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18 Nov 2014, 3:35 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
That just proves how intellectually bankrupt the far right is...

The names they REALLY need to know are Locke and Burke...

THEN, we'd have actual libertarians instead of selfish, amoral as*holes.

I'd drink to that.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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18 Nov 2014, 3:49 pm

Dox47 wrote:
Explain to me how not being immediately familiar with the authors of fiction that morons erroneously tie to my beliefs make me "intellectually bankrupt"? I only even use the label 'libertarian' because it's easier than explaining the myriad of positions that I hold, even if it's an imperfect fit, as I actually form my opinions by educating myself about things and thinking, as opposed to simply believing what my party tells me to.

Actually, the Rand influence on Libertarianism was more from a non-fiction philosophy piece titled "The Virtue of Selfishness." Even then, it never gained much traction in politics, considering how she tainted her philosophy by linking it to her hatred towards pretty much every group of human beings on the planet that did not accept Ayn Rand as a holy prophet, particularly the unabashed and almost gleeful antisemitism. She tainted atheism in her day even more than she did Libertarian philosophy. She was a shining example for holier than thou types to point to and talk about how evil and selfish all atheists must be.

The mainstreamed "Atlas Shrugged" fixation on fiction as some sort of blueprint for government is fairly recent. Less than a decade, really.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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18 Nov 2014, 3:58 pm

Lukecash12 wrote:
The disease is the culture. An absolutely casual attitude towards sex. Examples abound of callous disregard towards life programmed into people from a young age in gangs. Hard drugs are abundant and celebrated. It's pointless to have a debate about ethics and which culture is better, but clearly there are self destructive elements of this culture.

I find your crass generalizations quite offensive. Have you ever lived in a poor, black inner city neighborhood? Have you ever even been to one? After living in these types of neighborhoods for years and years, I can attest that none where I have lived have anything other than the tiniest fraction who match your bigoted stereotype. The last place I lived in Cleveland was mostly black, but most of the crime came from the poor white people a few blocks over where you would go if you were looking for some crystal meth. But the police still had no problems stopping black people and questioning them without providing any reasons. Even to the point where I was once talking to my neighbor on the sidewalk (who was in a shirt and tie on his way to work) and had the cop ask me if I was being bothered.

So please give up your 1980s drive by gang-banger stereotype and come visit us here in 2014.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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18 Nov 2014, 4:04 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
Your life is endangered for being white - is the scare you should have. I was told this by a black coworker when I lived in DC, when he told me , "I know some inexpensive areas, however ....". I was told this by black people in Detroit. I experienced this by black kids in New Jersey who were intimidating people at a bus stop by saying, "I hate whites. Let's do ..... to these white people".

I find this highly suspect. Granted I lived in Richmond, VA and not DC and in Cleveland not Detroit, but I have had no problems being white and living in poor black city neighborhoods. I have been called "wh***y" by some of the older people, but never feared for my life in the slightest. I have been harassed by the police in some neighborhoods, though, where they decided to search me and/or my vehicle for drugs; but they were all white dudes every single time.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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18 Nov 2014, 4:07 pm

trollcatman wrote:
I think it would be a smarter move to improve the access to education for those poor people.

IMO, this is the biggest problem. Inner city schools receive poor funding (comparatively), which leads to poorer performance and graduation rates, which leads to more poverty. If you want to tell these people to pull themselves up, you have to give them at least a fighting chance to do so.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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18 Nov 2014, 9:34 pm

sonofghandi wrote:
Lukecash12 wrote:
The disease is the culture. An absolutely casual attitude towards sex. Examples abound of callous disregard towards life programmed into people from a young age in gangs. Hard drugs are abundant and celebrated. It's pointless to have a debate about ethics and which culture is better, but clearly there are self destructive elements of this culture.

I find your crass generalizations quite offensive. Have you ever lived in a poor, black inner city neighborhood? Have you ever even been to one? After living in these types of neighborhoods for years and years, I can attest that none where I have lived have anything other than the tiniest fraction who match your bigoted stereotype. The last place I lived in Cleveland was mostly black, but most of the crime came from the poor white people a few blocks over where you would go if you were looking for some crystal meth. But the police still had no problems stopping black people and questioning them without providing any reasons. Even to the point where I was once talking to my neighbor on the sidewalk (who was in a shirt and tie on his way to work) and had the cop ask me if I was being bothered.

So please give up your 1980s drive by gang-banger stereotype and come visit us here in 2014.

