Overall, the left is more hateful than the right

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08 Jan 2014, 10:49 pm

American wrote:
Why do some (not all or even most) liberals so frequently accuse the right of being hateful and racist when the most severe and pervasive hatred and racism in American is produced by the left? I know some people here will disagree with me that the left tends to be more hateful than the right. I challenge those people to provide the five worst examples of hateful and/or racist speech from a prominent conservative or conservative politician within the last 20 years. Then I'm confident that I can provide five examples of hateful and/or racist speech from a prominent liberal or liberal politician that are much worse. I'm not trying to make people angry, I just really want to have this debate to see if maybe I am missing something in my assessment of the situation.
Err, just in the last two MONTHS:

* US right threw a tantrum that shut down all social services for a while and caused deaths.
* US right became supportive of a bigot's "rights" to openly spread hate against black people, homosexual people and women without any repercussion.
* US right called for a black woman to be fired for letting a panelist in her TV show make a mild joke about Mitt Rommey.

The US left has hate, prejudice and racism issues, that's for sure. But the US right is absolute scum. Its whole platform is utter hatred. There is no comparison between them. And to claim that the left is "more hateful" is a laughable attempt at a false equivalence that should only be welcomed with ridicule and suspicion - I mean really, why would you be interested in defending such an awful group of people?



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08 Jan 2014, 11:05 pm

Vexcalibur wrote:
Err, just in the last two MONTHS:
* US right threw a tantrum that shut down all social services for a while and caused deaths.

First of all, that's just not true as anyone here who gets SSI benefits can tell you. Second, Obama refused to negotiate with the Republicans (whom he has dubbed "enemies") to prevent the government "shutdown" from happening. He negotiates with the the Iranian government and the Russian government (he's willing to give the proverbial store away to both oppressive regimes), but he outright refused to negotiate with Republicans. Third, Obamacare has resulted in millions of people losing quality health insurance plans that they were happy with. Obama lied and deceived his way into passing Obamacare.

Vexcalibur wrote:
* US right became supportive of a bigot's "rights" to openly spread hate against black people, homosexual people and women without any repercussion.

Don't be so specific... That was sarcastic. I don't know what you are referring to.

Vexcalibur wrote:
* US right called for a black woman to be fired for letting a panelist in her TV show make a mild joke about Mitt Rommey.

If you mean Melissa Harris-Perry, what does her being black have to do with anything? The US left hurls racially tinged insults at black conservative frequently. Like the Democrat who called Clarence Thomas "Uncle Thomas" for not being a leftist because people with dark skin must have certain wacky political beliefs, apparently. And what could be more racist than that?

Vexcalibur wrote:
The US left has hate, prejudice and racism issues, that's for sure. But the US right is absolute scum. Its whole platform is utter hatred. There is no comparison between them. And to claim that the left is "more hateful" is a laughable attempt at a false equivalence that should only be welcomed with ridicule and suspicion - I mean really, why would you be interested in defending such an awful group of people?

What's "laughable" and "should be welcomed with ridicule and suspicion" is your failure to offer any specific examples of conservatives being more hateful than the examples I provided throughout this threadof liberals being disgustingly hateful. Congratulations, though, for saying, in a conclusory fashion, that conservatives are "absolute scum" and an "awful group of people" whose "whole platform is utter hatred." But it would be great if you took my challenge.

Last edited by American on 08 Jan 2014, 11:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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08 Jan 2014, 11:06 pm

Misslizard wrote:
I've always wondered how an ACLU lawyer can keep from puking when they represent some far right group like the klan.I guess protecting people's rights (no matter how vile the beliefs are)gives you a very strong stomach.
NAMBLA,you have got to be kidding Moviefan2k4,How can you even make those comparisons.
A group of child molesting scum and religious nut jobs,and you compare them to the ACLU and GLAAD?

Yeah. That comparison is some of the hateful stuff we've been talking about.

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08 Jan 2014, 11:10 pm

beneficii wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
I've always wondered how an ACLU lawyer can keep from puking when they represent some far right group like the klan.I guess protecting people's rights (no matter how vile the beliefs are)gives you a very strong stomach.
NAMBLA,you have got to be kidding Moviefan2k4,How can you even make those comparisons.
A group of child molesting scum and religious nut jobs,and you compare them to the ACLU and GLAAD?

Yeah. That comparison is some of the hateful stuff we've been talking about.

