Should there be a law against public institutions that lie f

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26 Jul 2015, 2:56 pm

Janissy wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Lukecash12 wrote:

Nope. I haven't heard any of that. Or to be more precise: I haven't said any of that. You're conversing with a Freewill Baptist minister. So why don't you take a little step back with "shove theology down your throat" and listen to how vindictive you sound. Quit dehumanizing us.

When you stop knowingly lying to gullible people on my dime, I will.


As a staunch, perhaps even strident, atheist I have argued a lot with religious people and theists here. But I've never said they were lying because they aren't. They disagree with me on pretty much everything having to do with God and I think they are wrong about a lot of things (such as those who hold that evolution doesn't and didn't happen). (Theists; note that I didn't say wrong about God, just wrong about evolution. God isn't knowable. Evolution is.) But being wrong or disagreeing or believing different things aren't lies.

'Lie' has a very specific meaning. For something to be a lie, the speaker must not believe what they are saying and saying it purely to deceive.

You are making the rather bold claim that priest/pastors/ministers/reverends/rabbis/imams (have I missed any?) are just as atheist as I am but are saying otherwise to their congregation to get donations and maintain tax exempt status.

Correct. They beliefs as little as you do and lie about their beliefs. Their own words condemn them. They tell you how unknowable God is then start reaming off all that they know of the unknowable.

Any decent court would rule against them.



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26 Jul 2015, 3:03 pm

Lukecash12 wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Lukecash12 wrote:

Nope. I haven't heard any of that. Or to be more precise: I haven't said any of that. You're conversing with a Freewill Baptist minister. So why don't you take a little step back with "shove theology down your throat" and listen to how vindictive you sound. Quit dehumanizing us.

When you stop knowingly lying to gullible people on my dime, I will.


Oh, it's "on your dime", is it? Not that you were curious enough or sensitive enough to ask and appreciate, but I never took a vow of poverty. My livelihood doesn't come from the offering plate. In fact my church operates a lot like a soup kitchen. So you've succeeded only in dehumanizing yourself by spewing such ignorance.

Would you know what love looked like if it was right in front of you? You assume I'm in some kind of judgment seat, dependent on the gullibility of others, yet I'm in no way dependent or interested in judging people. What I do is love people to the best of my ability and knowledge. You seem have this misguided concept that everyone who is a relatively more orthodox Christian must be part of some authoritarian system. Well you can go ahead and ask my congregation if they've been coerced or told what they ought to believe, "or else".

What is dehumanizing is the lies the churches and priests put out there every time they open their mouths.

What is dehumanizing is people giving up their dominion over themselves based on the lies you have fed them since they were just children.

Shame on all lying priests.



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26 Jul 2015, 3:05 pm

Fnord wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Fnord wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
[...]Researchers and other recipients of charitable donations should not be penalized because of the bad apples in the barrel. Better to clean out the bad apples and let the hungry at the good apples.
And what registered charity passes along 100% of what it collects to those it claims to represent?
None that I know of. What does that have to do with the issue of charities that give next to nothing?
Everything. Fraud is fraud, whether it's taking 1% or 100% (or anything more than 0%) from the money allegedly collected to benefit people in need.

Just like in Organized Religion, the people who run Organized Charities are scamming donors into making donations and getting rich off of the "Administrative Costs" they skim from what they collect.

No argument. Thanks.



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26 Jul 2015, 3:07 pm

Raptor wrote:
A fool and his money are soon parted.
No, I don't believe in passing laws to protect people who are bound to f**k themselves from f*****g themselves.

I see that you follow the golden rule. Not.



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26 Jul 2015, 3:15 pm

Lukecash12 wrote:
If you'd like, Bishop, we can start a thread especially to discuss Gnosticism and it's place in history. You can then go ahead and give me a heaping list of "lies" to deal with. I encourage it. But don't be surprised if someone has the wherewithal to provide answers to all of your claims. Let's see whose false narrative this really is.

Gnostic Christianity sells a myth that is designed to have people find and open their third eye, in the Eastern sense. That is all we sell and science has no fault with this.

If you want lies then jut think of talking serpents and donkeys and the curse of 72 virgins.

As to Gnostic Christian history. It is short and tells us more about Christian and their evil history of helping usher in the Dark Ages and Inquisition than our good one. Are you sure you want to talk of Gnostic Christian history? ... =PLCBF574D



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26 Jul 2015, 3:19 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Absolutely Not!! ! !

The only time lying should be actionable is

1. Commission of fraud where there is property or monetary loss

2. Lying under oath (perjury).

If uttering untruth were otherwise actionable, writers of fiction would be put in jail and promise breakers would be legally punished.