Oh, so you have anecdotal evidence from this area you've lived in? Well guess what I can check that anecdotal evidence with plenty of experiences of my own. I've not been sheltered from such areas either and yes I have lived in such areas, in LA, Fresno, and where I live now in Manteca.

Facts are facts my friend. The black segment of the population commits disproportionately more crime, and the difference in violent crime is astounding. This isn't a new phenomenon and African Americans have been commenting on both this and the degradation of culture for a long time. Once again I invite everyone to take a look at what some of the folks from the original civil rights movement have to say. I invite you all to see how insulted Dr. King's family was at the speeches given during his recent memorial.

No offense but your anecdotal experiences do not trump the mountain of information coming in about this issue. We, as a country, all need to grow up and register the fact that commenting on the degradation of black culture is in no way racist. Just look at the media and music being consumed people. Take your heads out of the sand and stand up for something, just like a number of black people, including original members of the civil rights movement in the 60s, are doing today. They deserve better than this. It's all responsibility to quite giving these inner city initiatives lip service and really start making a difference in education standards and employment opportunities, as well as publicly denouncing popular figures who participate in the degradation of culture.

I honestly have to wonder what kind of poor, inner city black neighborhood you've been living in. Where I've been, hard drugs are sold on every street. Everyone knows where the crack houses are. Street fights between dozens of gang members at once break out, often over drugs (who gets to sell them and where). Gun shots can be heard at least every week. Music full of misogynistic, violent, and racist obscenities are blared over car stereos all day. I'm definitely glad to be in a better area of Manteca now, because a couple of times those stupid kids would even rip boards off of my house to go fight with.

There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.
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19 Nov 2014, 6:13 pm

sonofghandi wrote:
sly279 wrote:
you do realise that smaller companies can't afford it they aren't making millions and billions like walmart and other corporations are.

Small businesses are exempt. I personally would have preferred to see the exemptions on a sliding scale (based on profitability) vice an arbitrarily picked 50 employee line, but smaller businesses are still exempt.


to me walmart = big business. a local grocery store with 50 ish people is a small local business.

and what about franchises. where everyone works for the corporation but its each store owner who has to pay for insurance.
such as local restaurants having to cut ours to avoid paying for insurance.

so a place that hires 100 people is small compared to one that hires 100s of thousands of people.


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19 Nov 2014, 10:26 pm

Lukecash12 wrote:
sonofghandi wrote:
Lukecash12 wrote:
The disease is the culture. An absolutely casual attitude towards sex. Examples abound of callous disregard towards life programmed into people from a young age in gangs. Hard drugs are abundant and celebrated. It's pointless to have a debate about ethics and which culture is better, but clearly there are self destructive elements of this culture.

I find your crass generalizations quite offensive. Have you ever lived in a poor, black inner city neighborhood? Have you ever even been to one? After living in these types of neighborhoods for years and years, I can attest that none where I have lived have anything other than the tiniest fraction who match your bigoted stereotype. The last place I lived in Cleveland was mostly black, but most of the crime came from the poor white people a few blocks over where you would go if you were looking for some crystal meth. But the police still had no problems stopping black people and questioning them without providing any reasons. Even to the point where I was once talking to my neighbor on the sidewalk (who was in a shirt and tie on his way to work) and had the cop ask me if I was being bothered.

So please give up your 1980s drive by gang-banger stereotype and come visit us here in 2014.

Oh, so you have anecdotal evidence from this area you've lived in? Well guess what I can check that anecdotal evidence with plenty of experiences of my own. I've not been sheltered from such areas either and yes I have lived in such areas, in LA, Fresno, and where I live now in Manteca.

Facts are facts my friend. The black segment of the population commits disproportionately more crime, and the difference in violent crime is astounding. This isn't a new phenomenon and African Americans have been commenting on both this and the degradation of culture for a long time. Once again I invite everyone to take a look at what some of the folks from the original civil rights movement have to say. I invite you all to see how insulted Dr. King's family was at the speeches given during his recent memorial.

No offense but your anecdotal experiences do not trump the mountain of information coming in about this issue. We, as a country, all need to grow up and register the fact that commenting on the degradation of black culture is in no way racist. Just look at the media and music being consumed people. Take your heads out of the sand and stand up for something, just like a number of black people, including original members of the civil rights movement in the 60s, are doing today. They deserve better than this. It's all responsibility to quite giving these inner city initiatives lip service and really start making a difference in education standards and employment opportunities, as well as publicly denouncing popular figures who participate in the degradation of culture.

