Two posts on a Traditional Catholic Forum site

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25 Jul 2020, 1:46 pm

vermontsavant wrote:
starkid wrote:
Totally unclear what the point of this thread is. Two posts from a Catholic forum...for what? What about them? What is the topic here?

The thread got derailed and the OP swore to never come back to WP due to bullying.

I wish him luck in pursuing more practical goals than "evangelizing" here.

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

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25 Jul 2020, 3:52 pm

A person named "Autistic Priest" joined WP about the same time as Greatshield did.

But autistic priest presented himself as both an autistic and as a priest. He used the site the way its intended... to get and give support for autism, and discuss both being priest with autism, and for feedback on how to minister to autistics in his congregation.

Though AP seems to have left the site as well. But he didnt announce leaving it in a huff as far as I know.

In contrast GS never used the site as an autism support group, but treated as if it were itself a "Catholic Forum Site". I never saw him doing anything but just take advantage of the audience to proselytize. And am not even sure if he wasnt breaking the rules against "promoting products and services". A particular sect , arguably, could be classified as a "product".

So GS was kind of painting a target on his own behind, and begging to be abused.

You wouldnt go to a stamp collector's site, and (a) never talk about stamps, and (b) ONLY talk about Billy Graham, and Jesus (or about Mohammed, or about the Pope, or whatever). Would you?


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25 Jul 2020, 4:46 pm

He wasn’t nice to those who disagreed with him.

He reminded me of a cult preacher.


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25 Jul 2020, 5:24 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
He wasn’t nice to those who disagreed with him.  He reminded me of a cult preacher.
Agreed, on both counts.  He expressed homophobic opinions regarding at least one of our members instead of taking a "live and let live position".

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25 Jul 2020, 5:42 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
... GS never used the site as an autism support group, but treated as if it were itself a "Catholic Forum Site".  I never saw him doing anything but just take advantage of the audience to proselytize.
Agreed.  He never even offered to "light a candle" for any of us on the spectrum.
naturalplastic wrote:
And am not even sure if he wasn't breaking the rules against "promoting products and services".  A particular sect, arguably, could be classified as a "product". ... You wouldnt go to a stamp collector's site, and (a) never talk about stamps, and (b) ONLY talk about Billy Graham, and Jesus (or about Mohammed, or about the Pope, or whatever).  Would you?
I'm inclined to agree with this opinion as well.
naturalplastic wrote:
So GS was kind of painting a target on his own behind, and begging to be abused.
Well ... maybe.  He certainly did not seem interested in providing support for others as much as he seemed to want others to support his religious beliefs; but a lot of us have been "burned" by members of Christian churches -- especially by those church members interested only in our conversions and not our needs -- so when another proselyte comes along and seems to want only to collect followers for his or her religion, they are setting themselves up for rejection and ridicule.

This is beside the fact that some of us are well-educated in Biblical principles (i.e., apologetics, exegesis, et cetera) and actually read the Bible (if only a few verses each night), so that when someone starts calling a cult "Christian" even though its central focus is not on the "Christ", it is a cult that is simply asking to be deconstructed and denounced.

I'm sure that GS would be more welcome if he were to offer some real support for some of the need-full members here -- something more than worn-out homilies and ritual magic, I hope.

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25 Jul 2020, 5:51 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
... From what I've seen we've largely have members leave because they don't like being disagreed with and they especially can't handle disagreements they can't claim to have won. ...
^ Quoted for truth ^

Maybe such people see "Website for People on the Autistic Spectrum" and think "Suckers Who Will Believe Anything They Are Told", and when they find out that some members here are at least as understanding of their favorite topic as they are (and maybe even more so), they can either stay and admit they were wrong, stay and argue, or leave ... and eventually come back (they all do).

