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18 Jul 2017, 10:04 pm

The poor slobs have won against the rich snobs! We did it mates!

Trump is "failing as a president" because the American people are standing up against his tyranny. In other words, we should say "We are winning." because that is more accurate than "He is failing."

If Trump is failing, this means that his corporate sponsors are also failing. YEEEEEEEEEEHHAAAAAAAAAAWW!

Let's keep going with this. We need more little victories. Hopefully, we eventually seize the means of production.

Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.



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18 Jul 2017, 11:34 pm


-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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19 Jul 2017, 1:33 am

I'll celebrate when the US healthcare system isn't total crap one way or another.


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19 Jul 2017, 1:40 am

EzraS wrote:
I'll celebrate when the US healthcare system isn't total crap one way or another.

That won't happen until the corporate overlords are ousted from their tyrannical position.

Our healthcare sucks because we aren't the ones who made the healthcare plan. Ordinary people didn't make it. Corporate overlords made it.

Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.



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19 Jul 2017, 5:53 pm

The government needs to get out of the insurance business. Let customers choose their own plans with whatever company they want. Costs will go down as competition heats up between the various companies across the country or even across the world. Keep Medicare/Medicaid for the absolute worst off, but let the rest of the people determine their own plan. Make it possible for anyone to form their own group and make purchases.


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19 Jul 2017, 7:43 pm

Bataar wrote:
The government needs to get out of the insurance business. Let customers choose their own plans with whatever company they want. Costs will go down as competition heats up between the various companies across the country or even across the world. Keep Medicare/Medicaid for the absolute worst off, but let the rest of the people determine their own plan. Make it possible for anyone to form their own group and make purchases.

That's worked so swimmingly well in the past.
No, insurance companies won't give you a good deal in their competition against each other. As with any other business, they are motivated by greed, and more often than not collude with one another. The big losers are always the rest of us.
And what happens to those on Medicaid/Medicare who get booted off because they don't fit with your definition of the "absolute worst off," but can't keep up with the cost of medical bills, or even the cost of life?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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20 Jul 2017, 4:22 am

As an economic nationalist (former laissez faire capitalist), "American Health-Care Reform" is nothing but an Orwellian dog-whistle buzzword for the same superannuated golden-hand shake policies ("golden rule" fallacy) between taxpayer funded insurances like Medicare and centralized corporate "health care" suppliers that rip off patients who despite being in the "worst off category" are hopeless at repaying their daily health-care expenditures due to the consistent inflation of health care products (whether it's psychotropic drugs ("muh pills!! !") or surgery e.t.c) attributed to the debt based monetary system and the price fixing strategies imposed by the multinational pharmaceutical complex, so it's no wonder why US health care debt is statistically the highest compared with every nation on earth and is unequivocally the lowest ranked in qualitative health-care (not including local natural & holistic stores and alternative health-care suppliers that appeal to health freedom advocates (most of whom are Right-Libertarians and Paleoconservatives) who are often in great dubiety of government administrated health-care due to its "concurrent" interconnections with trade supplies from the multinational pharmaceutical industry) as this ineluctably leads to bankruptcies of small business owners, homes being foreclosed by the privately owned IRS (the invasive and complex taxation system adds a great deal to the debt and wage slavery of health care recipients) or the Big Pharma bribed law enforcement themselves (irrespective whether the patients undertook loans including Predatory & Usurious payday loans), and yet there are still credulous people who don't believe that campaign contributions (corporate bribery) imposed in co-operation between powerful sales representatives and "doctors" (especially psychiatrists) and these advertently corporate elected politicians (whether they are Neoconservative Republicans, Democrats or Beltway Libertarians) is happening. Health-care has been big business since the 1800's no matter what; but nevertheless, a universal health care system (like the NHS and the one in Singapore) is the most effectual system to alleviate the corporate influence that the medical industrial complex has on health-care, providing that is pertinently administrated and funded without service budget cuts (which the NHS has gradually endured for years, and Tony Bliar outsourced 10% of the NHS's asset services via his implementation of Private Finance Initiative Contracts (PFI) in 2005).

Only by reforming the US's monetary & banking system by fully proscribing the private commercial banking sector from creating credit (or even better, abolish private commercial banking and set up a public banking system like the state owned institution in North Dakota state (which keeps local banks secure), which has been proven to be much more prosperous, job creating and financially sustainable than private commercial finance); abolishing the Federal Reserve Bank, ending the fraudulent abhorrent practice that is economic globalization (both neoliberal corporatism, international collectivism and international finance institution practices like the IMF, World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS - "Central Bank of all Central Banks") and issuing debt and interest free National Credit (known as the Bradbury Pound in the UK (1914 WWI), and similar to Lincoln's Greenbacks (1860's American Civil War) - Inflation, Deflation, and Taxation free), from the treasury, as-well as eliminating the contravening practices of fractional reserve lending and usury would this ultimately allow "we the people" to get rid of the contrived accountability of corporate personhood (inc campaign contributions), corporate welfare and other malfeasances like the multinational corporate framework (they would gradually downgrade into human scale based productive enterprises or have all their assets and liabilities permanently seized) and allow the implementation of a "true" universal health care system which does not involve a significant amount of taxation funding procedures to pay for it (National Credit eliminates the need for our invasive and complex taxation system by considerably reducing the burden on taxpayers), while simultaneously allowing voluntary health care choice for health freedom activists like suppressed natural treatments like Medical Marijuana, and as well as obligating gifted government scientists to cogently research and analyze the potencies of some long-forgotten suppressed medical energy technologies like Royal Raymond Rife's Frequency Generator that could be fully explored. Any pharmacological treatment that has been found to be obsolete would be phased out in research production.

