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09 Aug 2016, 12:03 pm

Which philosopher are you?
Your Result: Aristotle 78%
Truth does not exist in some transcendent realm. We get to truth by applying reason to the physical world. The world follows logic and commonsense. Science if done properly is not too far from philosophy.

57% Early Wittgenstein / Positivists
53% Nietzsche
47% W.v.O. Quine / Late Wittgenstein
43% Sartre/Camus (late existentialists)
26% Immanuel Kant
24% Plato (strict rationalists)

There Are Four Lights!

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09 Aug 2016, 12:17 pm

And would you score a goal? :D

There Are Four Lights!


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09 Aug 2016, 1:06 pm

@ OP: Thanks, for posting this----it was really interesting.

I took the other one, TOO----and, I TOO like these results, BETTER!!

Which ancient philosopher do you think like?

Seneca - 92%
Buddha - 77%
Lao Tzu - 69%
Aristotle - 68%
Plato - 59%
Confucius - 39%
Epicurus - 34%

Seneca: Roman philosopher, dramatist, statesman, and an eminent writer. He has been chosen here to represent the Stoic philosophy, which had many other great philosophers such as Cicero, Zeno, Marcus Aurelius, and Epictetus. He was born Lucius Annaeus Seneca in Córdoba, Spain. In ad 49 Seneca was made a praetor and appointed tutor to Nero, the adopted son of the Emperor Claudius. Upon the death of Claudius in 54, Nero became emperor. Much of the decency and moderation of the first five years of his rule was the result of the sane guidance of Seneca. According to Seneca and Stoics: -A major purpose of life is to align your will to the divine will. -Happiness is found by living in conformity with the divine plan of the universe. -We can gain knowledge through both reason and sensory information. -In life we should diminish emotions, help others, live virtuously, and live simply. -We should be involved in the world and make it a better place. -There is a God and we do have souls.


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09 Aug 2016, 2:14 pm

Took the other test as well...


Given my fascination with Zen Buddhism (which is a combination of Mahayana Buddhism and Daoism/Taoism), I suppose I shouldn't be surprised...


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09 Aug 2016, 2:28 pm

Plato 91%
Aristotle 72%
Kant 46%


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09 Aug 2016, 2:59 pm




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09 Aug 2016, 3:54 pm

I don't need to test, I'm Kierkagaard meets Homer Simpson


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09 Aug 2016, 4:26 pm

I missed the other test the first time around.

Which ancient philosopher do you think like?
Your Result: Buddha
AKA: Gautama Siddhartha. Indian philosopher and the founder of Buddhism. Lived from 563-483 B.C. One day in 533, he encountered an aged man, a sick man, and a corpse, and he suddenly realized that suffering is the common lot of mankind. He then met a monk and determined to adopt his way of life and forsake family and wealth in the quest for truth. He later found a better way as he meditated under a bo tree until he experienced the Great Enlightenment, which revealed the way of salvation from suffering. He traveled, taught, gathered followers, and established monastic communities.
According to Buddha:
-The ultimate goal and happiness is Nirvana, a state of enlightenment free from suffering.
-Meditation and scientific methods are ways to learn.
-In life, seek the middle way – neither excessive self-denial or indulgence.
-Each person should fulfill his duties to make a good society.
-The gods are worse off than humans.
-There is no soul.
Result Breakdown:
82% Buddha
58% Lao Tzu
54% Plato
51% Confucius
45% Aristotle
43% Seneca
27% Epicurus

And I'm not even a Buddhist. hehehe

I do believe there is a middle way between logic/reason and spirit though, and that's why I appreciate both the scientific method and meditation as paths to truth. So I suppose the test is accurate enough.

"Ego non immanis, sed mea immanis telum." ~ Ares, God of War

(Note to Moderators: my warning number is wrong on my profile but apparently can't be fixed so I will note here that it is actually 2, not 3--the warning issued to me on Aug 20 2016 was a mistake but I've been told it can't be removed.)