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25 Jul 2020, 6:52 pm

Repetitive, Same, Highly Restricted Narrow Focus Interests, Hindering 'Normal' Reciprocal Social
Communication; Making it Difficult to Make Peer Appropriate Friends; Hmm, 'Autism Speaks'
Associated Conspiracy Theories in Autism Communities And the Condition of Autism, used
to Be my Special Interest; Ask me Anything, And i Will Answer All Your Questions; And Additionally,
Provide Reams of Evidence\Links to Support My Information; In Fact, i used to do that on this Internet
Site; and the Autism Speaks Conspiracy Theorists on this Internet Site and Other Autism Community Online Sites,
Actually thought i was an Employee of Autism Speaks, haha, Getting Paid to Support the Autism Speaks Organization
By Supporting it online; truth is, i was in my Underwear Behind A Computer, Shut-in in my Home For A Total of 66
Months, With 19 Medical Disorders Associated With Chronic Work Related Stress; More Specifically, Then i really
Had to Go Toe to Toe With A Captain of a Military Base, Managing Finances for Organizations Within my Department;
While doing the actual Job i was getting Paid for doing, 'Athletic Director', of a Navy Installation Administrating
Managing, And Supervising, Athletic And Recreation Programs; Supervising 31 Employees; And 131, When Filling
in for my Boss who was constantly asking me for Tech Support for Computers, Along with the Rest of
the Department as 'Jocks' aren't always great for IT Support; i never played Team Sports; had
no Frigging Idea how to do that Job; But they Hired me for Solving Technical Problems;
What i excelled at in Systemizing Ways for Basically making Frigging Technical Lists
And Solving Technical Problems as such per Financial Management, Accounting,
Payroll, Personnel Issues And An Open Door Policy to Fix everyone's Problems;
but of course without any 'Good Old Boy Social Skills', i was assessed only on
the Merits of the Work i Completed; i didn't have the Let's go out for a Beer
After Work Advantage; So, Basically i Became Everyone's Slave to continue to
Exist There for a Quarter of A Century for Pay; Anyway, Autistic Burn-out
Will Just About Kill You; Particularly, if You Never Knew you had the
Disorder until You Fall all the way down to
the Basement Floor and Frigging Can't crawl out;
And finally have no choice but to seek Help when
it's really way too late; and all that will save you
is 66 Months or so of Recovery to come Back from
Hell to a totally Different Way of Life; Reborn into other
'Special Interests' As 'they' say; as all i had before, for 33 Years
Was Work and 19 Years of School And College Combined in Tandem.

When i met my First Psychiatrist and he almost immediately diagnosed me
With Asperger's Syndrome, Trying to Explain to Him what the Piano Song i Created
Felt Like to me, Not Able to Put that Emotional Experience in Words; he turned to
His Intern and said, We See 'this' among Many folks With Asperger's Syndrome,
Alexithymia, Perhaps there is a Problem with the Hemispheres of your
Brain Connecting; Perhaps, eventually i finally made that connection
through Epigenetic Effect and became a Whole Human Being at 53;
Anyway, i was 47 then and when he asked me, What my Special
Interest Was away from Work; all i could say is Nothing; he turned
to His Intern and said 'That's Not Good', Asperger's without A Special Interest.

They talked about me sitting there like i really did not even exist as a Human

That's how they saw me then; Just Half a Human Being; not Fully Breathing it seemed.

It's Amazing to me Now, how it seems some folks forget what this Online Community
is for; A place where folks who are very different from the so-called 'Norm' of Reciprocal
Social Communication; And Restricted, Repetitive, Narrow Focused Interests can feel free enough
to be their selves and communicate; it's not unusual for folks to have interests other folks have no clue
about and have no desire to Learn about; And it's not unusual for Autistic Folks to find a Niche in life so
Specialized in Original Creativity that there is no Target Audience in the Entire World to Listen to them; hence,
the Monologues of at least Communicating with Yourself as a FRiEnD as those words become words that will not
let you down; The Globe is Big; i've Found Folks somewhere on the Spectrum of Eccentric Like me; And Others who
are Just totally accepting as that's Just how some nice folks are. Is It any Surprise that Mr. GreatShields, has a Restricted
Special Narrow Interest on 'Mary'; Is it any surprise that some Autistic Folks become Catholic Priests in a very Structured
Organization with Clear Rules that Rarely change; no, of course not; Just another Niche that may work for some folks;

