Overall, the left is more hateful than the right

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09 Jan 2014, 5:22 am

Hmm, I've seen a few people mention the 2012 Republican Party Platform in this thread.

Last time I checked, the subjects on homosexuality and marriage in the 2012 GOP platform were (co?)written by Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council (FRC).
http://www.frcaction.org/washingtonupda ... -draft-day
http://www.buzzfeed.com/zekejmiller/exc ... defends-tr

As we all know, The FRC is a congregation of individuals adamantly advocating interfaith outreach, respect and tolerance towards all, and - most importantly - non-discrimination towards the LGBT community.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venkatacha ... ontroversy
http://web.archive.org/web/201004260529 ... ?i=CM10B11

By including such a prominent and uncompromising champion of civil rights in the drafting of the official policy paper of the Republican Party, the GOP has now effectively shattered any silly accusations of bigotry, prejudice and hatred levelled at the party.


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09 Jan 2014, 6:37 am

GGPViper wrote:
By including such a prominent and uncompromising champion of civil rights in the drafting of the official policy paper of the Republican Party, the GOP has now effectively shattered any silly accusations of bigotry, prejudice and hatred levelled at the party.

They still oppose gay marriage, so the accusations will continue ?? :?

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/pos ... -marriage/

The resolution to support the platform's "core values" was sponsored by Michigan Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema, who caused a stir when he recently posted an article to his Facebook page referencing the “filthy" lifestyle of homosexuals. Agema praised the committee Friday for reaffirming its stance on marriage.


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09 Jan 2014, 7:19 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
GGPViper wrote:
By including such a prominent and uncompromising champion of civil rights in the drafting of the official policy paper of the Republican Party, the GOP has now effectively shattered any silly accusations of bigotry, prejudice and hatred levelled at the party.

They still oppose gay marriage, so the accusations will continue ?? :?

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/pos ... -marriage/

The resolution to support the platform's "core values" was sponsored by Michigan Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema, who caused a stir when he recently posted an article to his Facebook page referencing the “filthy" lifestyle of homosexuals. Agema praised the committee Friday for reaffirming its stance on marriage.

I think he was being sarcastic.

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09 Jan 2014, 7:29 am

beneficii wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
GGPViper wrote:
By including such a prominent and uncompromising champion of civil rights in the drafting of the official policy paper of the Republican Party, the GOP has now effectively shattered any silly accusations of bigotry, prejudice and hatred levelled at the party.

They still oppose gay marriage, so the accusations will continue ?? :?

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/pos ... -marriage/

The resolution to support the platform's "core values" was sponsored by Michigan Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema, who caused a stir when he recently posted an article to his Facebook page referencing the “filthy" lifestyle of homosexuals. Agema praised the committee Friday for reaffirming its stance on marriage.

I think he was being sarcastic.

Oops. I was reading those links trying to find something positive .


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09 Jan 2014, 9:04 am

American wrote:
Why do some (not all or even most) liberals so frequently accuse the right of being hateful and racist when the most severe and pervasive hatred and racism in American is produced by the left? I know some people here will disagree with me that the left tends to be more hateful than the right. I challenge those people to provide the five worst examples of hateful and/or racist speech from a prominent conservative or conservative politician within the last 20 years. Then I'm confident that I can provide five examples of hateful and/or racist speech from a prominent liberal or liberal politician that are much worse. I'm not trying to make people angry, I just really want to have this debate to see if maybe I am missing something in my assessment of the situation.

Most so-called liberals aren't left-wing, but belong to the center-right. If you want a racist conservative, take a look at some of the stuff Rush Limbaugh has said. There are indeed racist Democrats out there, but their opinions do not cancel out those held by some racist Republicans.

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09 Jan 2014, 9:21 am

The right claims to be for small government ... until it's time to stick their noses into women's uteruses or gay couples' bedrooms.

I'm Jewish, but you don't see me advocating that it be illegal for anyone of any faith to eat pork because MY faith says not to.

You don't see me advocating to keep the federal government from recognizing Christmas as a holiday even though I don't celebrate it.