I honestly have to wonder what kind of poor, inner city black neighborhood you've been living in. Where I've been, hard drugs are sold on every street. Everyone knows where the crack houses are. Street fights between dozens of gang members at once break out, often over drugs (who gets to sell them and where). Gun shots can be heard at least every week. Music full of misogynistic, violent, and racist obscenities are blared over car stereos all day. I'm definitely glad to be in a better area of Manteca now, because a couple of times those stupid kids would even rip boards off of my house to go fight with.

And half the time it's middle class/upper middle class white dudes eating up this rap/hip-hop music with the nasty lyrics. Now I'd say that particular gangster rap sub-culture is an issue, but that is not a representation of all black people. Plenty of black people dislike that crap, yet might still get crap from other black people because they'd prefer to listen to some rock music....So I certainly would not say there aren't any issues in culture associated with blacks, however I think a lot of black people would be offended to be assumed to be a part of that degradation of culture/music. There was a black comedian who addressed this however the wording they used might not be appropriate for this forum. But yeah probably harmful to stereotype black people as fitting in that sort of stereotype just on the basis of skin color, in a sense it probably even encourages some to embrace some of that less than ideal 'culture'. But then look at all the disgusting pop music preformed by white artists, some of that is pretty nasty to.

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20 Nov 2014, 5:11 am

sonofghandi wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
Your life is endangered for being white - is the scare you should have. I was told this by a black coworker when I lived in DC, when he told me , "I know some inexpensive areas, however ....". I was told this by black people in Detroit. I experienced this by black kids in New Jersey who were intimidating people at a bus stop by saying, "I hate whites. Let's do ..... to these white people".

I find this highly suspect. Granted I lived in Richmond, VA and not DC and in Cleveland not Detroit, but I have had no problems being white and living in poor black city neighborhoods. I have been called "wh***y" by some of the older people, but never feared for my life in the slightest. I have been harassed by the police in some neighborhoods, though, where they decided to search me and/or my vehicle for drugs; but they were all white dudes every single time.

We have seen George Zimmerman, and now the cop in Ferguson , how black people are laying all their hate on white people *and not these individuals who they blame* - so I expect a random black person to be primed with racial hatred. This how they come across on the news.

By not living among black people, I reduce my probability of being a victim of racial hate. That is smart thinking.

A survey of which people where the most racist found that black people were selected as the most racists - even by black respondents. ... _hispanics

"Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way".

However, the benefit of not living among black people goes further. Because looking at the criminal statistics you can see black people commit more murders, and robberies than any other race - which is astonishing since they are only what 12.6% of the population, yet, that 12.6% murders and robs more people than the other 87.4%. 8O So, by not living among black people one's random probability of being a victim of murder and robbery is greatly decreased. That is smart thinking. ... verviewpdf

Lukecash12 wrote:
No offense but your anecdotal experiences do not trump the mountain of information coming in about this issue. We, as a country, all need to grow up and register the fact that commenting on the degradation of black culture is in no way racist.



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20 Nov 2014, 11:26 am

Lukecash12 wrote:
We, as a country, all need to grow up and register the fact that commenting on the degradation of black culture is in no way racist.

What is racist is the way you describe your opinion, in which you paint all poor black inner cities as having no citizens that are not violent, drug addicted gangsters.

Lukecash12 wrote:
Just look at the media and music being consumed people.

Those pesky youngsters and their gangster rap music!

Lukecash12 wrote:
It's all responsibility to quite giving these inner city initiatives lip service and really start making a difference in education standards and employment opportunities

^This I agree with 100%

Lukecash12 wrote:
I honestly have to wonder what kind of poor, inner city black neighborhood you've been living in. Where I've been, hard drugs are sold on every street

I have never said that drugs aren't being sold; it is your depiction that this is the majority of the demographic that I object to. It is just as offensive as assuming that everyone in the trailer park is a methed-out drunk racist.

In case you haven't noticed, violent crime is down drastically from the height of the 1980s gang violence, so your whole argument that degrading black culture is making the cities more dangerous just doesn't quite pan out.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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20 Nov 2014, 11:28 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
I expect a random black person to be primed with racial hatred. This how they come across on the news.

And you don't see how this mentality is a major part of the problem?

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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21 Nov 2014, 5:35 pm

sonofghandi wrote:
What is racist is the way you describe your opinion, in which you paint all poor black inner cities as having no citizens that are not violent, drug addicted gangsters.