In Research on Autism, some folks lean more toward A Schizoid Cold Affect, Non Sensitive type of personality;
Others More Toward a Schizotypal, Very Sensitive Personality Where 'Magical Thinking' Is a big Co-Morbid Part
of their Autism Spectrum Condition; Some Autistic Folks Are Very Empathic With Measured Highly Sensitive
Mirror Neurons and Others fall on the Cold Spectrum of Connection in Personality as that relates to the
Biology of the Individual that May be Studied or Assessed as Such. It's a Myth That Highly Functioning
Folks on the Spectrum are all in the STEM Areas of School And Work Potential; according to Studies
That Propensity is only Measured among College Students on the Spectrum at about 33 Percent; that
Leaves the Rest Leaning More Toward the Arts of School Away From STEM; And Yes, About
50 Percent of Higher Functioning Autistic Folks Studied Have Challenges With Non-Verbal
Intelligence, Including Ability for Imagination in Visual Thinking Ways of Life;
And Other Ways of Thinking In Patterns and Rich Metaphors as such. Many
Different Flavors of Autistic Folks Visit this site; Some Open Minded in Ways
of Personality and Extraverted; but at least with Personality Studies in Informal
Way in Very Large Numbers, about 95 Percent were assessed as Introverts here, Which
is of course no big Surprise; But truly it sets someone like me who scores 100 Percent
in Extraversion and Openness on the 'Big Five Personalty Test', apart from most folks here.
The Myers–Briggs Test Was Used in the Informal Poll here; actually Fnord Started it and INTJ
Was the Most prevalent Specific Personalty test as Assessed and was mine until i recovered and
Sprouted Butterfly Wings over to ENFP; Scoring an 11 on the Simon Baron Cohen Autism Quotient
AQ Scan down from 45; And Mid-90's on the Emotional Intelligence EQ Test, Up From the Mid-50's Before
i Unpacked some Epigenetic Potential And Truly Was Reborn, likely to who i was more fully meant to be;
until getting
Lost in
the Systemizing
Fashion of Work
And School that
Molded me Environmentally
Into the 'Computer Brain' Folks
Assessed me as then; This Condition
Is Extremely Functionally Disabling When
it comes to making Friends; More than ever now;
As People are more Disconnected And Spread out on
a Multitude of Interests with Shorter Attention Spans than Ever before;
Electronic Media is taking Folks in unlimited different directions; This Culture Still needs
folks who are able to focus on one task to excel beyond the Gold Fish Science Assessed
Attention Span of the rest; Damn sure helped me retire early as i started out Just handing
out Shoes at a Military Bowling Center, After Earning 3 College Degrees as i was great with
the input and just had no Social Ability to Output it to do me a bit of Good for almost any Job.

And Then Came Computers, actually at the Bowling Center with the Scoring system there
in 1984; if not for one Computer Class in College; i might still be looking for A Damn Job.

I think We Should Give Everyone a bit more Slack here; understanding How Difficult it can and
will Be Socially to Even Exist with this Condition. Mr. GreatShields, obviously has as hard of a time
making it here as he does in other places because of his restricted Interest in all stuff 'Mary'; Writing
Long Form Poetry, Longer than anyone else; and Dancing 'Long Form' Free Style Ballet and Martial Arts
Publicly is currently my Special Interest; i also Do Nude Art With Poetry inscribed that i create with my Flesh and
Blood that's a Real Old Renaissance Special Interest In Deed; but it gives me the Focus along with my other
two Hobbies and yeah, Beautiful Women, 'Collecting Their Smiles'; i will Not Lie; that keeps me going in A Bliss
i really enjoy now that i get to be totally who i am born to be; I am not accepted here, overall, but at least i am
finally tolerated
enough where
i haven't got kicked
out for Being myself
lately; i would Only Hope
that i help, through my example
of being brave enough to be myself,
for others to do the same, no matter what
anyone else thinks. As Long as someone is not
harming someone else; The Best this Internet site
will do is Just let someone be their self. Mr. GreatShields,
if You were listening to him, talked about how he had difficulty
regulating His emotions; He Determined this Place, Wasn't helping, so
he did the smart thing for him and Left; This Place is basically a Note Pad
for me to enjoy Topics associated with my Special Interest; i have worked hard
my Entire
life just
to earn
the privilege
to Exist and Now
in the Real World, my Focus,
my Special Interest of Public Dancing
13,442 Miles has been so intense for the
Last 83 Months that the Metro Area Audience,
Overall, Names me Famous, A Folk Hero, And a Legend
but You See; i wasn't looking for that; i just wanted to be
able to Do my Special Interest and folks Just let me be the way i am;
But it's True, no Different than The Autism Speaks and Autism Special
Interest; i tend to make waves when my Special Interests come to Fruition.

