Esme wrote:
Paretto Principle - if you're part of the 20%, it's better to work for yourself.
And please don't use the 'ADHD' excuse. A lot of people blame a whole list of things on ADHD that are just crappy personality/attitude.
Yesterday SU told another associate that SU had spent time in prison. Yes, I know home Depot hires convicted felons and convicted felons have "rights". (Fine). But I just feel so uncomfortable around SU. Sometimes something is too heavy and I don't ask SU for help because I am afraid he might say that I said something wrong or whatever so I ask other associates that are not lot attendants.
But yes, ADHD or not, SU has a "crappy attitude/personality". Half his shifts he's at the picnic table or on the phone and tattletale tom doesn't bother him because they are "in". SU goes around bothering other people, even managers. Maybe he's having sex with the boss.
Some precious lil "people" act all "buddy -buddy" but then the second they think you did something wrong they act like Dr Jekyll and mister Hyde
Especially at home Depot
Annoying lil dipshits truly believe that they have a moral right to be happy at all times and any time they are not happy, it proves someone's violated their stupidass "rights"
f**k SU