Then please try being the slightest bit more charitable in what you assume, friend. I never made that generalization at any point, did I? My point was that it is miserable in such areas, that such things are visible and frequent, and they muck up the quality of life for the rest. Of course not every black person or any other inhabitant of such an area is a violent, drug addicted gangster. Yet of course there must be a cultural problem involved if there is disproportionately more violent crime in a minority group.

Those pesky youngsters and their gangster rap music!

Oh, so I'm just crotchety, ignorant, and intolerant if I take issue with that kind of behavior and the music that explicitly talks about and supports it?

I have never said that drugs aren't being sold; it is your depiction that this is the majority of the demographic that I object to. It is just as offensive as assuming that everyone in the trailer park is a methed-out drunk racist.

Yet I never made such a generalization, did I? The rest of us sane people were still well aware of the reason we were living in a s**t hole. I never said that this was a majority of the demographic, what I said was that the crime statistics of the demographic are significant and this is a problem we can't blindly ignore in order to be politically correct.

In case you haven't noticed, violent crime is down drastically from the height of the 1980s gang violence, so your whole argument that degrading black culture is making the cities more dangerous just doesn't quite pan out.

That's because the phenomenon isn't new. The 80's were fairly recent depending on your perspective. And it's not like I'm connecting such an odd two and two. There's a demographic in the country that has disproportionate crime numbers when compared to the rest. Total numbers in violent crime are down but this hasn't changed.

There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.
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21 Nov 2014, 5:37 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Lukecash12 wrote:
sonofghandi wrote:
Lukecash12 wrote:
The disease is the culture. An absolutely casual attitude towards sex. Examples abound of callous disregard towards life programmed into people from a young age in gangs. Hard drugs are abundant and celebrated. It's pointless to have a debate about ethics and which culture is better, but clearly there are self destructive elements of this culture.

I find your crass generalizations quite offensive. Have you ever lived in a poor, black inner city neighborhood? Have you ever even been to one? After living in these types of neighborhoods for years and years, I can attest that none where I have lived have anything other than the tiniest fraction who match your bigoted stereotype. The last place I lived in Cleveland was mostly black, but most of the crime came from the poor white people a few blocks over where you would go if you were looking for some crystal meth. But the police still had no problems stopping black people and questioning them without providing any reasons. Even to the point where I was once talking to my neighbor on the sidewalk (who was in a shirt and tie on his way to work) and had the cop ask me if I was being bothered.

So please give up your 1980s drive by gang-banger stereotype and come visit us here in 2014.

Oh, so you have anecdotal evidence from this area you've lived in? Well guess what I can check that anecdotal evidence with plenty of experiences of my own. I've not been sheltered from such areas either and yes I have lived in such areas, in LA, Fresno, and where I live now in Manteca.

Facts are facts my friend. The black segment of the population commits disproportionately more crime, and the difference in violent crime is astounding. This isn't a new phenomenon and African Americans have been commenting on both this and the degradation of culture for a long time. Once again I invite everyone to take a look at what some of the folks from the original civil rights movement have to say. I invite you all to see how insulted Dr. King's family was at the speeches given during his recent memorial.

No offense but your anecdotal experiences do not trump the mountain of information coming in about this issue. We, as a country, all need to grow up and register the fact that commenting on the degradation of black culture is in no way racist. Just look at the media and music being consumed people. Take your heads out of the sand and stand up for something, just like a number of black people, including original members of the civil rights movement in the 60s, are doing today. They deserve better than this. It's all responsibility to quite giving these inner city initiatives lip service and really start making a difference in education standards and employment opportunities, as well as publicly denouncing popular figures who participate in the degradation of culture.

I honestly have to wonder what kind of poor, inner city black neighborhood you've been living in. Where I've been, hard drugs are sold on every street. Everyone knows where the crack houses are. Street fights between dozens of gang members at once break out, often over drugs (who gets to sell them and where). Gun shots can be heard at least every week. Music full of misogynistic, violent, and racist obscenities are blared over car stereos all day. I'm definitely glad to be in a better area of Manteca now, because a couple of times those stupid kids would even rip boards off of my house to go fight with.

And half the time it's middle class/upper middle class white dudes eating up this rap/hip-hop music with the nasty lyrics. Now I'd say that particular gangster rap sub-culture is an issue, but that is not a representation of all black people. Plenty of black people dislike that crap, yet might still get crap from other black people because they'd prefer to listen to some rock music....So I certainly would not say there aren't any issues in culture associated with blacks, however I think a lot of black people would be offended to be assumed to be a part of that degradation of culture/music. There was a black comedian who addressed this however the wording they used might not be appropriate for this forum. But yeah probably harmful to stereotype black people as fitting in that sort of stereotype just on the basis of skin color, in a sense it probably even encourages some to embrace some of that less than ideal 'culture'. But then look at all the disgusting pop music preformed by white artists, some of that is pretty nasty to.

