New York Times hires openly racist Editorial Board member

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02 Aug 2018, 9:14 pm

If she hates white people so much, why doesn't she move to a largely non-white country?

Deep Question: If she moved to South Korea, would she object to the anti-black racism which is extremely common in Korean culture? Probably not.

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02 Aug 2018, 9:26 pm

She's good living testament against the stereotype that all Asians are smart.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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02 Aug 2018, 9:35 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
She's good living testament against the stereotype that all Asians are smart.

I honestly don't know why that stereotype even exists.

The average North Korean citizen obviously isn't very smart. It's hard to be smart when you live in an Orwellian system that kills anyone who is too clever.

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02 Aug 2018, 9:52 pm

The thing that confuses me - I could see a known rag hiring someone like this just to raise controversy traffic whose right now culturally immune to the 'racist' label (well... at least until there's cohesion on the left that Asians are too successful and therefore 'white' by extension) but as far as I know the NYT doesn't need that sort of juice.

I've heard people suggest that some of these companies are so politically homogeneous that they get tone-deaf, both to the balance of reality and the optics on half the things they do and even average high intelligence or scholastic success just isn't enough to mitigate it much. Strange thing that, especially at this level.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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02 Aug 2018, 10:12 pm

NYT's been showing their teeth by hosting racists rhetoric, not surprised

Daniel89 wrote:
This is going to become much worse and whites become a minority.

This isn't the first openly racist post by you either-- Not surprised

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02 Aug 2018, 10:15 pm

SZWell wrote:
NYT's been showing their teeth by hosting racists rhetoric, not surprised

Daniel89 wrote:
This is going to become much worse and whites become a minority.

This isn't the first openly racist post by you either-- Not surprised

How is it racist?


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02 Aug 2018, 10:33 pm

Daniel89 wrote:
SZWell wrote:
NYT's been showing their teeth by hosting racists rhetoric, not surprised

Daniel89 wrote:
This is going to become much worse and whites become a minority.

This isn't the first openly racist post by you either-- Not surprised

How is it racist?

You just made an alarmist dog whistle about minorities and immigrants. Which you'll deny...

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02 Aug 2018, 10:40 pm

SZWell wrote:
Daniel89 wrote:
SZWell wrote:
NYT's been showing their teeth by hosting racists rhetoric, not surprised

Daniel89 wrote:
This is going to become much worse and whites become a minority.

This isn't the first openly racist post by you either-- Not surprised

How is it racist?

You just made an alarmist dog whistle about minorities and immigrants. Which you'll deny...

Racism towards whites is tolerated now whilst whites are the majority do you really believe that will get not worse once whites become a minority?


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03 Aug 2018, 12:59 am

Drake wrote:
Some more about her and the company standing behind her:

She has the SJW hair too.

Now then, if she could marry someone with a surname beginning with W, and double barrel it on to the end of her name, her initials would be SJW. :P

This was not some athlete that tweeted racist stuff 10 years ago when they were young. This was 4 years ago when she was probably a professional. But then she is in a field where this type of thing is accepted in a lot of corners of the media including the Huff Post.

The New York Times Should Have Ignored Sarah Jeong’s Twitter Trolls
the folks wailing about an Asian woman’s “anti-white racism,” as if there were such a thing." The Times had nothing to disavow, and Jeong nothing to regret. There are legions of white dudes who believe they are the primary victims of American oppression.

So the Times says we don't condone this but but but but she was subject to an online harassment campaign so it is a thought misdemeanor that has been rectified now that the columnist says she regrets it. Anybody have much doubt if tweets were unearthed about a columnist saying such vile things about blacks or women or Jews that the person would be unemployable for the foreseeable future? It would not matter that the tweets were unearthed by "liberal trolls", it would not matter at all.

Sometimes I wonder if these people subconsciously want Trump reelected because they are masochists or they just have a need for a perfect boogie man to give them a purpose in life.

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03 Aug 2018, 3:50 am

Darmok wrote:
Hypothetical: would she have gotten hired by the New York Times if she had said things like this:


Well the one about sunlight would be a head scratcher. :P

Switch it for some similar drivel about black people and vitamin D deficiency and you're set.


