lostonearth35 wrote:
I didn't learn to tie my shoelaces until I was 9. I believe that the reason now is because whenever I was shown how it was from another person's perspective and not mine. It was like trying to tie my shoes with feet that faced the opposite direction and with my hands behind my back! When people showed me how to do it with a pair of shoes where the toes faced away from me like my own feet, that helped me figure it out. I remember how relieved I was when Velcro shoes came out before then because I thought I would be the only adult in the world who couldn't tie shoelaces.
Interesting! I'm not sure anyone ever tried this, but it makes a lot of sense. Though in son's case, I think a lot of it is not having a feel for how much tensions he needs in the laces or how to achieve it, and I'm not sure how to teach that.
Sharing the spectrum with my awesome daughter.