No offense but have you lived in a ghetto? Of course it doesn't represent all black people. It represents the black people who have to live in such an area. The funny thing is that I might sound racist to some white people but any black friend I've had would agree with me. They're happy to have gotten out of there too. And the music is merely a shared emblem of what's going on, of course it's not as if tons of people are being "converted" by such material, they grow up that way and consume pieces of media that merely confirm something that's already there. We have to stop being in denial and do something about the quality of life for these people, because the high school completion rate is tragic.

There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.
Nahj ul-Balāgha by Ali bin Abu-Talib


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23 Nov 2014, 3:03 am

Lukecash12 wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:

And half the time it's middle class/upper middle class white dudes eating up this rap/hip-hop music with the nasty lyrics. Now I'd say that particular gangster rap sub-culture is an issue, but that is not a representation of all black people. Plenty of black people dislike that crap, yet might still get crap from other black people because they'd prefer to listen to some rock music....So I certainly would not say there aren't any issues in culture associated with blacks, however I think a lot of black people would be offended to be assumed to be a part of that degradation of culture/music. There was a black comedian who addressed this however the wording they used might not be appropriate for this forum. But yeah probably harmful to stereotype black people as fitting in that sort of stereotype just on the basis of skin color, in a sense it probably even encourages some to embrace some of that less than ideal 'culture'. But then look at all the disgusting pop music preformed by white artists, some of that is pretty nasty to.

No offense but have you lived in a ghetto? Of course it doesn't represent all black people. It represents the black people who have to live in such an area. The funny thing is that I might sound racist to some white people but any black friend I've had would agree with me. They're happy to have gotten out of there too. And the music is merely a shared emblem of what's going on, of course it's not as if tons of people are being "converted" by such material, they grow up that way and consume pieces of media that merely confirm something that's already there. We have to stop being in denial and do something about the quality of life for these people, because the high school completion rate is tragic.

Don't know if I'd describe any places I've lived as such entirely there are certainly worse places, though I certainly have had plenty of exposure to poorer areas around denver, I more live in between sort of poor areas and slightly more upper-class. But yeah there isn't really a disportionate amount of black people or any other race in such areas at all, perhaps hispanic people in some of these areas since there is a large amount of such population...But violent crime certainly is not limited to lower class areas in this state that is for sure, though it does happen but yeah its committed by people of all races since as Its pretty racially diverse.

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23 Nov 2014, 3:21 am

sonofghandi wrote:
Dox47 wrote:
Explain to me how not being immediately familiar with the authors of fiction that morons erroneously tie to my beliefs make me "intellectually bankrupt"? I only even use the label 'libertarian' because it's easier than explaining the myriad of positions that I hold, even if it's an imperfect fit, as I actually form my opinions by educating myself about things and thinking, as opposed to simply believing what my party tells me to.

Actually, the Rand influence on Libertarianism was more from a non-fiction philosophy piece titled "The Virtue of Selfishness." Even then, it never gained much traction in politics, considering how she tainted her philosophy by linking it to her hatred towards pretty much every group of human beings on the planet that did not accept Ayn Rand as a holy prophet, particularly the unabashed and almost gleeful antisemitism. She tainted atheism in her day even more than she did Libertarian philosophy. She was a shining example for holier than thou types to point to and talk about how evil and selfish all atheists must be.

The mainstreamed "Atlas Shrugged" fixation on fiction as some sort of blueprint for government is fairly recent. Less than a decade, really.

Ayn Rand quite disliked the libertarian movement, she did not care for anyone that didn't follow her very narrow and specific view on the world. Murray Rothbard who is much more influential on the modern libertarian movement in the US actually wrote a play satirizing her.


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23 Nov 2014, 3:30 am

sonofghandi wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
I expect a random black person to be primed with racial hatred. This how they come across on the news.

And you don't see how this mentality is a major part of the problem?

Yes, it is a problem. However, what can people do but defend themselves? It is common sense, that no white person should be walking around Ferguson, MO, or any black city this week.

These people are so charged up on racial hate that the national guard has to be brought in because of threats of violence and rioting - justified in their minds because of this injustice done to them by a white person. For example, the FBI just arrested two people planning to make bombs if the officer was not indicted.

What can anyone do but move away from these people?