonna fly high
You're never gonna die
You're gonna make it if you try
They're gonna love you
Well I've always had a deep respect
And I mean that most sincerely
The band is just fantastic
That is really what I think
Oh by the way, which one's Pink?

We're just knocked out
We heard about the sell out
You gotta get an album out
You owe it to the people
We're so happy we can hardly count
Everybody else is just green
Have you seen the chart?
It's a hell of a start
It could be made into a monster
If we all pull together as a team...

I hate those "teamwork" pep-talks, because nothing ever turns out as rosy as the speaker describes.

"Congratulations! The Captain has instituted an athletics program that features endurance swimming! Now, if you will all put on these orange vests that identify you as members of the Titanic Swim Team ... don't mind the sharks..."

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.