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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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15 Jul 2014, 3:07 pm

So I previously posted about the bully telling my kid, your dead.. He was made to apologize to my son, but now every time they pass by each other he rolls his eyes or winks at my kid. I understand it's awkward but things should taper off.

However it's not. Yesterday he started in on my younger son. In the morning before school starts all the kids can play in the gym, supervised by one or two adults. So this bully took the ball my kid was playing with and said to him your dead. This was my younger son (8 years old). So after school my boys saw this twerp punching another boy in the shoulder before he got into his moms car to go home...lovely child were dealing with here...

So I call the principal and all she will really say is I'll keep my eye on it, but it's going to be hard because in the morning sometimes by 8:15 there are 100 kids before school starts in the gym and just one adult...and I'm trying to tell her look my kids receive the phrase your dead as a threat it's not okay to joke about it even and I want this stopped. She agrees and says yes absolutely, I'll keep my eye on it, but it's gonna be hard... I get where she's coming from but this boy is making my kids feel threatened weather he's planning to follow through or not...

So today, again, the bully took the ball from my younger one and launched it across the gym again,and mouthed the words to my older boy, with aspergers your dead. Later in the second class together he was telling my older boy he wanted to tell him a secret but my son wouldn't listen to him.

When my kids got home I asked them how it went and my older boy was like it was a great day. Then my younger boy said no tell her what happened, so he did and when I was telling him look you have to report this boy immediately to the supervisor when it happens he started getting all very nervous and his tics were getting all worked up. I kept attempting to tell him were going to further discuss this with the principle and make this stop because you don't have to put up with this it is harasment , he was like overwhelmed and insisted on going to take a nap and he clearly needed to so I let him for now.

I later found out from a friend walking her kid home, who knows about the whole situation with this boy, that she saw him walking out of school with white tape wrapped around his hand and it was holding a sharp looking pointed stick. I don't know if he was tinkering around with that stick or if he intended to use it on my gives me chills thinking about it.

So in the meantime my husband is at the police station right now getting advise on what to do and will be stopping in to demand the principle do something to stop this.

Okay so they took all the info down at police station and are headed over to that family's home to ask questions right now. And they will speak with the school tomorrow. He said keep the boys home until they can resolve this I hope we get somewhere with this and put an end to it, it's making me sick to my stomach. Oh hubby said too they should give us a call back today or tomorrow.

Wish us luck.


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15 Jul 2014, 3:12 pm

I do wish you luck.

I don't have anything else to add, right now, other than I hope it gets resolved quickly, I am sorry.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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15 Jul 2014, 3:30 pm

Asdmommy, Ty, it just hope to hell and back were taking all the right steps to make this stop before some one gets hurt. I think a lot will have to do with how the school,decides to handle it. I guess if they can't fix it my kids will have to be pulled out of the program, which they really love, because I need to know they are gonna be safe.

And when my son wakes up I'm gonna keep insisting he tell teachers and supervisors about anything this kid says or does to him. That this is verbally protecting himself and protecting his rights. He doesn't know about the stick taped to the boys hand yet, hopefully that will help scare him into reporting stuff this kid does. I'm going to have to come up with a great way to keep pounding it into his head...speak up for yourself!! ! Or else this kid and other bully's will use you as a doormat and possibly hurt you in the future. I need to find a book on this.

I'll post updates when I find out what action the school is going to take, this kid should be expelled, and even if he's not, because of him I can't let my kids walk just 5 min to and from school anymore. Wonderful...


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15 Jul 2014, 3:56 pm

Okay so they took all the info down at police station and are headed over to that family's home to ask questions right now. And they will speak with the school tomorrow.

GOOD. Hopefully, the boy's family and/or the school will be scared into addressing the problem.

there are 100 kids before school starts in the gym and just one adult

Is that even legal? There should be A LOT more supervision than that! 8O

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Jul 2014, 4:09 pm

Dear Parent,
My family experienced something similar very recently. I do have a bit of advice that worked in our situation. Do take this situation seriously; it's better than regretting your lack of action in the event that it's more than 'kids being kids'. First, dedicate a notebook to this and begin to document everything that has happened. On the same day (TODAY) contact the school and inform them that the children will not attend school until this issue has been resolved. Tell them also that it will not be resolved until you are confident that your children's physical safety and emotional well being can be assured by the school. TAKE IT UP THE LADDER OF AUTHORITY. THEIRS. And do it as quickly as possible. Our child's caregivers were not only willing to recommend our child not be placed in an unsafe environment, but were adamant about it once they determined that it would be detrimental to her health. She does have Asperger's and a few attendant issues, but I believe any competent physician would diagnose any child with that level of fear as incapable of learning in an environment such as that. As you work with the school, be reasonable but FIRM. If the Principal is "too busy" to meet with you today, insist that you will speak with them at their convenience. Continue to keep the kids home from school. Submit a request in writing for any work the teacher can provide for the children to complete at home, as if they were unable to attend for any reason, and might need to continue it indefinitely. Please do not threaten them with legal action at this time. Not only is it cheap and predictable, you need a bit of time to muster your own 'legal team'. That team might consist of you and your well-researched bullsh*t, a rep from a local poverty law organization, or My Pretend Attorney or even a real lawyer, depending on your resources. Please do not discount the power of social and conventional media in bringing this to a wider audience IF you decide it would benefit the children. Should it appear that it's simply for the sake of attention, you will sink the boat before it has sailed. DO research the school's policies on bullying and assault, as well as the districts policies, printing out relevant passages to show school employees that you intend to insist that their jobs be done. Correctly. I find that attending meetings accompanied by a well dressed associate who is rather staid and business-like in demeanor is sometimes useful. They are introduced by their first and last name only and simply sit quietly, nodding occasionally and taking notes. The educator in question is sometimes flustered by their presence but mustn't be told that they are your brother-in-law or whatever. They might very well be a representative from some sort of agency, there to ensure that justice will prevail. And you, the parents, are there to insist that it will. BRAVO!! I hope I have been helpful, and I must sign off for the day. I must say that I'm taken aback that my first post on WP had so little to do with my autism. Thank you!


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15 Jul 2014, 4:12 pm

Can you be a stronger presence on campus? You can make it appear unrelated to the threats. Walking the kids to school, volunteering for some of the unsupervised periods, volunteering in the classroom. I found that my presence was a HUGE factor against bullying.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Jul 2014, 4:16 pm

P.S.-- Continue with the verbal reporting if you elect to send them to school. Also, I live in Alaska but recommend you research the definitions of Assault in your state. Here, 4th degree Assault has no minimum age for the perpetrator. It raised every eyebrow in the meeting I mentioned it at.


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15 Jul 2014, 5:19 pm

Moondoggy wrote:
P.S.-- Continue with the verbal reporting if you elect to send them to school. Also, I live in Alaska but recommend you research the definitions of Assault in your state. Here, 4th degree Assault has no minimum age for the perpetrator. It raised every eyebrow in the meeting I mentioned it at.

written reporting sent by certified mail is even better