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03 Dec 2008, 7:20 pm

My 6 year old son was recently diagnosed with Asperger's though the Regional Center. Its been a long process but its kind of relief that we will now be able to get him some help though the school system. Unfortunately due to his age and the fact that he fits into the High Functioning Autism category he does not qualify for any other services or even qualify for therapy through our private insurance. Hopefully the school will give him OT as the psychologist at the regional center said she was really concerned about his fine motor skills.
I have found some play groups around my area for Aspergers and HFA kids and there is also a service that helps set up play groups. As he is in charter school the only social interation he gets is playing with our 3 year old autie and two days a week at swimming lessons.
Anyway....Im just posting this because many months ago I posted about the problems I was having gettting him diagnosed so I promised to let eveyone know what happened.


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04 Dec 2008, 2:20 am

I think I remember when you posted. Well, that really must be a relief. It's a step in the right direction.


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04 Dec 2008, 12:57 pm

glad to hear that things seem to be going better :D


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04 Dec 2008, 1:38 pm

You should find playmates on your own! You have to make it happen. Find an 8-10yr old child that can be a peer mentor, w/ the mentor's parent knowledge. Ask the school counselor, your doctor for help finding other kids for play groups. There are some comunity groups out there to help you. Join EX: Boy Scouts, swimming clubs, bowling, 4-H.

I have been there too! My son is now a 14yr old Aspie. This has helped him! He still is geared toward adults, but now has a few good friends

good luck!


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04 Dec 2008, 1:50 pm

My son has had his OT through the school, although I've recently decided that maybe the 1/2 hour a week they were able to provide wasn't enough; he still has severe problems and at this point we've accepted that he always will. So what do I recommend? I think you should ask the OT for exercises etc. to do at home to reinforce her work, so that the help your child does get is maximized. OT should probably happen daily, which means you are going to HAVE to be involved.

As for socialization, a few things I found helped a lot:

1) Lunch bunch weekly at school.
2) Me being a room parent at school (I got to know the kids, and they got to know me; it helps not only locate who would be good playdates, but it also gave me leverage when my son had conflicts with other children).
3) A carpool. My son spent 5 years in a weekly carpool with the child who is now his best friend. When we started, the two thought they didn't have much in common. Well, sitting in a car and chatting eventually changed that. They still don't have that much in common, but there is so much mutual respect and trust that it bridges that divide.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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06 Dec 2008, 11:06 am

Thanks for all the advice :D .
We have a lot of work to do....I know. As far as the social things go Its more difficult for me as I have aspergers and although Ive been told Im very personable I am not very social. I will have to work on that myself if I am to get in touch with other parents to help my son to make friends. I have found a group called "I can play" which is just parents who organize play groups
I think this will be a good place to start.