Obama a "communist dictator"; Rick Santorum responds

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21 Mar 2015, 9:59 pm

Santorum is the lowest of the low for so cynically and obviously exploiting people as ignorant as this woman.


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22 Mar 2015, 1:42 am

I couldn't finish listening to the whole video of those two crackpots.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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22 Mar 2015, 6:04 am

I don't see how he exploited her, if anything he actually calmed her down and the points he made are valid points...


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22 Mar 2015, 6:40 am

The lady sounds like a female Alex Jones. Loud, bonkers, anti-Obama.


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22 Mar 2015, 6:50 am

Oh dear! I think America is capable of far better than this.


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23 Mar 2015, 10:53 am

Whathappened wrote:
I don't see how he exploited her, if anything he actually calmed her down and the points he made are valid points...

He didn't take the small amount of time it would have taken to refute or really address her bogus and paranoid claims (Obama didn't try to "blow up a nuke" in Charleston, and it's embarassing that we're still seeing comments about his citizenship), and merely used her as a springboard for his own line of BS posturing. Santorum and politicians like him use the fearful, ignorant, and uneducated in order to get votes.


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23 Mar 2015, 11:59 am

drh1138 wrote:
Whathappened wrote:
I don't see how he exploited her, if anything he actually calmed her down and the points he made are valid points...

He didn't take the small amount of time it would have taken to refute or really address her bogus and paranoid claims (Obama didn't try to "blow up a nuke" in Charleston, and it's embarassing that we're still seeing comments about his citizenship), and merely used her as a springboard for his own line of BS posturing. Santorum and politicians like him use the fearful, ignorant, and uneducated in order to get votes.

Amen, Grand Mof Tarkin!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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23 Mar 2015, 12:16 pm

Is he going to run for president in '16?
If he does he won't get elected.
Problem solved, if it even is a problem....

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23 Mar 2015, 7:52 pm

If Ted Cruz wins the nomination, there's no way he'd get elected. Automatic Democratic win. He's Tea Party--and he was an obstructionist in Congress.

John McCain would be a good choice now.


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23 Mar 2015, 8:03 pm

drh1138 wrote:
Santorum and politicians like him use the fearful, ignorant, and uneducated in order to get votes.

And if you don't think the other side does the same, you're a dupe. They tell you you're smarter and more sophisticated if you swallow this agenda, instead of that one. When you call others ignorant and uneducated for not agreeing with your belief system, you've been thoroughly indoctrinated.

They're both sock puppets on the hands of the same puppet master.

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23 Mar 2015, 8:47 pm

will@rd wrote:
drh1138 wrote:
Santorum and politicians like him use the fearful, ignorant, and uneducated in order to get votes.

And if you don't think the other side does the same, you're a dupe. They tell you you're smarter and more sophisticated if you swallow this agenda, instead of that one. When you call others ignorant and uneducated for not agreeing with your belief system, you've been thoroughly indoctrinated.

They're both sock puppets on the hands of the same puppet master.

Well, you know, it is hard to take the right seriously when they throw their support behind people who think the earth is only a few thousand years old, that gay marriage should be illegal for Biblical values, believe the President was born in Kenya, insist that global warming is a hoax at the behest of big business, and so on, and so forth. And yes, when I hear people spouting ideas like that, I do feel smarter and better educated. As soon as the right decides to stop courting these idiots and their idiotic ideas, the sooner I'll stop thinking poorly of the right.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Mar 2015, 12:35 pm

It's hard to take the left seriously when they throw their support behind people who insist that goveremnt should be the source of happiness and prosperity, want to use a natural occurrence like climate change as a tool of oppression and to punish industry, believe inanimate objects are responsible for crime, claim to be for small business but want to tax and regulate them out of business, believe receiving services for free is a right, etc. And yes, when I hear people spouting ideas like that, I do feel smarter and better educated. As soon as the left decides to stop courting these idiots and their idiotic ideas, the sooner I'll stop thinking poorly of the left.

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24 Mar 2015, 12:58 pm

Raptor wrote:
It's hard to take the left seriously when they throw their support behind people who insist that goveremnt should be the source of happiness and prosperity, want to use a natural occurrence like climate change as a tool of oppression and to punish industry, believe inanimate objects are responsible for crime, claim to be for small business but want to tax and regulate them out of business, believe receiving services for free is a right, etc. And yes, when I hear people spouting ideas like that, I do feel smarter and better educated. As soon as the left decides to stop courting these idiots and their idiotic ideas, the sooner I'll stop thinking poorly of the left.

I don't think anyone ever said that government should be the source of happiness and prosperity. But it certainly has a role to play in helping people achieve those goals, such as supplying public education, work programs, government loans and grants, healthcare, etc.
The government wouldn't have to punish industry if they weren't responsible for environmental abuses.
And who's being oppressed by the government in regard to climate change? Industry? Sort of like industry was "punished" for refusing to rid lead from gasoline, paint, and other everyday things that were slowly poisoning us? Contrary to right wing conspiracy theories, the left does not advocate action against big business in order to destroy them, but to protect the American people's health and welfare.
As for climate change being a naturally occurring phenomenon - Tell that to almost one hundred percent of scientists. Oh, yeah, there are some "men of science" who disagree with the overwhelming majority - at the behest of big business, which places dollar signs over and above human life. Then again, the right has never been big on science, considering their record on so called creation science, rejection of evolution, and autism denial.
Sure, there are anti-gun nuts on the left who want to hold guns and their makers responsible for murder and other crimes, but seriously, their numbers are way blown out of proportion. Last time I checked, the gun lobby was winning.
As far as small business is concerned - the right has convinced small business people that the government is the evil doer, with all their taxes and regulations. In fact, small businesses are more likely to fail because big business downsizes work forces, cuts wages and benefits, and even outsources, taking money out of the hands of workers who had previously been loyal consumers. Let's see the right cop to that.
Guess what, I still feel smarter and better educated.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Mar 2015, 1:01 pm

Perhaps a wannabe communist dictator would be more accurate. He only has until January 2017 to continue his campaign of being in the limelight and messing with America's allies.

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24 Mar 2015, 1:04 pm

Iamaparakeet wrote:
Perhaps a wannabe communist dictator would be more accurate. He only has until January 2017 to continue his campaign of being in the limelight and messing with America's allies.

I suppose it's Obama's beef with Bibi that your referring to. How does that qualify him to be a communist dictator?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Mar 2015, 1:34 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
If Ted Cruz wins the nomination, there's no way he'd get elected. Automatic Democratic win. He's Tea Party--and he was an obstructionist in Congress.

John McCain would be a good choice now.

He has very good chance of winning the nomination.
His main rival is Tea Partier Scot Walker, Governor of WI

The GOP base is deeply conservative and won't be taken for another ride like Romney did to them.

Anyways I thought Obama was Muslim born native of Kenya... :mrgreen:

Something.... Weird... Something...