What i Find in my Free Style Public Dance Is there is a Growing percentage of Human Beings who
Want to Express their selves Freely this way too; Just to be who they feel they are meant to Do and Be.

And Not unusually, as Peer Inappropriate relationships go, just about all my Friends are Decades Younger
than me; and almost Entirely Female too; that suits me just fine as i have always Loved Women as it seems
all i have to do is look in their Eyes and Smile and they Just always seem to like me now; even when i don't dance.

The Poetry Helps; i've Learned a lot since my Autistic Burn-out; What i've learned Most is to give other folks
A Break. Life is hard; Life is almost impossible to do for some folks; it doesn't Hurt to frigging be kind, no matter
how different someone is than You; i tried to make Mr. GreatShields Feel Welcome but i tell my truth the way it is and
do my best to respect other folks along the way; but of course, again, i score 100 Percent Now on Extroversion and
Openness; so yeah; i am Just Naturally and Environmentally Gifted that way; Kind and Courage; it works for me at least.

Oh yeah, i like to Sing too; Really the only Reason i go to Church; My Wife Katrina Recorded Me Singing; A Friend
At Another Southern First Baptist Family Farm Wife-In-Law Relatives Get Together thought i was a 'Famous Gospel Singer'
When they Heard the iPhone Recording Without A Name or Face attached to the Back Pew Catholic Performance.

My Sister, who is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome Said, Josh Groban; My Wife Said Hell No; that was okay
i was glad i could Just Sing; it's kinda hard to do it with a Mask; that's a bit disappointing; and the Metro Dance
Hall Closed Down on March 12, and all the Beautiful Young Women Smiling at me went away there too; i Have
to Wear Shades because of the Trigeminal Neuralgia, Type Two, the worst Pain Known to Humankind from
Wake to Sleep i recovered from in 2013; so it won't come back; People said i always connected to them with
my eyes; And then all i had left was my Smile; Now the Masks have taken that away too; it was
hard enough to
connect before;
that makes
me try extra
hard with words;
Perhaps, i try too hard;
This is what it means Now
to be Autistic, Just to exist...

Give People a Break, Please;
It's Harder than ever before
for People who Live alone;
Treat folks Like 'Humans'
Let them be whoever
they desire
to be And
Express Their
Being totally Free;
As Long as they
are Harming
No one Now;

Let them be
Free Just Let
them be who they are...
Only the Most 'Horrible People'
are usually mean to me as i remain
Nice; Mr. Great Shields, stands head
and shoulders above as far as that goes amongst
the folks who i have met here; Strange is okay; it really has its advantages
too; You just have to look until you find some place where folks allow you to exist.... now as is... Free...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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25 Jul 2020, 8:18 pm

aghogday wrote:
Repetitive, Same, Highly Restricted Narrow Focus Interests, Hindering 'Normal' Reciprocal Social
Communication; Making it Difficult to Make Peer Appropriate Friends; Hmm, 'Autism Speaks'

Why do you capitalize random words and post in short lines of text that look like poetry?


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25 Jul 2020, 9:07 pm

starkid wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Repetitive, Same, Highly Restricted Narrow Focus Interests, Hindering 'Normal' Reciprocal Social
Communication; Making it Difficult to Make Peer Appropriate Friends; Hmm, 'Autism Speaks'

Why do you capitalize random words and post in short lines of text that look like poetry?

That's just how he writes. If one is inclined to read his posts they're often insightful although the writing style makes it easy for posters to be very dismissive, but it's not as though the only respectable way to post is in essay form.

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25 Jul 2020, 9:38 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
starkid wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Repetitive, Same, Highly Restricted Narrow Focus Interests, Hindering 'Normal' Reciprocal Social Communication; Making it Difficult to Make Peer Appropriate Friends; Hmm, 'Autism Speaks'
Why do you capitalize random words and post in short lines of text that look like poetry?
That's just how he writes. If one is inclined to read his posts they're often insightful although the writing style makes it easy for posters to be very dismissive, but it's not as though the only respectable way to post is in essay form.
Respectable ... contemptible ... whatever ... his posts are difficult to parse, and when I can make any sense of them at all they remind me of the rambling emo freeverse "poetry" that my ex-wife used to write and recite out loud to anyone who would listen.  She was alcoholic and bipolar.  What's his excuse?