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09 Aug 2016, 6:36 pm

Which philosopher are you?
Your Result: Nietzsche


There is no provable absolute truth. At the bottom of every philosophy there is some inspired assumption which the philosopher defends with reasons they have sought after the fact. There is no rational principle behind our world. The most noble goal in life is to create art. To live well is to be art. If life is a dream, "I will dream on!" --This quiz was made by S. A-Lerer.

82% Sartre/Camus (late existentialists)

66% W.v.O. Quine / Late Wittgenstein

66% Aristotle

48% Plato (strict rationalists)

30% Early Wittgenstein / Positivists

10% Immanuel Kant


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09 Aug 2016, 6:48 pm

81% Aristotle
78% W.v.O. Quine / Late Wittgenstein
74% Immanuel Kant
62% Early Wittgenstein / Positivists
55% Sartre/Camus (late existentialists)
32% Nietzsche
31% Plato (strict rationalists)

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09 Aug 2016, 7:33 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
I got Aristotle.

Me, too. 75%

And 82% for the Buddha.

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09 Aug 2016, 7:50 pm

Took the one for the ancient philosophers. They matched me with Buddha. Sounds like a reasonable match. But had overlaps with the others as well.

Your results for this quiz have been calculated and are presented below:
Which ancient philosopher do you think like?
Your Result: Buddha


AKA: Gautama Siddhartha. Indian philosopher and the founder of Buddhism. Lived from 563-483 B.C. One day in 533, he encountered an aged man, a sick man, and a corpse, and he suddenly realized that suffering is the common lot of mankind. He then met a monk and determined to adopt his way of life and forsake family and wealth in the quest for truth. He later found a better way as he meditated under a bo tree until he experienced the Great Enlightenment, which revealed the way of salvation from suffering. He traveled, taught, gathered followers, and established monastic communities. According to Buddha: -The ultimate goal and happiness is Nirvana, a state of enlightenment free from suffering. -Meditation and scientific methods are ways to learn. -In life, seek the middle way – neither excessive self-denial or indulgence. -Each person should fulfill his duties to make a good society. -The gods are worse off than humans. -There is no soul.


Lao Tzu






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09 Aug 2016, 8:56 pm

Which philosopher are you?
Your Result: Aristotle
Truth does not exist in some transcendent realm. We get to truth by applying reason to the physical world. The world follows logic and commonsense. Science if done properly is not to far from philosophy.

--This quiz was made by S. A-Lerer.
Result Breakdown:
88% Aristotle
65% Sartre/Camus (late existentialists)
62% Early Wittgenstein / Positivists
39% Immanuel Kant
36% Nietzsche
35% Plato (strict rationalists)
26% W.v.O. Quine / Late Wittgenstein

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

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09 Aug 2016, 8:59 pm

Which ancient philosopher do you think like?
Your Result: Confucius
“To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice.”-from "Analects"
Chinese philosopher, educator, and one of the most influential figures in world history. Lived 551-479 B.C. Much of his life is uncertain. Confucius was magistrate of justice in Lu. He resigned in protest over government corruption. After his resignation Confucius spent the next few years traveling through various states in China, hoping to find a ruler who would put his philosophy into practice. Failing to find the ruler he was looking for, he eventually returned to Lu. He taught a system of good ethics and government.
Confucius say:
-Fulfill your role/duty in society, and always aspire for ethical perfection.
-Happiness is found with family, friends, fun activities and living ethically.
-Learn from others and also think for yourself.
-Care for the five critical relationships.
-Ethical government is very important.
-No mention of God, but belief in ancestor worship.
Result Breakdown:
88% Confucius
52% Buddha
52% Epicurus
31% Lao Tzu
28% Seneca
21% Plato
14% Aristotle
Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

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10 Aug 2016, 1:08 am

i'm no philosopher but it said I was 91% Nietzsche, 79% existentialist, 48% Aristotelian, 34% strict rationalist, 0% kant. There is no provable absolute truth. At the bottom of every philosophy there is some inspired assumption which the philosopher defends with reasons they have sought after the fact. There is no rational principle behind our world. The most noble goal in life is to create art. To live well is to be art. If life is a dream, "I will dream on!"


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10 Aug 2016, 1:33 am

83% Immanuel Kant (although I'm a nihilist).