For the record, I disagree with moviefan2k4's comparison. But the left wins when it comes to outrageous comparisons too. People who don't believe that humans have much influence on the climate are accused of being like Holocaust deniers. Tea party members are compared to the KKK.


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09 Jan 2014, 12:18 am

American wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
Right wing are against so many issues that it makes it easy for the left wing to label them as obstructionists/haters/racists.

Your entire post was sarcastic right?

Yes, however, it is close to what one hears coming from the left.


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09 Jan 2014, 12:26 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
American wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
Right wing are against so many issues that it makes it easy for the left wing to label them as obstructionists/haters/racists.

Your entire post was sarcastic right?

Yes, however, it is close to what one hears coming from the left.

That it was! I was fooled until I read the end.


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09 Jan 2014, 12:47 am

Vexcalibur wrote:
* US right threw a tantrum that shut down all social services for a while and caused deaths.

No, it didn't; I'd say actually do research before opening your mouth in the future, but that would permanently deprive us of your thoughtful and incisive commentary, which would be a shame.

Vexcalibur wrote:
* US right became supportive of a bigot's "rights" to openly spread hate against black people, homosexual people and women without any repercussion.

Content based restrictions are illegal in the US, which I know is strange and terrifying for you Canadians, but that's how actual freedom of speech works. Duck Dynasty is a show about bearded guys making duck calls, not politics, and what those people may think and say on their own time isn't really relevant, as was made abundantly clear to A&E, who of course have the final say on what they do and do not air.

Vexcalibur wrote:
* US right called for a black woman to be fired for letting a panelist in her TV show make a mild joke about Mitt Rommey.

Which is different than the DD fiasco how? Oh yeah, Canadian, there is one "correct" opinion and all others are heresy to be censored, got it.

Vexcalibur wrote:
The US left has hate, prejudice and racism issues, that's for sure. But the US right is absolute scum. Its whole platform is utter hatred.

Really, the whole platform? Well, here's the 2012 GOP platform:
The entire thing is too long to post, but here's the top of the sheet:
Restoring the American Dream

Maximum economic freedom
Self-discipline, work, savings and investment by individual
Restore proven values of American free-enterprise
Excessive taxation and regulation impede economic development

Job Creation

Pursue free-market policies
Simplify tax system
Rein in government spending and regulation
Promote U.S. products abroad
Federal-state-private investment in infrastructure
Overhaul federal training programs

Small Business

Reform the tax code
Encourage investment in small business
Make adequate financing and credit available for expansion


Extend the 2001 and 2003 tax relief packages commonly known as the Bush tax cuts pending reform of the tax code
Reform the tax code by reducing marginal tax rates by 20 percent across-the-board
Eliminate the taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains altogether for lower and middle-income taxpayers;
End the Death Tax
Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax
Reduce the corporate tax rate
Permanent research and development tax credit
Repeal the corporate alternative minimum tax
Territorial system of corporate taxation on profits earned abroad

Balancing the budget

Restructure the twentieth century entitlement state
Reform Medicare to empower millions of seniors to control their personal healthcare decisions
Balanced budget amendment
Amendment requiring a super-majority for any tax increase, with exceptions for emergencies
Cap spending to the historical average percentage of GDP

Federal Reserve

Audit the Federal Reserve
Commission to set a fixed value for the dollar


Free enterprise mortgage system
Wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Downsize FHA


Secure water supply
Invest in inland waterways
Major improvements to East Coast and Gulf shipping ports
Reform National Environmental Policy Act to streamline projects and limit litigation
Privatize Amtrak

Wow, I can just feel the hate radiating off of that.

To be sure, there's a lot of BS lurking in there, hence why I'm not a Republican, but it proves my point none the less.

Vexcalibur wrote:
There is no comparison between them.

Said as only a true partisan could, and you don't even live here.

Vexcalibur wrote:
And to claim that the left is "more hateful" is a laughable attempt at a false equivalence that should only be welcomed with ridicule and suspicion - I mean really, why would you be interested in defending such an awful group of people?

It's kind of hard to ridicule something when you are yourself ridiculous, but apparently you missed that part of the playbook.

As to why I'll defend the right, I do it for the same reason I'll defend anyone who's being falsely and unfairly attacked, simply that it's the right thing to do. When I stomp a cockroach, I don't check to see what color it is first, roach is a roach.