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25 Jul 2020, 10:05 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
That's just how he writes. If one is inclined to read his posts they're often insightful although the writing style makes it easy for posters to be very dismissive, but it's not as though the only respectable way to post is in essay form.

I didn't ask you, and nothing you've said is relevant or useful to me. I've been on WP long enough to know that "that's just how he writes."


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25 Jul 2020, 10:24 pm

I just skip over his posts because they are long and don't make sense to me and how they are written.

There are just some writings I find very difficult to read online by how they are structured or written and I can't understand what I am reading.

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25 Jul 2020, 10:40 pm

starkid wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Repetitive, Same, Highly Restricted Narrow Focus Interests, Hindering 'Normal' Reciprocal Social
Communication; Making it Difficult to Make Peer Appropriate Friends; Hmm, 'Autism Speaks'

Why do you capitalize random words and post in short lines of text that look like poetry?

Smiles, It would be a 'Piece of Cake' to 'Write', 'the Normal' Way; But Not unlike Climbing A Mountain
With A Harness Versus No Harness, It would be way too easy at this point for me to attain
An Autotelic Flow, Ecstatically in Peaks As Steady Plateau of 'Divine Frission', if i went
back to 'the easy way of Writing', 'Plain Old English'; For The Experience in
Flow to be Maximized This Way in Complexity, it takes Many 'Bigger
Picture Parts in Details' that are beyond Reasoning and Intuitively
Done as A Song Where Each Capital Letter is
Emphasis of a Song in
Colors of Emotions i feel
in Bliss when i actually do
it; it's like the Shapes that come;
i am not Logically Pre-planning them
in Advance, They Just come in Flow too;
In other Words, it's Practically the Difference
in Painting by Numbers as a Concrete Science
Versus A Painting that comes as Brush and Paint
And Canvas Become One Force of Flow; It's like when
i played Tennis for a decade, When Younger, Often Just with
A BackBoard and me, Where Racquet And Ball Joins Backboard
for a General Experience of Flow but missing all the Colors that
Come When Emotions Change with every Letter of each Word that
is all A Symphony And Orchestra where i am the Conductor of it too;
Actually, this is part of what i am naming a "Frednata" today, just for A Day
Of Fun in Art Flow as originally it has 3 Movements in General Themes and Now This is
Adding to the Last Theme i wrote here And i'm gonna Use 'Pomp And Circumstance'
As The Theme Song here; the Song came to 'Soul' as i was starting to put about
7 Thousand Words Together; and now i am going to have a Fourth Song Now
To Fit these Words in Appropriately too; i started this Morning And Have
Visited Scores of Sources in 'Muse' Around the Globe; Mostly Indian
Women Writing Poetry And Folks in Other Areas of the World.
But yes, its gets much bigger than that as this is my Special
Interest, Writing Epic Long Form Poetry as i have literally
Written 8.3 MiLLioN Words Like this in 83 Months
Where i use Facebook as Another Note Pad
to Write as i go With Copy and
Paste of the other places
i go as the Words
Always are addressed
to someone some place
whether they listen or not; hehe;
They End up Flowing As Streams into
Rivers of An Ocean Whole Poem i name
"SonG oF mY SoUL" That is my Entire Blog
on WordPress Illustrated with over 100,000 Photos
i took with over 10,000 YouTube Videos that Accompany
As Theme Songs And Supporting Global Cultural Information
to Support the Long Form Epic Free Verse Poem i am writing
for 83 months, along with 13,442 Miles of Public Dance as
Every Epic Long Form Poem Needs a Central Character on some
kind of unusual 'Heroic' Journey and it all fits right in as i document
That Living Breathing experience to the detail of A Viral Video someone
Else took of me that Received over 88 Thousand Views and 1300 Comments
in the Long form Poem; Yes, Documented Where the Metro Area Community Assessed
me in Terms of Legend, Folk Hero, Spirit Animal, City icon, 'Mr. Seville Quarter'; Yes, the
Largest Dance Hall in the Metro Area; and basically, 'He is everywhere, And If You haven't
Seen him; you don't get out much' as i have literally Public Danced everywhere i go
in every store i go as my wife does love to shop and it gives me A Challenge for
Another Source of Moving Meditation in Ecstatic Autotelic Flow Where 'Divine
Frission' Is Commonly Experienced too; Basically, Heaven Within; there are
lots of Metaphors for this Ecstatic Flow Achieved Ranging From Tao
to Prana to Satori to Kundalini Rising to Chi And Holy Creative
Spirit as some folks experience some level of this by Participating
in Communal Concerts; Sure, Raves and Other free Dance, Communal
Activities; And Even Gospel Singing Events as Even Sam Harris, the Famous
Atheist Neuroscience Guy, Admits is a real Deal of Ascending And Transcending
the Neo-Cortex in Transient Hypo-Frontality Beyond Illusions of Past and Present
into the More Comprehensive Conscious and Subconscious Mindful Awareness commonly
Called flow; the Sweet Spot 'Tween Apathy and Anxiety; Just the Kingdom of Heaven within
now out of all Illusory Fears where one is much more open to Positive Loving Feelings all about
Life Through
of Dark
Joy oF LiGhT
As Metaphor of Course;
There is a Bit of Chaos
Magic Pleasure When i Bring
All these Left Justified Shapes
Into Center Justification of My
Blog Posts that i name MacroVerses
that have been hitting around 40,000
Words a Weekly Post now; Knowing that i
was in the 'Non Knowing' of Flow the Entire
Intuitive Blissful Feelings in Colors of Emotions
as Letters Become Words and Words Become
Complex Songs of Emotions i feel as the
Shapes of the Overall Poetry really
Makes the Art of my Soul
Organic in the final
Product i Electronically
Publish Each Week; Look at it
this way, if you will; A Nautilus Shell
Starts Out as a rather Simple Looking Form
By the End of the Art of the Form Produced by
A Creature with no 'Rational Mind', the Shape of
the Milky Way comes in Golden Phi Spiral Way
in Mean Ratio of 1.618, the Finger Print of
The Chaos Magic of Cosmos Order
Come to Fruition from the
Smallest of Sub-Atomic
Particles in Spiraling
Flow to the Words on
this Page and Beyond the
Milky Way Our Locality in This
Galaxy now; In other words, i surely
am not here to 'win any debate'; the Ecstasy
of the "SonG of My SoUL" Is Written into Each and
Every Intuitive Letter That Naturally comes next
no Different Really than Water And Waves That Make Ocean Whole
'You and
me' when
we lose
the Illusions
of Distance, Space,
Time and All Matter
as all that's left is
Loving Bliss
of the
Gift Now
As the Flow
Dances and SingS on...
There are a lot of Artful
Ways to Achieve this in Life
this is just one more path to
ReAlly Breathing Heaven now;
But Honestly, these Words are nothing
More than Word Salad without the Essence
of the Feelings and Senses of the Colors of Heaven within
That Make The Bliss; Yes The Blow-Out Fresh Nirvana Real.

