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Are Catholics the only Christians?
Yes 11%  11%  [ 9 ]
No 89%  89%  [ 70 ]
Total votes : 79


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17 Aug 2007, 9:20 pm

Ragtime wrote:
Succubus? No, I'm a virgin demonically-speaking. :)

How about an Incubus?

Ragtime wrote:
The relationship that is Christianity, romantic relationships are a symbol and pale shadow of. The Church is "the bride of Christ", Paul wrote. Also, Jesus heavily alluded to the ancient Jewish wedding custom, in such phrases as, "I go to prepare a place for you", which is what a man said to his bride the moment she accepted his proposal. Guess what that proposal was? A cup of wine, which he poured for her. She has to drink it in order to accept, just like Jesus said it was necessary for his disciples to drink the wine at the Last Supper. In the Jewish wedding custom, the man would return at an unknown date, after he had built his honeymoon suite to his father's full approval, and would come to his bride's house with a wedding party. One of the party would give a shout when they were near the house,to alert the bride -- who was to be ready AT ALL TIMES from the moment the man had first left her, just as Jesus said we are to always be ready (never stop serving Him), because He said He'll return at a time we do not expect Him.

Just like in the wedding custom, Jesus said "only my Father knows" when He will return for us -- same with the man in the wedding custom. And the Rapture of the Church will be a surprise, just like in the wedding custom. Also, "The Lord will descend with a shout, with the voice of the archangel", to receive us unto Himself "in the air", as John writes. So, we see that Christianity was modeled after marriage, or, rather, vice versa.

That also illustrates when Paul said that a woman should serve the man because the man was created first, right? I mean, after all we have to obey Jesus just as a woman has to obey her husband, that is how it works, isn't it?

Wedding custom and honeymoon at that time, sounds very good, althought you forgot to mention that the bride has to prove she is a virgin with her blood, sorry, no blood=no virgin, what a dirty slut she would have turn out to be in case she didn't bleed.

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17 Aug 2007, 9:22 pm

If you ask me, Catholicism takes all the worst aspects of Christianity and old-world paganism. The intolerance and cultishness respectively, but that's to be expected. Catholicism is the part of Christianity which has refused to change with the times while other denominations have risen and fallen over centuries. Other than that, oh okay, the pope doesn't like protestants. What else is new?


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04 Nov 2007, 7:13 pm

Mark 9:38-41 NIV
"'Teacher,' said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.' 'Do not stop him,' Jesus said. 'No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us. I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward.'"
The Pope said that the Catholic church was the only true church because only it is linked to the disciples of J-s-s. What J-s-s says in the above passage completely overthrows the Pope's statement.


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04 Nov 2007, 7:40 pm

I guess I'm not Christian then because I'm sure as hell not cAtholic.


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04 Nov 2007, 8:23 pm

The dictatorial pope can blow me.


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04 Nov 2007, 9:46 pm

Nikolai wrote:
The dictatorial pope can blow me.

I think you'll have to get in line.

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09 Nov 2007, 5:33 pm

Being a decent person who believes in God is what makes a Christian, you can be Baptist, Catholic, Quacker, exc. It's the acts of the person not the name of the branch of Christianty.


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09 Nov 2007, 5:54 pm

hmm ....I smell a war of the Popes . BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
---> **an ex-muslim atheist laughing on how the Christians are fighting each others***


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09 Nov 2007, 6:39 pm

LePetitPrince wrote:
hmm ....I smell a war of the Popes . BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
---> **an ex-muslim atheist laughing on how the Christians are fighting each others***


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09 Nov 2007, 7:22 pm

Don't most religious denominations say that you need to see things their way to be saved?

For Catholics, it is accepting and obeying the church. For born-agains, you have to interpret the passage about being born again in a particular way and then claim to have conversations with Jesus. For Protestants in general (and Pure Land Buddhists), you have to accept grace; for Jews, you have to obey the law.

Seems that if you laid all the religious people end to end, they would reach from here to the moon, but would not reach a conclusion.

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10 Nov 2007, 8:53 pm

catholics worship idols and pray to mary. i thought that wasnt allowed


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29 Jul 2010, 1:32 pm

There's a video that Helps explain this.[youtube]http://Vatican demands for POPE to be king of your concience #1[/youtube][youtube]http://Vatican demands for POPE TO BE KING OF YOUR CONCIENCE #2[/youtube]
By Theforerunner777


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29 Jul 2010, 1:36 pm

There's a video that Helps explain this. [youtube][/youtube]


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29 Jul 2010, 1:40 pm

There's a video that Helps explain this. [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]


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21 Feb 2011, 1:34 pm

Ragtime wrote:
Former Nazi soldier Pope Ratzinger has now declared that all Christian denominations and churches besides Catholic are false -- that they are not Christian. What do you think?

Just the latest in a history of heavy-handed politics, to say the least: the Inquisition, the Crusades, the doctrine of papal infallibility, the street-beatings of Catholics who expressed strong doubt in the pope's infallibility and other strange inventions of the Catholic Church, the selling of indulgences to the poor for the claimed "forgiveness of sins" (after Christ already gave us FREE forgiveness on the cross), etc. -- NONE of which are to be found in the Bible, and ALL of which are actively and clearly condemned by the Bible. (If you want the verses, just ask.)

Well, you heard it from the Pope himself: Catholics are different from all others who call themselves Christians -- that's the same point I've been making for years. Yet, non-believers still for some reason lump us all together, and confuse the decrees and dogmas of the Catholic Church with bona fide, Bible-based Christianity. (Remember, it was the Catholic Church which tired to prevent the translation of the Bible into the people's language so they could read it for themselves. Small wonder, since examination of the Bible by the public would have exposed the Catholic Church's several money-making lies.)

For the centuries of its history, the Catholic Church has really been an open-and-shut case of power-mongering and greed. In times when they've been able to get away with it, they've beaten up or killed almost everyone who disagreed with their most ridiculous teachings -- and most of these challengers were Catholics themselves! Catholics who were once loyal to everything their church taught, but then began to be disturbed by Biblical inconsistencies in their teachings and practices.

And then, we have the rampant pedophilia. :roll: My friend, a former Catholic, is currently researching for his book exposing various Catholic hypocrisies. He found a statistic that up to 50% of Catholic priests and monks are homosexual. So, naturally, they give them charge over exclusively young boys, often in private. :roll: And there are harsh penalties actually on the books for telling on active pedophiliacs within the church! The whole system is corrupt, and its self-indentification with Christianity is claimed only for the power and influence the Catholic Church has been able to wield for centuries over its members, by exploiting people's natural hunger for religion.


Agree 100%. The extremist politician Pope of Italy has tossed the Bible, tossed out Moses, tossed out the 10 Commandments, tossed out God, tossed out Jesus Christ, and tossed out the Holy Spirit all in favor of the Pope god of Italy idol worship. - ... about.html - ... index.html - The latest attempt by the extremist Pope is to try to claim that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Baptist minister, was an Italian Catholic.


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21 Feb 2011, 1:46 pm

pgd responds to....

the Thread from 2007.

If I said about anyone half the insupportable unsupported claptrap you find here, I would get my pants sued off.