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30 Nov 2012, 11:40 am

We got a letter from the school.

I am sure you all have the same reaction when a formal letter comes from your child's school and it clearly isn't a report card or anything like it. I saw it and nearly dropped it, because I thought we were doing so well...and I had to wait for DH to come home and open it because I just couldn't face things falling apart yet again. DS has been doing really well, a few bumps in the road here or there with social situations, but I really thought we were OK. This time of year, though, I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Turns out that I was completely off-base: the school was sending us a letter to invite us to an assembly where MY CHILD IS ONE OF THE KIDS BEING HONORED FOR HIS BEHAVIOR!

! !! !!

The letter discussed how his positive attitude is helping other students and the school improve the school environment!

! !! !!

Remember, this is this kid, just two years ago when I started posting here:

So, I wanted to share this news and a heartfelt thank-you to this community who walked me through some of the darkest days and who showed me the way. I know we aren't all done yet and still have a lot of work to do (and truthfully, being me, I'm a little worried that this event will set him off) but we clearly have come a long, long way in just two short years and all of you - NT and AS and parents and children and everyone in between - have been a part of that.


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30 Nov 2012, 11:47 am

That is so awesome!


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30 Nov 2012, 12:19 pm


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30 Nov 2012, 1:14 pm

Great news!!


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30 Nov 2012, 1:15 pm

momsparky wrote:
. . . Turns out that I was completely off-base: the school was sending us a letter to invite us to an assembly where MY CHILD IS ONE OF THE KIDS BEING HONORED FOR HIS BEHAVIOR!

! !! !!

The letter discussed how his positive attitude is helping other students and the school improve the school environment! . . .

This is a little bit of a sticky situation . . . because . . . because this may be perceived as goody-two-shoes by other students.

So, I guess the thing is to kind of be low-key and middle-of-the-road about the whole thing. And be open to the fact that your son may be more ambiguous about the whole thing that you are.

And being 'popular' with the whole school doesn't take the place of a smaller group like kids who like theater or bike riding and connecting within that smaller group.

Please note: I am not a parent. I am a person who lives life on the spectrum. :D And plus, I have a couple of nieces who I care about.


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30 Nov 2012, 1:28 pm

I appreciate your comments, AardvarkGoodSwimmer. Since DS has mostly been handling his difference by being the class clown, I don't think this is a situation where he's being honored for being a PITA hall monitor-type (which is how I handled it when I was his age.) DS is more socially aware than I was when I was his age.

We shall see, though, I'm definitely keeping an eye out.


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30 Nov 2012, 4:08 pm

Wonderful :) Thanks for sharing!! !

I really believe in the process parents here are developing. I really believe in our kids. And I love good news!

(and of course you are nervous about the assembly; just prepare as you know you need to)

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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30 Nov 2012, 4:12 pm

Wow thats fantastic :D


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30 Nov 2012, 6:12 pm

What wonderful news! Congrats to you for all the hard work and perseverance you have put in!! We had something similar recently and we gave DS the option of whether or not he wanted to participate in the assembly. He shocked me when he said he really wanted to do it! He was so proud of himself!

One of the IEP team members encouraged me to write a letter to the administrators at the school district about how much of a turn around DS has made since they made the decision to commit the staff time and expertise to really helping him. If you feel you've gotten some similar support from specific people at the school, I encourage you to do the same - so often the folks at the higher up levels of administration only hear about when things are going wrong for a family and not when things are going right!


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30 Nov 2012, 8:42 pm

Congrats!! !! !! !! !! You and your son, keep up the good work!! !!

To be honest, there isn't much that can make you feel better than somebody else pointing out how good your kid is. For real.

Well, maybe Johnny Depp, but lets get real. That's not happening.

Maybe Johnny Depp pointing out how good your kid is ;-)

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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30 Nov 2012, 8:45 pm

OliveOilMom wrote:
Maybe Johnny Depp pointing out how good your kid is ;-)
:lol: ! !!

Thanks again, everyone!


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30 Nov 2012, 11:35 pm


Now a word of caution... How does your son feel about being honored publically? My son hates it and would run off the stage. Just last night, his karate instructor gave him an honorary/temporary black belt and he gave it back. He does okay if honored in private.

Your son might be just fine but I'd ask him.


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01 Dec 2012, 9:07 am

I have checked with DS - at this moment, he isn't sure. I'm not even sure if they have to go up onstage, but I think if so it will be like a commencement.

He has an odd love/hate relationship with the spotlight, so we're treading carefully...


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01 Dec 2012, 3:48 pm

What great news! I'm so glad you shared it with us. This is a great reward your son and your whole family have earned through your hard work.


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01 Dec 2012, 3:49 pm


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03 Dec 2012, 12:44 am

(punches the air)