Writers of fiction do not try to pawn off their works as reality. Religion and charities do while knowing they are lying.



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26 Jul 2015, 3:22 pm

ruveyn wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Should there be a law against public institutions that lie for money?

Religions and many charitable organizations of all stripes make their revenues by lying to people. ... endas.html

Should we help protect the gullible by eliminating all the fraud that is being passed off as religion and charity?

Those who do not believe the lies being sold by religions and charities are presently subsidize the tax exemptions and credits that religions and charities enjoy. What they save in taxes, non-believers and those who actually want to give to charities must fork up.

I am not what most would call a non-believer, I am a Gnostic Christian, but still resent my hard earned tax money being used to perpetuate what most know are lies. If you are a non-believer, or one who wants your charitable donations to actually be used for charity, I hope you feel the same and do not like being fleeced the way the gullible are.

There ought to be a law against institution like religions and bogus charities that live off of lying to the gullible. ... on-a-year/

Do you agree?


You are talking about fraud. That is different from lying. With fraud there is an attempt and an intent to deceive with the purpose of getting money or assets under false pretenses.

I was being kind. Those mentioned are attempting to deceive with the purpose of getting money or assets under false pretenses.



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26 Jul 2015, 8:30 pm

GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
A fool and his money are soon parted.
No, I don't believe in passing laws to protect people who are bound to f**k themselves from f*****g themselves.

I see that you follow the golden rule. Not.


How, by not wanting to pass complex legislation to protect the stupid from thier own stupidity?

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26 Jul 2015, 10:34 pm

Raptor wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
A fool and his money are soon parted. No, I don't believe in passing laws to protect people who are bound to f**k themselves from f*****g themselves.
I see that you follow the golden rule. Not.
How, by not wanting to pass complex legislation to protect the stupid from thier own stupidity?
The Golden Rule goes something like: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"; so, if you believe that no legislation should be passed that would make your own stupidity illegal, then I see no fault in your belief that no legislation should be passed to make other people's stupidity illegal, either.

Cripes, if stupidity was illegal, then everybody would have done something to earn a criminal record at least once in their lifetimes!


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27 Jul 2015, 9:14 am

Raptor wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
A fool and his money are soon parted.
No, I don't believe in passing laws to protect people who are bound to f**k themselves from f*****g themselves.

I see that you follow the golden rule. Not.


How, by not wanting to pass complex legislation to protect the stupid from thier own stupidity?

So you follow the golden rule only when it is simple to do so.

To bow out of your social duty to your fellow man when things get tough is a sign of a weak character.



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27 Jul 2015, 10:06 am

GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
A fool and his money are soon parted.
No, I don't believe in passing laws to protect people who are bound to f**k themselves from f*****g themselves.

I see that you follow the golden rule. Not.


How, by not wanting to pass complex legislation to protect the stupid from thier own stupidity?

So you follow the golden rule only when it is simple to do so.

To bow out of your social duty to your fellow man when things get tough is a sign of a weak character.


Yeah, I'm really awful aint I?

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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27 Jul 2015, 11:59 am

Raptor wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
A fool and his money are soon parted. No, I don't believe in passing laws to protect people who are bound to f**k themselves from f*****g themselves.
I see that you follow the golden rule. Not.
How, by not wanting to pass complex legislation to protect the stupid from thier own stupidity?
So you follow the golden rule only when it is simple to do so. To bow out of your social duty to your fellow man when things get tough is a sign of a weak character.
Yeah, I'm really awful aint I? Whatev
Careful there, Rappy! You've just been judge by One Who Is Holier Than Thou! Any moment now, you should be feeling an immense weight of guilt and shame, followed by a desperate urge to repent.

Any moment now ...

Any moment now ...

Will you hurry up?



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27 Jul 2015, 12:03 pm

GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
A fool and his money are soon parted.
No, I don't believe in passing laws to protect people who are bound to f**k themselves from f*****g themselves.

I see that you follow the golden rule. Not.


How, by not wanting to pass complex legislation to protect the stupid from thier own stupidity?

So you follow the golden rule only when it is simple to do so.

To bow out of your social duty to your fellow man when things get tough is a sign of a weak character.


You say social duty. I say oppressive nanny state.

I am somewhat hypocritical since I do support nanny state legislation that protects people from their own stupidity that could get them killed- such as seat belt laws. But you have to draw the line somewhere. I draw it well before outlawing people from buying (literally, with donations) into ideas I don't agree with. As long as the money is paying for exactly what the charity/church says it is paying for, stopping that would be an absurd overstep.