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09 Jan 2014, 12:50 am

Misslizard wrote:
I've always wondered how an ACLU lawyer can keep from puking when they represent some far right group like the klan.I guess protecting people's rights (no matter how vile the beliefs are)gives you a very strong stomach.

You have to have a strong stomach just being a lawyer in general, as the whole system depends on everyone having the best possible counsel. If can't defend someone you know committed a horrible crime with the same skill and dedication that you defend someone you know to be completely innocent, than you have no business being a lawyer.

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09 Jan 2014, 1:27 am

Vexcalibur wrote:
The US left has hate, prejudice and racism issues, that's for sure. But the US right is absolute scum. Its whole platform is utter hatred. There is no comparison between them. And to claim that the left is "more hateful" is a laughable attempt at a false equivalence that should only be welcomed with ridicule and suspicion - I mean really, why would you be interested in defending such an awful group of people?

I don't even know where to start with you or even if I should since it's obvious that your trolling.
And what does the US left do?
- Clamor to raise taxes only squander more money
- Downplaying any aggressive and violent behavior in other countries, while at the same time harshly criticizing their own
- Whip up racial tension. An real good recent example being the left wing media fanning the flames for a unrest (i.e. riots) in the wake of the Zimmerman trial where their could have been untold numbers of people killed and/or injured.
- Allow illegals to flood the country totally unchecked allowing who knows what into the country and overburdening our entire justice system
- Censorship of ideas not deemed politically correct at the same time whining about conservatives doing the same

I could go on but WTF do you care what we do if you don't live even here?

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Last edited by Raptor on 09 Jan 2014, 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.


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09 Jan 2014, 1:42 am

beneficii wrote:
Ah, so now GLAAD and ACLU = Westboro and NAMBLA.
Read what I wrote again; I placed NAMBLA on the left with the ACLU and GLAAD. The Westboro Baptists claim to represent Christ, but their actions prove otherwise. Pardon my language, but as much as I despise homosexuality, I would never carry a sign at a soldier's funeral saying "God hates fags", or tell the grieving parents of that person their child's in hell as they weep. One thing, and one alone, sends people to hell: their own choice to reject Jesus Christ. Homosexuality is a sin, to be sure...but so are lying, murder, theft, adultery, rape, fornication, abuse, slander, etc. All of them are manifestations of the same core problem: we often want our own way more than God's.

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09 Jan 2014, 1:46 am

Moviefan2k4 wrote:
beneficii wrote:
Ah, so now GLAAD and ACLU = Westboro and NAMBLA.
Read what I wrote again; I placed NAMBLA on the left with the ACLU and GLAAD. The Westboro Baptists claim to represent Christ, but their actions prove otherwise. Pardon my language, but as much as I despise homosexuality, I would never carry a sign at a soldier's funeral saying "God hates fags", or tell the grieving parents of that person their child's in hell as they weep. One thing, and one alone, sends people to hell: their own choice to reject Jesus Christ. Homosexuality is a sin, to be sure...but so are lying, murder, theft, adultery, rape, fornication, abuse, slander, etc. All of them are manifestations of the same core problem: we often want our own way more than God's.

I did. It's still pretty clear that in your view GLAAD and ACLU are pretty much on the same level as Westboro and NAMBLA, just as bad, so to speak.

That view is incorrect.

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09 Jan 2014, 1:56 am

beneficii wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
American wrote:
Why do some (not all or even most) liberals so frequently accuse the right of being hateful and racist when the most severe and pervasive hatred and racism in American is produced by the left? I know some people here will disagree with me that the left tends to be more hateful than the right. I challenge those people to provide the five worst examples of hateful and/or racist speech from a prominent conservative or conservative politician within the last 20 years. Then I'm confident that I can provide five examples of hateful and/or racist speech from a prominent liberal or liberal politician that are much worse. I'm not trying to make people angry, I just really want to have this debate to see if maybe I am missing something in my assessment of the situation.
I don;t think you're wrong in the slightest. For every group like the Westboro Baptists on the right, there's five or ten like GLAAD, NAMBLA, and the ACLU on the left. Most of the mass media is controlled by the left, who share the common belief that equalizing everything - no matter how inherently separate - is the only way to having permanent peace. they'd rather everyone have terrible healthcare, for example, than any one group having it better than another...because equality's their highest aim.

Ah, so now GLAAD and ACLU = Westboro and NAMBLA.

I hardly think MBLA holds any political sway over the left - after all, who wants to be associated with pedophiles? - so the attempt to connect them with the left is absurd. And to do so is an attempt of the right to connect child molesters to gays.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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09 Jan 2014, 2:04 am

Moviefan2k4 wrote:
beneficii wrote:
Ah, so now GLAAD and ACLU = Westboro and NAMBLA.
Read what I wrote again; I placed NAMBLA on the left with the ACLU and GLAAD. The Westboro Baptists claim to represent Christ, but their actions prove otherwise. Pardon my language, but as much as I despise homosexuality, I would never carry a sign at a soldier's funeral saying "God hates fags", or tell the grieving parents of that person their child's in hell as they weep. One thing, and one alone, sends people to hell: their own choice to reject Jesus Christ. Homosexuality is a sin, to be sure...but so are lying, murder, theft, adultery, rape, fornication, abuse, slander, etc. All of them are manifestations of the same core problem: we often want our own way more than God's.

First, there is no such thing as "free will." Second, even if there was, the "choice" to reject "Jesus Christ" is understandable because of God's many flaws. If God were a human being we would think "he" was irrational, crazy, and a heartless sociopath. If homosexuality is a sin, then God is the sinner because God made humans. If God gets upset with people for choices they make in the bedroom (as if God didn't have anything better to do--there's people starving you know) then God should have made people to not be that way. The whole religion thing is ridiculous.

I appreciate that you supported my position about leftist hate but I'm afraid that when religion and politics are discussed with the same people, I have few allies at the end of the day :(


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09 Jan 2014, 2:10 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
beneficii wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
American wrote:
Why do some (not all or even most) liberals so frequently accuse the right of being hateful and racist when the most severe and pervasive hatred and racism in American is produced by the left? I know some people here will disagree with me that the left tends to be more hateful than the right. I challenge those people to provide the five worst examples of hateful and/or racist speech from a prominent conservative or conservative politician within the last 20 years. Then I'm confident that I can provide five examples of hateful and/or racist speech from a prominent liberal or liberal politician that are much worse. I'm not trying to make people angry, I just really want to have this debate to see if maybe I am missing something in my assessment of the situation.
I don;t think you're wrong in the slightest. For every group like the Westboro Baptists on the right, there's five or ten like GLAAD, NAMBLA, and the ACLU on the left. Most of the mass media is controlled by the left, who share the common belief that equalizing everything - no matter how inherently separate - is the only way to having permanent peace. they'd rather everyone have terrible healthcare, for example, than any one group having it better than another...because equality's their highest aim.

Ah, so now GLAAD and ACLU = Westboro and NAMBLA.

I hardly think MBLA holds any political sway over the left - after all, who wants to be associated with pedophiles? - so the attempt to connect them with the left is absurd. And to do so is an attempt of the right to connect child molesters to gays.

Ja. And NAMBLA is definitely worse than Westboro. At least Westboro's just practicing their 1st Amendment rights; as I understand, a huge chunk of NAMBLA was engaged in child sexual abuse! In a way, the poster was trying to say the left is even worse than the right by doing that comparison.

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Last edited by beneficii on 09 Jan 2014, 2:13 am, edited 2 times in total.


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09 Jan 2014, 2:10 am

Yes, that is absolutely true.
For some reason that escapes me, the late Alan Ginsburg had joined Mbla, though I had never heard of him having been a pedophile. I like to think he hadn't indulged in that crime.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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09 Jan 2014, 3:31 am

American wrote:
First, there is no such thing as "free will."
You exercised your own free will in responding to my post. No one forced you to do so.

Second, even if there was, the "choice" to reject "Jesus Christ" is understandable because of God's many flaws. If God were a human being we would think "he" was irrational, crazy, and a heartless sociopath.
Based on what standard?

If homosexuality is a sin, then God is the sinner because God made humans.
That's assuming He intended sexual anatomy to be combined in a specific way, which actually confirms His intelligence, not diminishing it. We just disagree on what combination He had in mind.

If God gets upset with people for choices they make in the bedroom (as if God didn't have anything better to do--there's people starving you know) then God should have made people to not be that way.
How so?

The whole religion thing is ridiculous.
Isn't that your opinion, based on the free will you say doesn't exist?

God, guns, and guts made America; let's keep all three.