The Pomp and Circumstance
is in Every Letter of Song
And Step of Dance
When all in
Life becomes
Holy and Sacred
Full of Meaning and
Purpose; Every Breath;
Every Image; Every Step
As Dance And Word As Song;
There is Just more to Love about
Life and Make even More Holy and
Sacred And Divine Now; it's a Nautilus
Shell my FRiEnD; Just the Milky Way; Just
Another Slob And Face of God Free With
Eyes and Ears that see much more than Black and White Concrete Life.
Spoon Fed From Birth; in measure of Paint By Number and Instruction Life.

Robin Williams Described it Well in the Dead Poet Society too; i'm always
Standing on a Desk; And really the correct answer is the Same one that Fictional 'Forrest
Gump' Gave when the News Asked him Why He was Running in Flow Across the United States;

He didn't need Any Ten Gallon Hat Fancy Words; He, Just said, "Because i Felt Like Running";
Eventually, He chose another Special Interest in Flow; And Another; And Another and the whole thing
becomes Just
A Chaos
One with
the Spirit
of Loving Free Wind.

Smiles, My FRiEnD True Original
Art in Creativity of Chaos Magic
is Far Beyond All Whys and Reasons
Yet i do my best to answer folk's questions;
as that's Just another Muse for the Path i am enjoying now..:)

Here's the Last Weekly 43 Thousand Word Effort Completed this week;
It's Rated PG; But if Scantily Clad Women and Men Offend; It's Probably not where ya wanna go..:)

When i sit at any 'Forrest Gump Bus Stop' And Relate this Journey it's easy enough to convince non-Believers



one Link;

The MacroVerse Below it; Just one
Blog Post is a 338,630 Word Blog Post;
that does require Great Internet Speed and Computer Power to open up.