You don't see me advocating to keep women from being able to get abortions just because I'm old enough not to get pregnant anymore (or don't have a uterus at all--more men are visible "pro-life" advocates than women, what the hell's up with that?).

You don't see me advocating to stamp out heterosexual marriage because I support same-sex marriage.

The right seems to have a zero-sum way of thinking ... rights given to one group necessarily take away from another. That's not true.


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09 Jan 2014, 9:25 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
1. Right wing is against enviornmental laws, because they don't care about poor minority families who live near pollution

If I remember correctly, the US government mandated catalytic converters long before most European and Asian countries did. This reduces the VOC, the SO2 and the NOx outputs--all of which are far more harmful than CO2.

2. Right wing is against government workers because they have contempt for the positive things government workers do.

Please explain.

3. Right wing is against LGBT people, because they are haters, and this is how haters think.

When was the last time Penn & Teller, Ron Paul and John Stossel said something homophobic?

4. Right wing is against immigration reform because they hate Hispanics.

Right-wing is not synonymous with The Minutemen and The Tea Party.

5. Right wing is against welfare because they don't care about poor minority families.

Margaret Thatcher was pro welfare.

6. Right wing is against entitlement programs because they don't care about poor minority families.

So why did the fundings for these programs expand significantly during George W. Bush?

7. Right wing is against gun restriction laws because they don't care about inner city problems facing minority families, since they live in posh upscale neighborhoods.

Guns don't kill people; other people do. There's one illegal gun for every 9. person here in Norway, and as many households per capita with registered guns as there are in the US. If you ignore Anders Behring Breivik, murders are almost always carried out by stabbing, strangulation or blunt force.

8. Right wing is against the right to abortion because they don't care about woman, especially minority woman.

There are different opinions about this among right-wingers. Most believe that a woman should have the right to an abortion in early stages of the pregnancy.

9. Right wing is against "clean energy" because they don't have to live in poor polluted areas where minorites live.

Then explain why they're often pro nuclear energy, which only releases water vapour into the atmosphere.

10. Right wing is against banking regulation .. well you guess it .. racism .. cause they want to let greedy ,selfish white people destroy the American Dream for minority families.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/2 ... 07456.html


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09 Jan 2014, 9:29 am

GGPViper wrote:
By including such a prominent and uncompromising champion of civil rights in the drafting of the official policy paper of the Republican Party, the GOP has now effectively shattered any silly accusations of bigotry, prejudice and hatred levelled at the party.


"This token proves we are not bigots".


Meanwhile, this republican party that cares so much about civil rights, is pushing voter id laws that will effectively make minorities and women less likely to vote. Such unhatefulness, very civil rights.


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09 Jan 2014, 9:34 am

Two posts in a row showing that autistic people don't understand sarcasm or irony.


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09 Jan 2014, 9:43 am

Kurgan wrote:
When was the last time Penn & Teller, Ron Paul and John Stossel said something homophobic?

What about that guy from Duck Dynasty?

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09 Jan 2014, 9:45 am

You ask for 5 specific examples:

Louis Gohmert, arguing that a hate crimes bill passed by Congress would lead to Nazism and legalization of necrophilia, pedophilia, and bestiality:

If you're oriented toward animals, bestiality, then, you know, that's not something that can be used, held against you or any bias be held against you for that. Which means you'd have to strike any laws against bestiality, if you're oriented toward corpses, toward children, you know, there are all kinds of perversions ... pedophiles or necrophiliacs or what most would say is perverse sexual orientations.

Glenn Beck:
When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining.

Pat Robertson:
The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.

Ann Coulter:
My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.

Mark Williams:
Repeat after me: Islam is a 7th Century Death Cult coughed up by a psychotic pedophile and embraced by defective, tail sprouting, tree swinging, semi-human, bipedal primates with no claim to be treated like human beings or even desirable mammals for that matter.

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09 Jan 2014, 9:47 am

In my 40+ years...and of recent, the last decade....

For all the "evil" things coming from the "right," the "left" has done more, and often much worse, with FAR LESS outcry over it.

I call it the "bully factor." If you study the methodology of bullies, they learn the system, and THEY WORK THE SYSTEM. They will surround themselves with "friends" who will always back up their side of events. They beat you up in the school yard, and when you run to a teacher for help, they ALL say that YOU started it.