There are no doubt things that I do that somebody out there thinks are stupid things to do/pay for. If somebody thinks that something I do is stupid (or that you do!!), is it their duty to put a stop to that?

I pay more (a lot more) for grass fed beef. Even though the farm it comes from is a short drive my house, it still costs more than grain fed beef from a larger farm. It's a small farm and the people running it can't do a volume business . You could even call it a boutique farm. Judging from the people also there to buy, the customer base is middle class health nuts willing to pay double for grass fed. There are plenty of people who consider that stupid. Should this producer/consumer exchange be shut down to protect us from what some consider the stupidity of paying double for the same amount of beef?


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27 Jul 2015, 12:35 pm

One's Religious-Beliefs should never become an actual Law.
Then again The Laws are Religious-Beliefs.

They got their own Scribes (i.e.: Law-Makers) who write Verses (i.e.: Legislation & Policies) into their Un-Holy Bibles (i.e.: Law-Books), backed by their Supreme-Being (i.e.: Government), who even go so far as to Ex-Communicate (i.e.: Sentencing & Incarceration) you from Society for the Sins (i.e.: Crimes) that you have committed against its Scriptures (i.e.: Religious-Observance to Legal-Policies), full of Inquisitions (i.e.: Court-Trials) where they want you to confess to your Sins (i.e.: Crimes) that are only offensive to Text on Paper (i.e.: their bible) even though you may have done nothing that brings any actual harm/injury/suffering/damage to person or property, and they are full of Witch-Hunters (i.e.: Police who engage in activities upon others that can only be described as Criminal along with the supporters of such Police-Brutality & Corruption).

Pay me for my signature. 私の署名ですか❓お前の買うなければなりません。Mon autographe nécessite un paiement. Которые хочет мою автографу, у тебя нужно есть деньги сюда. Bezahlst du mich, wenn du meine Unterschrift wollen.


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28 Jul 2015, 10:31 am

Janissy wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
Raptor wrote:
A fool and his money are soon parted.
No, I don't believe in passing laws to protect people who are bound to f**k themselves from f*****g themselves.

I see that you follow the golden rule. Not.


How, by not wanting to pass complex legislation to protect the stupid from thier own stupidity?

So you follow the golden rule only when it is simple to do so.

To bow out of your social duty to your fellow man when things get tough is a sign of a weak character.


You say social duty. I say oppressive nanny state.

I am somewhat hypocritical since I do support nanny state legislation that protects people from their own stupidity that could get them killed- such as seat belt laws. But you have to draw the line somewhere. I draw it well before outlawing people from buying (literally, with donations) into ideas I don't agree with. As long as the money is paying for exactly what the charity/church says it is paying for, stopping that would be an absurd overstep.

There are no doubt things that I do that somebody out there thinks are stupid things to do/pay for. If somebody thinks that something I do is stupid (or that you do!!), is it their duty to put a stop to that?

I pay more (a lot more) for grass fed beef. Even though the farm it comes from is a short drive my house, it still costs more than grain fed beef from a larger farm. It's a small farm and the people running it can't do a volume business . You could even call it a boutique farm. Judging from the people also there to buy, the customer base is middle class health nuts willing to pay double for grass fed. There are plenty of people who consider that stupid. Should this producer/consumer exchange be shut down to protect us from what some consider the stupidity of paying double for the same amount of beef?

The issue is liars taking advantage of the gullible.

Your beef farmer is giving you beef. Not lies about what he gives you being beef while just giving you beef manure.



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28 Jul 2015, 10:34 am

Ban-Dodger wrote:
One's Religious-Beliefs should never become an actual Law.
Then again The Laws are Religious-Beliefs.

They got their own Scribes (i.e.: Law-Makers) who write Verses (i.e.: Legislation & Policies) into their Un-Holy Bibles (i.e.: Law-Books), backed by their Supreme-Being (i.e.: Government), who even go so far as to Ex-Communicate (i.e.: Sentencing & Incarceration) you from Society for the Sins (i.e.: Crimes) that you have committed against its Scriptures (i.e.: Religious-Observance to Legal-Policies), full of Inquisitions (i.e.: Court-Trials) where they want you to confess to your Sins (i.e.: Crimes) that are only offensive to Text on Paper (i.e.: their bible) even though you may have done nothing that brings any actual harm/injury/suffering/damage to person or property, and they are full of Witch-Hunters (i.e.: Police who engage in activities upon others that can only be described as Criminal along with the supporters of such Police-Brutality & Corruption).

What would you replace the state with? Anarchy?

Anything less is someone writing laws and enforcing them.
