Which website address sounds better?

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12 Aug 2010, 7:17 am

Hello there

If you didn't know, I am writing a book about autism. I have finally finished the book to the point where I am going to put it online for download.

I have also decided to make a nice, professional looking, web page for the book. But this brings me to the question of what I should name the web page. I have a couple open domain names, and I thought I would ask which one sounds the best. Keep in mind that I am trying to keep the name simple so that people can tell other people and not forget.

So far, I am thinking about

I can get pretty much any name with the .7p.com suffix, which makes them shorter and simpler. And I can also avoid the somewhat cheesy use of 'free' in the name. But the problem is that things like http://www.autism.7p.com/ are easy to forget, and people may just type http://www.autism.com/ instead.

So, tell me which name you like the best, or suggest one of your own. I am just writing the epilogue now, and when I finish some time later today, I will put it up on the web site.


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12 Aug 2010, 7:55 am

Hello, Tracker.

I like your second choice the best: freeautismstuff.com

Here are some of my ideas

books4autistics.com or booksforautistics.com

Good luck with the book and site!



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12 Aug 2010, 11:34 am


I can see why you want to avoid the .7p suffix but I think people understand that there are a limited number of domain names and that names like this are becoming more common.

I like http://www.asdinfo.7p.com/ best.

From my point of view the "autism spectrum disorder" term is more inclusive and possible less scary for your audience, namely people newly finding out about a diagnosis (correct me if I am wrong about that) for themselves or family members.


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12 Aug 2010, 7:08 pm

I decided on http://www.ASDstuff.com

It is short, simple, and should be relatively non-scary for new parents who are afraid of autism. It should also be easy to remember. Now I just have to wait for the DNS to get updated before I can upload the document.


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14 Aug 2010, 2:30 pm

I like what you picked. Doesn't lock you into always giving everything away.

Have you googled what else ASD might stand for, to get some sense of what types of confusion and misunderstanding you might encounter?

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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15 Aug 2010, 2:02 pm

That's actually a pretty good choice for a website name, I remember just spending 2 days just trying to find the perfect name for Aspies Central. I could sat that name you chose does have a catch to it, hopefully it should turn out well. :)

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