The "left" is brilliant at manipulating the press to make the "right" look bad at every opportunity...even when an objective evaluation of the facts shows that the "left" is in the wrong or just plain lying. Guess who the population at large tends to believe?

Both do dirty tricks, but even commentators who are considered on the "right" lament that their side is hopeless in working public relations as well as the "left" does. They could have the "left" with their pants down and in a puddle of their own urine and they don't strike to show it off to the world, but the "left" never hesitates to do the same to the "right" when the roles are reversed.

Tell a lie loud enough and often enough and eventually it becomes accepted as the truth. The "left" is much better at this than the "right."

Since humans are stupid as a group, the strategy works.


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09 Jan 2014, 9:50 am


It's more that the left is bullying the bullies, rather than joining the right in bullying marginalized groups.

It's like this from M64:



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09 Jan 2014, 10:34 am

zer0netgain wrote:
In my 40+ years...and of recent, the last decade....

For all the "evil" things coming from the "right," the "left" has done more, and often much worse, with FAR LESS outcry over it.

I call it the "bully factor." If you study the methodology of bullies, they learn the system, and THEY WORK THE SYSTEM. They will surround themselves with "friends" who will always back up their side of events. They beat you up in the school yard, and when you run to a teacher for help, they ALL say that YOU started it.

The "left" is brilliant at manipulating the press to make the "right" look bad at every opportunity...even when an objective evaluation of the facts shows that the "left" is in the wrong or just plain lying. Guess who the population at large tends to believe?

Both do dirty tricks, but even commentators who are considered on the "right" lament that their side is hopeless in working public relations as well as the "left" does. They could have the "left" with their pants down and in a puddle of their own urine and they don't strike to show it off to the world, but the "left" never hesitates to do the same to the "right" when the roles are reversed.

Tell a lie loud enough and often enough and eventually it becomes accepted as the truth. The "left" is much better at this than the "right."

Since humans are stupid as a group, the strategy works.

You had me until that last line, because I don't think people are inherently stupid. Whats more likely is that most are vastly uninformed. All they know about politicians comes from the opponents' accusations, and all they know about major issues is what the mass media tells them. Ben Shapiro did a great lecture last year at the Young America Foundation, explaining how to deal with the "liberal left"...


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09 Jan 2014, 1:24 pm

zer0netgain wrote:
In my 40+ years...and of recent, the last decade....

For all the "evil" things coming from the "right," the "left" has done more, and often much worse, with FAR LESS outcry over it.

I call it the "bully factor." If you study the methodology of bullies, they learn the system, and THEY WORK THE SYSTEM. They will surround themselves with "friends" who will always back up their side of events. They beat you up in the school yard, and when you run to a teacher for help, they ALL say that YOU started it.

The "left" is brilliant at manipulating the press to make the "right" look bad at every opportunity...even when an objective evaluation of the facts shows that the "left" is in the wrong or just plain lying. Guess who the population at large tends to believe?

Both do dirty tricks, but even commentators who are considered on the "right" lament that their side is hopeless in working public relations as well as the "left" does. They could have the "left" with their pants down and in a puddle of their own urine and they don't strike to show it off to the world, but the "left" never hesitates to do the same to the "right" when the roles are reversed.

Tell a lie loud enough and often enough and eventually it becomes accepted as the truth. The "left" is much better at this than the "right."

Since humans are stupid as a group, the strategy works.

Talking about the "bullying factor," I seem to recall Bill O'Reilly having one of his reporters regularly ambushing liberals with hostile, in your face questions. The "Christian" 700 Club has done that sort of thing in the past, as well, with so called sinners. I don't recall liberals pulling this sort of stunt.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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09 Jan 2014, 1:26 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Talking about the "bullying factor," I seem to recall Bill O'Reilly having one of his reporters regularly ambushing liberals with hostile, in your face questions. The "Christian" 700 Club has done that sort of thing in the past, as well, with so called sinners. I don't recall liberals pulling this sort of stunt.

Come on, now. Everyone knows that disagreeing with a conservative constitutes "attacking" them. ;)