Obamacare which was in NO WAY a universal health care system, and not even in a single payer funded formulation as it was a form of centrist ineptitude administrated by private corporate suppliers as Britain's NHS practitioners would easily figure out was as bad as this so-called joke that is "Trumpcare." For at least 10 years, there has been an agenda by some bribed politicians (mostly candidates from the UK Conservative party) to have the once well effectual now bureaucratic National Health Service (NHS) privatized amidst the fraudulent budget cuts, if this surreptitiously happened tomorrow, and with my perceptual notion of Britain being a completely non self-sufficient nation (cotton wool nanny statists) that is dependent on bureaucratic government health-care, there would a calamitous uprise in illness induced deaths from the elderly and the terminally ill as a result, and the Labour Party would monopolize the three party election system with Jeremy Corbyn (Jezza) being held as the saviour as-well as the messiah, and Big Pharma as being more heinous than the devil's incarnate.

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20 Jul 2017, 9:42 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Bataar wrote:
The government needs to get out of the insurance business. Let customers choose their own plans with whatever company they want. Costs will go down as competition heats up between the various companies across the country or even across the world. Keep Medicare/Medicaid for the absolute worst off, but let the rest of the people determine their own plan. Make it possible for anyone to form their own group and make purchases.

That's worked so swimmingly well in the past.
No, insurance companies won't give you a good deal in their competition against each other. As with any other business, they are motivated by greed, and more often than not collude with one another. The big losers are always the rest of us.
And what happens to those on Medicaid/Medicare who get booted off because they don't fit with your definition of the "absolute worst off," but can't keep up with the cost of medical bills, or even the cost of life?

Explain why increased competition works to bring prices down for every other service and industry, but won't work here.


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20 Jul 2017, 9:44 am

Bataar wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Bataar wrote:
The government needs to get out of the insurance business. Let customers choose their own plans with whatever company they want. Costs will go down as competition heats up between the various companies across the country or even across the world. Keep Medicare/Medicaid for the absolute worst off, but let the rest of the people determine their own plan. Make it possible for anyone to form their own group and make purchases.

That's worked so swimmingly well in the past.
No, insurance companies won't give you a good deal in their competition against each other. As with any other business, they are motivated by greed, and more often than not collude with one another. The big losers are always the rest of us.
And what happens to those on Medicaid/Medicare who get booted off because they don't fit with your definition of the "absolute worst off," but can't keep up with the cost of medical bills, or even the cost of life?

Explain why increased competition works to bring prices down for every other service and industry, but won't work here.

It might, but there still needs to be a safety net for people who still would be unable to afford healthcare.

We won't go back.


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20 Jul 2017, 2:11 pm

Bataar wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Bataar wrote:
The government needs to get out of the insurance business. Let customers choose their own plans with whatever company they want. Costs will go down as competition heats up between the various companies across the country or even across the world. Keep Medicare/Medicaid for the absolute worst off, but let the rest of the people determine their own plan. Make it possible for anyone to form their own group and make purchases.

That's worked so swimmingly well in the past.
No, insurance companies won't give you a good deal in their competition against each other. As with any other business, they are motivated by greed, and more often than not collude with one another. The big losers are always the rest of us.
And what happens to those on Medicaid/Medicare who get booted off because they don't fit with your definition of the "absolute worst off," but can't keep up with the cost of medical bills, or even the cost of life?

Explain why increased competition works to bring prices down for every other service and industry, but won't work here.

As I said, the insurance companies collude together, as do plenty of other businesses. They keep prices up because they mutually agree to. The reason why Obama acted was because the Goddamn insurance companies were making it impossible for the sick, elderly, and poor to buy insurance, in the first place, and no amount of free market ideology was going to change that. Insurance companies were- and are - and always will be - motivated by greed. The idea that an unfettered market would lead to a future full of ice cream and gumdrops is just as fanciful as communism.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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20 Jul 2017, 4:45 pm

It isn't over yet.
Trump is trying to go for "plan B", ignore the "replace" part of his promise and simply repeal obamacare, with no alternative.
I'd say that he hopes that having no care plan at all will make the rest of the politicians more eager to support his ideas, but such a claim would assume that Trump has any idea about what he is doing (which will make him even scarier)


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20 Jul 2017, 6:09 pm

I don't know why people would have so much toxicity in their lives to have them in a position where they can't wait to see their national healthcare torn to shreds rather than work with whose in power to...well, just make it work. People's health > politics. Principles > party.

Yours sincerely, some dude.


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20 Jul 2017, 10:14 pm

Bataar wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Bataar wrote:
The government needs to get out of the insurance business. Let customers choose their own plans with whatever company they want. Costs will go down as competition heats up between the various companies across the country or even across the world. Keep Medicare/Medicaid for the absolute worst off, but let the rest of the people determine their own plan. Make it possible for anyone to form their own group and make purchases.

That's worked so swimmingly well in the past.
No, insurance companies won't give you a good deal in their competition against each other. As with any other business, they are motivated by greed, and more often than not collude with one another. The big losers are always the rest of us.
And what happens to those on Medicaid/Medicare who get booted off because they don't fit with your definition of the "absolute worst off," but can't keep up with the cost of medical bills, or even the cost of life?

Explain why increased competition works to bring prices down for every other service and industry, but won't work here.

Within markets, medical service is a natural monopoly.

Individuals who fall unconscious, can't chose where or by whom they will be dragged. They also don't chose the medical supplies.

One way we can counter this, is to have a monopsony.

We can have the government purchase the medical supplies and services. And because we now have a single entity, that isn't prone to medical issues, buying most of the supplies and services. The prices can be negotiated more aggressively.