It's really Hard for most folks to Wrap their Mind around what an effort of
an 8.3 MiLLioN Word Epic Long Form Poem Makes; but to get a Visual image
of it; it may Help to imagine 10 King James Sizes Bibles; And 100 or so Qurans.
Took Muhammad 23 Years for 80,000 Words of about 2,000 Words of Vocabulary
someone else wrote the words down for him and eventually Printed; And of course
Many Centuries and Innumerable Ghost Authors for the King James Effort; The Second
Place Epic Longest Long form Poem that took Centuries and Innumerable Authors from
India is the 'Mahābhārata' From India at 1.8 Million Words Long; one of the Subchapters
of 9 Larger than the King James Version of a Bible is 1.82 MiLLion Words Long as that
took 13.6 Months; i am Financially Independent with more Money than i will possibly
Ever Spend in my Lifetime and my Wife too; i would never accept money now for
anything i do; even it had any value at all to anyone in the Twitter Sized
World of Attention We LiVE iN Now; it's just cool to achieve
one Art in life that
no one else
will likely
ever equal
and if they did
Imitation is one
of the Greater honors too;
But i would hate to see someone
Bore themselves out of Human
Potential Just doing a style of someone else...

It's All Just 'Pomp and Circumstance'; but i don't
take it any more serious than each loving sacred breath i take..:) ... -now-2020/ ... rsenovel3/

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

Last edited by aghogday on 26 Jul 2020, 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.


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25 Jul 2020, 10:49 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
starkid wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Repetitive, Same, Highly Restricted Narrow Focus Interests, Hindering 'Normal' Reciprocal Social
Communication; Making it Difficult to Make Peer Appropriate Friends; Hmm, 'Autism Speaks'

Why do you capitalize random words and post in short lines of text that look like poetry?

That's just how he writes. If one is inclined to read his posts they're often insightful although the writing style makes it easy for posters to be very dismissive, but it's not as though the only respectable way to post is in essay form.

Smiles; Thanks for Your Humanity;
i find it Refreshing and Rational, Indeed..:)

Rationality is Supported more Without too much Emotionality
of 'Butthurt' Over Differences; Ironic isn't it; With Smiles; i find Your Posts Rational and Insightful too.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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25 Jul 2020, 10:53 pm

Fnord wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
starkid wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Repetitive, Same, Highly Restricted Narrow Focus Interests, Hindering 'Normal' Reciprocal Social Communication; Making it Difficult to Make Peer Appropriate Friends; Hmm, 'Autism Speaks'
Why do you capitalize random words and post in short lines of text that look like poetry?
That's just how he writes. If one is inclined to read his posts they're often insightful although the writing style makes it easy for posters to be very dismissive, but it's not as though the only respectable way to post is in essay form.
Respectable ... contemptible ... whatever ... his posts are difficult to parse, and when I can make any sense of them at all they remind me of the rambling emo freeverse "poetry" that my ex-wife used to write and recite out loud to anyone who would listen.  She was alcoholic and bipolar.  What's his excuse?

Some Sounds of 'Silence' just for you Mr. 'Fnord'..:)

Keep Smiling; but try not to Break Anything on 'Your Way'..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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26 Jul 2020, 12:15 am

aghogday wrote:
starkid wrote:
Why do you capitalize random words and post in short lines of text that look like poetry?

For The Experience in
Flow to be Maximized This Way in Complexity, it takes Many 'Bigger
Picture Parts in Details' that are beyond Reasoning and Intuitively
Done as A Song Where Each Capital Letter is
Emphasis of a Song in
Colors of Emotions i feel
in Bliss when i actually do
it; it's like the Shapes that come;
i am not Logically Pre-planning them
in Advance, They Just come in Flow too;
In other Words, it's Practically the Difference
in Painting by Numbers as a Concrete Science
Versus A Painting that comes as Brush and Paint

So basically you just post however you feel like posting in the moment. I thought maybe you were struggling with a communication deficit.