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03 Aug 2018, 4:51 am

Daniel89 wrote:
SZWell wrote:
Daniel89 wrote:
SZWell wrote:
NYT's been showing their teeth by hosting racists rhetoric, not surprised

Daniel89 wrote:
This is going to become much worse and whites become a minority.

This isn't the first openly racist post by you either-- Not surprised

How is it racist?

You just made an alarmist dog whistle about minorities and immigrants. Which you'll deny...

Racism towards whites is tolerated now whilst whites are the majority do you really believe that will get not worse once whites become a minority?

You said "it's only going to become worse" as if the augmentation of minorities is going to threaten and subordinate White people. You just cryptically said "Racism towards Whites is tolerated now but wait until they're the majority"

If racism towards whites is already tolerated, what makes the majority more overt? Whites are the majority now and somehow they're "tolerating" racism towards themselves. But minorities becoming the majority's conveniently threatening?

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03 Aug 2018, 4:57 am

SZWell wrote:
Daniel89 wrote:
SZWell wrote:
Daniel89 wrote:
SZWell wrote:
NYT's been showing their teeth by hosting racists rhetoric, not surprised

Daniel89 wrote:
This is going to become much worse and whites become a minority.

This isn't the first openly racist post by you either-- Not surprised

How is it racist?

You just made an alarmist dog whistle about minorities and immigrants. Which you'll deny...

Racism towards whites is tolerated now whilst whites are the majority do you really believe that will get not worse once whites become a minority?

You said "it's only going to become worse" as if the augmentation of minorities is going to threaten and subordinate White people. You just cryptically said "Racism towards Whites is tolerated now but wait until they're the majority"

If racism towards whites is already tolerated, what makes the majority more overt? Whites are the majority now and somehow they're "tolerating" racism towards themselves. But minorities becoming the majority's conveniently threatening?

Because as minorities grow in numbers so does their political power, we already have legal discrimination against whites this will only increase as their power does.


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03 Aug 2018, 5:11 am

Daniel89 wrote:
Because as minorities grow in numbers so does their political power, we already have legal discrimination against whites this will only increase as their power does.

Why's the minority-majority more threatening? Congress is basically white right now but you're claiming that they're being discriminated against.

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03 Aug 2018, 5:13 am

SZWell wrote:
Daniel89 wrote:
Because as minorities grow in numbers so does their political power, we already have legal discrimination against whites this will only increase as their power does.

Why's the minority-majority more threatening? Congress is basically white right now but you're claiming that they're being discriminated against.

Yeah upper class whites will use division as a power play. Working class whites will be discriminated against and it will be justified because there are powerful whites thus those poor whites must have white privilege.


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03 Aug 2018, 5:18 am

Daniel89 wrote:
SZWell wrote:
Daniel89 wrote:
Because as minorities grow in numbers so does their political power, we already have legal discrimination against whites this will only increase as their power does.

Why's the minority-majority more threatening? Congress is basically white right now but you're claiming that they're being discriminated against.

Yeah upper class whites will use division as a power play. Working class whites will be discriminated against and it will be justified because there are powerful whites thus those poor whites must have white privilege.

You didn't answer the question.

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03 Aug 2018, 6:42 am

I think it's fair to say that a lot of people have significantly less regard for people who are different from them, skin color is no exception and if anything it's low-hanging fruit because it's immediately registered by the senses. There really isn't a lot of reason to believe that shifting demographics won't just be shifts in whose discriminated against by who. The whole human race has a lot of growing up to do. People like Richard Spencer are awful because they act like this is so unconditional and hard-coded that the only solution is ethnic separatism, then you have people at the other extreme who'd suggest that to even talk about it is wacist.

About the only hopeful remedy I could think of for that in the west is some combination of elevating the dialog about life in general (though people hate that sort of thing) and reducing the kind of scarcity that has people at eachother's throats to survive even within their own groups. We also I think need to work on the issue of racist groups hijacking language, the term 'dog-whistle' has always set my teeth on edge and never worse I think than when Christian Picciolini was on Sam Harris's politics saying that 'liberal media' and even 'globalism' were dog-whistles - ie. they could bring meaningful discussion of anything we needed to actually talk about to a standstill with that strategy and we'd hop around on one foot touching our noses as they lead us in some perverse linguistic game of Twister.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin